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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's a teaser for Valravn!


BTW does anyone think that Valravn will have the new B&M restraints?

I thought the same, but someone else earlier brought up that dive machines have very little head banging to begin with.

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I was just hovering around the B&M website and I noticed a few things about the different dive coasters they have shown.



Oblivion seats 8 across, the arrangement CP wants. But it only has 2 cars, AND it has a floor... Cost: 12 Million GBP


Sheikra's track spine seems to be more wide than it is thick - like the ones at the plant. it also seats 8 across, but it has 3 cars and is floorless - Cost: 13.5 Million. Length of over 3,000 feet. This makes me think M wont be too far off... but it is 10 years old...


Griffon was 15,6 million, but its 10 across. I feel like that could possibly be why it has larger track than it's coaster counterparts and possibly also why it cost more. Larger trains create more stress. so I feel like unless CP adds a 4th car or something bizzare, maybe again, 15 Million wont be too far off.


I have Krake here to show how the spine changes thickness. If you look by the bottom of the immelman its clearly thicker than by the coaster train in this image. So I'd say spine thickness isnt always a 100% accurate determinate of coaster type - just for fun - this one cost 12 million euros and is 1,562 feet long.


Just a random little 6 seat wide dive machine to show that the track isnt always HUGE. This coaster opened up this year - its 1,857 feet long, and like krake, it was 12 millon Euros to build


So, price wise, as I mentioned a few times, maybe $15M isn't too far off at all... We've all been comparing it to Griffon, but in all honesty, griffon has 6 more seats per train than Valravn would have, That adds weight which I'm sure increases stress and therefore requires a thicker spine.


The last dive machine to be built cost $13,052,220.00 according to a currency converter. yes it is a 6 per row version, and it is shorter, but in the end, as someone else mentioned, maybe $15M isn't the final price tag either.


Sorry it's late, but I wanted to get my two cents in before the actual ride is announced. If it even is a Dive Machine.

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


It was in the memo.

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes



They could buy Flash Passes if this ride were built at Six Flags... But I don't think their Flash Pass would do them much good at Cedar Point.

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes


CP does everything to maximize capacity and has some of the best operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds. CP does not intentionally create a long line. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on this forum.

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes



They could buy Flash Passes if this ride were built at Six Flags... But I don't think their Flash Pass would do them much good at Cedar Point.



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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes


CP does everything to maximize capacity and has some of the best operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds. CP does not intentionally create a long line. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on this forum.


I agree. A park that has multiple coasters with double stations obviously places an extremely high value on efficiency and capacity.

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Just curious, where in the world did we hear from a decent source they wanted 8 across seating? That seems illogical, I'd assume they would want as much capacity as they can get.


Longer the line, the more people that would buy flash passes


CP does everything to maximize capacity and has some of the best operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds. CP does not intentionally create a long line. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on this forum.


I agree 100%.

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Sorry for the double post.



Still looking to see if anyone knows the up charge cost of the slingshot at Cedar Point. And which is better, Kings Island or Cedar Point?!?


I can't tell you for sure, but I remember seeing at least one of the slingshots had a varied price depending on the time of day and business of the park. I believe it was Kings Island where it ranged from 15(maybe even 5...) during early entry, to 25 in the late afternoon.

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CP does everything to maximize capacity and has THE BEST operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds



I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible.

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Sorry for the double post.



Still looking to see if anyone knows the up charge cost of the slingshot at Cedar Point. And which is better, Kings Island or Cedar Point?!?


Both CP and KI ( and I'm sure many others) vary the price based on demand.


I can't tell you for sure, but I remember seeing at least one of the slingshots had a varied price depending on the time of day and business of the park. I believe it was Kings Island where it ranged from 15(maybe even 5...) during early entry, to 25 in the late afternoon.

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Cedar Point's Slingshot is always $25.


The park also seems to be pushing people through the lines faster now, compared to the beginning of the season where they didn't start checking restraints until the station was empty of guests from the train that just came in. That seems to have been fixed, Rougarou was bad when they did that, plus GateKeeper which is a people eater, was stacking 3 trains consistently while trying that method out. Glad its gone now!

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CP does everything to maximize capacity and has THE BEST operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds



I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible.


As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with.

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Everytime i go to cedar point the Price for Slingshot and other rides like that the Price is set. The last times i was at kings island the price for the rides change as the day goes on and the amount of people in the park. sometimes they do buy one get one or 15 a person things like that

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CP does everything to maximize capacity and has THE BEST operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds



I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible.


As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with.

You're shitting, right? There's a difference between being efficient and bitchy. Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins, and practically shoving people into the seats. And if you didn't teleport to the seat and magically do your restraint instantly, you would get some dirty-ass look as she slammed the restraint down and shoved the seatbelt into the lock.

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CP does everything to maximize capacity and has THE BEST operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds



I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible.


As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with.

You're shitting, right? There's a difference between being efficient and bitchy. Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins, and practically shoving people into the seats. And if you didn't teleport to the seat and magically do your restraint instantly, you would get some dirty-ass look as she slammed the restraint down and shoved the seatbelt into the lock.

Yup, I'm sure every op at Cedar Point is like this...

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CP does everything to maximize capacity and has THE BEST operations out there because it pulls in huge crowds



I have yet to visit a park with better operations than Cedar Point. Even on slow days, every coaster (minus Wicked Twister obviously) runs at least two trains. It's clear that the park prides itself in getting the line moving as fast as possible.


As far as American regional corporate parks go I would agree that Cedar Point has the best operations out there. Sure parks like Knoebels still put them to shame, but they also have far less ridiculous safety devices / scans and checks to contend with.

You're shitting, right? There's a difference between being efficient and bitchy. Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins, and practically shoving people into the seats. And if you didn't teleport to the seat and magically do your restraint instantly, you would get some dirty-ass look as she slammed the restraint down and shoved the seatbelt into the lock.


Well at least she was working hard to get the trains out quickly.

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Last time I was on GateKeeper, one of the ride ops was running up and down the station, taking everyone's stuff, just tossing it into the bins,


If I were to see something like this going on I would be reporting that person to guest relations or whoever else needs to be informed. I don't know all the ins and outs of park operations, but I thought the bins were put in use so that employees didn't have to handle riders belongings and therefore the park can state they aren't responsible for them (this outside of providing a place for loose articles). I would think an employee taking them and putting them in for you would make them responsible should they go missing or broken. This is one reason they are starting to put lockers in now with new coasters (besides increasing capacity)....they will be at the rest soon enough.

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