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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Very possible, and I wouldn't read TOO much into this because it's a different park, but I seem to recall DF and Alpengeist track arriving around early September. I don't really recall Apollo, but I'm pretty sure they started pouring footers well after DF closed, but Griffon stuff started showing up around late July. (IIRC, Le Mans closed either at the very end of June, or the first week of July, and they started site prep and footers almost immediately after. The first supports and track arrived way earlier than any of BGWs previous coasters, and the construction was finished later than most. Drachen Fire's opening day was April 4. Alpengeist was March 22. Apollo was March 30. Griffon was May 18 despite an earlier-than-normal construction start time.


Again, this is a different park, many years later, and any number of things could have led to Griffon being a larger, longer project, but just from this experience, I believe dive machines really just have a lot more to them from a physical labor and testing side of things. They put a LOT more strain on the structure than smaller coasters.


Edit - Just editing to say that, because we have no pictures, I'm going to go ahead and assume the mythical supports don't exist. Someone else would have noticed by now.

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Was there complaining like this when El Toro was announced? I went back in the thread and I don't understand some of the things people are saying. At least I didn't see anyone concerned about the heartline of a dive coaster.


It's much like that of a Wing Coaster. The rotation of the trains, especially on Immelmann's are compensated by the slow speed. This causes brief zero-g's at the apex of the inversion, as the train rotates out of the element to reduce the amount of lateral gravitational forces. The same thing happens with GateKeeper's immelmann, it exits the element slower than other B&M models with Immelmann's to compensate for the lateral forces. Basically, the only problems the Hartline presents on these types of coasters in the roll rate.


Note: People complain about Wing coasters being forceless/slow through the inversions, yet they don't know that if they were to have that "force" they'd have a broken neck. I rest my case.

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So if you've seen the video for Kentucky Kingdom's new coaster Storm Chaser, you see that they've made an entirely new wooden coaster using the preexisting wooden structure. RMC should do the same to Mean Streak instead of converting it into a steel coaster. Otherwise, CP would only have one tiny woodie and two hybrids.

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So if you've seen the video for Kentucky Kingdom's new coaster Storm Chaser, you see that they've made an entirely new wooden coaster using the preexisting wooden structure. RMC should do the same to Mean Streak instead of converting it into a steel coaster. Otherwise, CP would only have one tiny woodie and two hybrids.


Actually, I don't believe a single part of Storm Chaser is going to be wood anymore, steel track and steel supports.

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Was there complaining like this when El Toro was announced? I went back in the thread and I don't understand some of the things people are saying. At least I didn't see anyone concerned about the heartline of a dive coaster.


It's much like that of a Wing Coaster. The rotation of the trains, especially on Immelmann's are compensated by the slow speed. This causes brief zero-g's at the apex of the inversion, as the train rotates out of the element to reduce the amount of lateral gravitational forces. The same thing happens with GateKeeper's immelmann, it exits the element slower than other B&M models with Immelmann's to compensate for the lateral forces. Basically, the only problems the Hartline presents on these types of coasters in the roll rate.


Note: People complain about Wing coasters being forceless/slow through the inversions, yet they don't know that if they were to have that "force" they'd have a broken neck. I rest my case.

Thank you, this is an awesome post, I laughed when I read that.

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Storm Chaser is an IBox coaster, not Topper Track. Even though the video shows a wooden track it is a No Limits simulation not a custom CGI creation that bigger parks tend to make for their new rides. It's only a rendering not indicative of the final product. The official press release gives all the important info, go check out the Kentucky Kingdom thread.

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I say tear down Mean Streak and replace it with a record breaking GCI.



If Cedar Point had RMC transform Mean Streak this way, it would allow for both a new coaster and land for future expansion. Two birds with one stone.

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I say tear down Mean Streak and replace it with a record breaking GCI.



If Cedar Point had RMC transform Mean Streak this way, it would allow for both a new coaster and land for future expansion. Two birds with one stone.


I like that idea. Anything to open up land without removing a ride completely is good for Cedar Point.

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Your logo sucks

Yeah, like I'm gonna spend 3 hours in PS creating a super realistic logo.


I mainly created that so you guys could see what I think Valravn could look like! I think a dive machine with this layout would be awesome, can't wait for the real one to be announced!!!

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Not to take this topic too far off track, but have Sunday's this summer been just as busy as Saturday's? I'm heading up to the Point for one day and want to make sure that when I purchase FL+, the lines are long enough to justify buying it!


@TB305, I like the layout you had in that "rendering." What are the stats in your version?

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Not to take this topic too far off track, but have Sunday's this summer been just as busy as Saturday's? I'm heading up to the Point for one day and want to make sure that when I purchase FL+, the lines are long enough to justify buying it!


@TB305, I like the layout you had in that "rendering." What are the stats in your version?

Max Height: 263 feet tall

Length: 5,290 feet long

Max speed: I'll get back to you, doing some reprofiling of the pullout.


Also, speak of the devil, as of now 2 Instagram pages have posted it. I am sorry to all who will be disappointed by the real layout.

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This is just NL2 and some Photoshop... don't kill me please


I personally think that looks great. I would love it if Cedar Point were to have a similar layout to what you came up with!

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