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Congrats to Robb and Elissa


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The kid has no credits right now...well unless you're Jeff Johnson and count the Seuss Trolley at IOA!


Elissa, your safe to ride coasters until your fourth month. Believe it or not, my wife had no signs with our first child. My oldest has pre birth credits on the Racer, Beast, and Vortex! Allow me to chime in with my congratulations to you and Robb!

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If the kid doesn't like coasters, they're gonna reject it, try and have it adopted, and if that fails, throw it out on the street, just like any good parent with a hobby would if their child chose to not take up that hobby also.

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The kid has no credits right now...well unless you're Jeff Johnson and count the Seuss Trolley at IOA!


Elissa, your safe to ride coasters until your fourth month. Believe it or not, my wife had no signs with our first child. My oldest has pre birth credits on the Racer, Beast, and Vortex! Allow me to chime in with my congratulations to you and Robb!


Still i, personally would nugde my wife (though i don't even have a girlfriend at the moment) into the safer direction and have her avoid any high excitement/intensity rides until the child is born.


It'll most likely like rollercoasters.

It'll be raised around them.



I think its hereditary,i got it from my dad who it think got it from my great uncle!

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Hmmm...I go away for awhile, then lose my job, then go to Florida for a week, come back, and find out that Elissa's pregnant? Wow!!!


I will not say "congrats" because I can't stand that word. However, I will say "congratulations" and wish both of you all the best. Speaking from experience, watching a child grow up is one of the most wonderful things you can go through. I am most pleased with what I have.


Hope to see you guys soon.



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Still i, personally would not let my wife (though i don't even have a girlfriend at the moment) ride any high excitement/intensity rides until the child is born.


I don't think it has anything to do with you LETTING anyone do anything. It'd be her choice.


No wonder you don't have a girlfriend.

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Well, I personally have already given my Congrats to the Alvey Family! And Again, Love ya guys, congrats!




I feel as though this thread needs to be more of a support thread and to send your congrats. Not a thread where debating on what Elissa can / cant ride and how she should go about raising her kin. Remember, it is their personal life, not ours. So keep it civil and polite!



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The kid has no credits right now...well unless you're Jeff Johnson and count the Seuss Trolley at IOA!


Elissa, your safe to ride coasters until your fourth month. Believe it or not, my wife had no signs with our first child. My oldest has pre birth credits on the Racer, Beast, and Vortex! Allow me to chime in with my congratulations to you and Robb!


Still i, personally would nugde my wife (though i don't even have a girlfriend at the moment) into the safer direction and have her avoid any high excitement/intensity rides until the child is born.


I wasn't telling my wife, or Elissa, it was safe to ride a coaster when 4 months pregnant. What I was saying was my wife and I had no idea we had a little one on the way. If we had known there was a child coming , there would be no way on God's green earth my wife would be on those rides.

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Well, I personally have already given my Congrats to the Alvey Family! And Again, Love ya guys, congrats!




I feel as though this thread needs to be more of a support thread and to send your congrats. Not a thread where debating on what Elissa can / cant ride and how she should go about raising her kin. Remember, it is their personal life, not ours. So keep it civil and polite!




Thank you Ryan Alvey!


Seriously, nobody is telling her what to and not to do, and thngs are quite civil.

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