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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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IMO that kills the wooden coaster feeling entirely. I have a large distaste for Goliath's lift hill. Paired with topper track, I sometimes forget that it is a wooden coaster.

I'm not a fan of that lift either but it's not like RMC only does that. Outlaw run looks perfectly "woodyish" except for one or two bits of steel in the inversions.


I have no problem woth topper track. But when you pair it with that lift, I slightly forget to think of it as a woodie. And plus the old lift looked massive.. Would have been pretty cool.


But I dont think it would even be cost efficient to replace Mean Streak's lift like this lol.

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Not to stir the rumor mill since the CP track is unsubstantiated right now, but Griffon track/supports started arriving around this time in 2006. If the dive machine rumors are true, they're a bit more involved to build due to their size. The footers need to sit a long time of course too on any ride.

Edited by DrachenfireOP
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I'm in the camp of "pics or it didn't happen", but that said it wasn't uncommon in the past for the park to start receiving deliveries of ride parts before the heavy ground work has started.


A solid example of this was Maverick. Track had started to appear in May of 2006, while site clearing was still on-going. The track was placed in the field next to Breakers Express. So I wouldn't say its not possible, but with someone with such a low post count giving this information without any pictures to back it up, I'm going to sit firmly on the skeptical side.


If the track/supports is delivered to the parking lot though I wouldn't expect it to stay there. Halloweekends crowds are massive, and they can max out the parking lot - so they'll need all the space they can get.

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^That could just be why. Maybe they want to ship it in and move it out of the parking lot before Haunt so theyre not wasting space? Anybody know what time of day ride shipments usually arrive? Not only is the track massive but also the supports.


I know they probably have room, but this is my only guess. They haven't poured footers and those would have to sit anyway.

Edited by RollerManic
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A few months ago a guy that posted a bad a$$ RMC conversion that he created. I think it would be perfect for Mean Streak.


Since you speak of it, and for those who haven't seen it, here's my "bad a$$ RMC conversion"


Oh. My. God. Cedar Point PLEASE!!!!


I left Cedar Point Saturday morning and I noticed two large truck loads of roller coaster supports located in the right parking lot exiting the park....Have this been mentioned anywhere else?


On this site, if you post something like this you need pictures, or basically no one is going to believe you.

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pics or it didn't happen!


I actually wouldn't be surprised if it were true, dive coasters have a pretty "involved" building process. My question is, why recieve supports before pouring the footers? (if they haven't already). Even for Fury 325 which is much larger than what this will be, the footers were poured before the announcement and then the track and supports arrived. I'm going to reserve my judgement until pictures are posted.

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Adding to the rumor mill, I believe I know what we are getting!! Not only a roller coaster but something else!;) when using Cedar Point's newest version of their app I found this: ImageUploadedByTapatalk1437395690.361651.jpg.6e54d3c945c585b1012ad63e87c434a7.jpg


This would make sense with tiki twirl being added this year, just bringing back more history!!


-yes I am kidding with this, but have you found any other fun stuff with the app??-


In other news: I forgot to quote them, but the comm enemy about the footers for Griffin, could this dive coaster just simply be smaller track size and thus can start later??

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