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Congrats to Robb and Elissa


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I'm so very excited for you two. It's hard to know how to congratulate two people you've never met but seem to know so much about... (It's also weird to know so much about two people you've never met!) But since I do, I know how much fun you two will be as parents and what a blessing children are. Congratulations and best of luck!



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Elissa did you guys over hear Jody and my plan on the UK trip by chance, the talk of having the perfectly timed child so not to interrupt coaster season.


congratulations to the both of you. Jody and i will be right next you with the whole baby coming soon all winter issues, and i bet since you seam close to as far along as Jody is that will will have them not to far apart.


best wishes

Dave and Jody

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Congratulations and what great news!!!


If I am invited to the Baby Shower I will buy you Playskool's new "Baby's First Vekoma"


No really, just kidding.


Again, I wish all three of you the best !!!

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Now that Elissa's pregnant, does that mean she'll start craving non-Elissa friendly foods? Think she'll have unexplained cravings for pasta sauce and Burger King?

She'll have an unexplained craving for raisins!




Nah, that's crazy talk. No one has a craving for those. I still have the raisin bag marks from when they were chucked at me during the treats shift I took!

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