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Ride You Felt Was Unsafe?

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I was wondering had anyone ever felt extremely unsafe on a rollercoaster, or any other ride? When I was little i felt unsafe on Kamakaze a flat ride found at most fairs. Maybe this would be an interesting topic.


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I felt very unsafe on the La Ruleta at Western Playland. It is a Round Up. The ride started jerking like crazy and the ride started to lower back to the ground but then when straight back up. It evn started making cracking noises. When I got off the ride, they closed it down and called the maintanence. I was really freaked out during the whole ride! :shock:

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^ I understand that one, on the main lift at the end of the ride the boost wheels make alot of noise. Freaks some people out, but its always done that. I am deaftly afraid of Ferris Wheels, for some reason i really dislike them there is a flimsy feeling with them that i dont like. I guess I feel too voulnerable riding them. I will ride them with others, but never on my own, they just freak me out.

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I feel unsafe on the Hi-Roller (not the one at the stratosphere) there is a lock the keeps the cage closed, when it was upside-down the cage opened on us and we hung on for life! and then we were lowered and let off.


They only gave us free tickets for the fair and didnt even say sorry.


Sorry for the small size of the pic. I will try to inlarge it.


This ride kicks ass when not broke!




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Just about anything that's part of a traveling carnival/amusement operation. I take my kids to a local park fairly regularly. They have a traveling amusement ride assortment a couple of times every year. After seeing the dirtbag meth-heads that they have assembling the rides, there's no way I'd let any of my family on those death traps.


Billy "Call me prejudiced if you want, but that's the way it is" Hill

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Tree Top Racers at Adventure City near Knotts. That thing looked like it was going to fall apart.


Also the wild mouse at Quassy. Similar idea, just looked like it was going to fall over. And then there was the kiddy coaster Little Dipper at Quassy as well. We actually had a roll back on it. It got to the top of the hill before slipping backwards down the chain lift. The ride op then looked at me confused and muttered "Uh, too much weight??". Then he proceeded to throw it back into gear. 2nd time we actually made it over the lift hill.

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Seriously, I think we can all agree on fairs/carnivals being scary and unsafe. Last year at the Iowa State Fair I went on 2 kiddie coasters. Both of them were shakey and went way faster than they should of. My friend Liz is afraid of coasters but I got her on both of them. The whole time she just held on really tight and said, "Oh Jesus, oh Jesus!"

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Easy. I felt very unsafe at the Hurricane at the SCBB. It's not a fast little coaster, but I don't like the feeling of being 40 feet up in the air and feeling like the train is going to flip off the tracks. Ehhhh. I would say that Muholland Madness at DCA is a close second, but that's only because I HATE wild mouse rides.

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Before I went on it, I was afraid of SooperDooperLooper at Hersheypark because I thought I was going to fall out. I had never been on a looping coaster with no over the head restraints and I am skinny so I was more scared of that little thing then I was of Great Bear(which I wasn't afraid of at all). Of course, I survived.

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I've had my lap restraint open on me on the Wild Mouse at Flamingoland (Maurer Sohne Wild Mouse) on the lower bunny hops after the switchback section. It was quite scary at first, but the forces on that ride aren't enough to throw you out of the seat, so we just held it down till the end.

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I remember when I went on Raging Wolf Bobs at GL in the late 90's. I thought I was gonna die on that thing from the beating it gave me.


I went on one of those swinging/looping things once, it was called the skymaster. I remember freaking out once it hung me upside down. I felt like it was never going to come back down. I like inversions and all, but not being held upside down like that.

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Eyerly Rock-o-Plane that came with the fair. It looked really old and rusty and the sounds from the engine werent that great either. The ride was awesome though, but I was a bit nervous about the entire ride collapsing

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I remember one time on Medusa East when I hit the second inversion of the Cobra Roll and my OTSR popped out one click...OH GOD that was scary! I held on real tight for the rest of that ride!


That same thing happened to my on an S&S Space Shot. It almost felt like 2 or 3 clicks acually. I held on really tight for the rest of the ride too!

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zonga at sfmw. the whole red loop lifts up off the ground a few inches when the train goes over it then bangs on the ground. also the fact that everyone that was coming off the ride looked like they were gunna die any second.

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I, along with Mr Stratosphere and FlyingScooter, hate Ferris Wheels! Especially when I ride them with my sister because she purposely rocks the chair back and fourth which scares the crap out of me. I think I'm scared of them because they take them apart and move them around and there is always that chance that they forgot to put in that one screw... :shock:

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