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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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In all seriousness, however, if Cedar Point intends to continue to add one per week, you can expect an announcement (or an announcement about an announcement) on the sign on or around August 11 if Pipe Scream is not counted as a coaster, and on or around August 18 if it is.


counting Pipe Scream will be the biggest troll move ever HOWEVER they do still have it listed a roller coaster on their site... smh. Either way pipe scream does not belong on a wall with their impressive coaster line up. They really do not need to pad the stats. lol

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counting Pipe Scream will be the biggest troll move ever HOWEVER they do still have it listed a roller coaster on their site... smh. Either way pipe scream does not belong on a wall with their impressive coaster line up. They really do not need to pad the stats. lol


Well, it's on a track. Idk what other criteria there is to consider something a coaster.

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^The coaster purists among us will only consider those that run under gravity power as a true roller coaster. I personally don't care. If Cedar Point wants to call Pipe Scream a coaster, so be it.


Although for the record I consider it a flat ride...

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^The coaster purists among us will only consider those that run under gravity power as a true roller coaster. I personally don't care. If Cedar Point wants to call Pipe Scream a coaster, so be it.


Although for the record I consider it a flat ride...


I wish there was some way or governing body that would say, this is a X roller coaster, or this is not a roller coaster at all. I think about all the RMC hybrids, and I think about rides like Pipescream. In theory If Pipe Scream is not a roller coaster is Superman's Escape at MM and if so why?


I think in it would be still be a troll move b/c Pipe Scream is not exactly world class in any sense of the word.

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^The coaster purists among us will only consider those that run under gravity power as a true roller coaster. I personally don't care. If Cedar Point wants to call Pipe Scream a coaster, so be it.


Although for the record I consider it a flat ride...


I wish there was some way or governing body that would say, this is a X roller coaster, or this is not a roller coaster at all. I think about all the RMC hybrids, and I think about rides like Pipescream. In theory If Pipe Scream is not a roller coaster is Superman's Escape at MM and if so why?


I think in it would be still be a troll move b/c Pipe Scream is not exactly world class in any sense of the word.


Disk-O's are powered the whole time, they don't use purely gravity at any point. Wicked Twister, Superman and every other impulse coaster/(coaster with a spike) use purely gravity, and that's how many people distinguish it as a coaster. Now I could see the argument of calling pipe scream a powered impulse coaster, but I don't count powered coasters so I don't care. (Why aren't trains powered coasters? They have a track? I don't get it)

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Well, according to Zamperla, it is a roller coaster. Link


But, they also state that the not-so-well-reviewed Thunderbolt is "The new extreme thrill." I'll just let that speak for itself.


However, Zamperla does state that it's basically an extended Disko Thrill Ride.

The Disk’ò Coaster utilizes the same innovative seat design of the original Disk’ò ride especially designed with a back restraint which leaves both arms and legs free to move), but also offers an awe inspiring, extended track with a camelback hump. The result is a new and unique roller coaster mixing together the effects of a roller coaster and a spinning ride.

(Typo. Lol, Zamperla.)


Anyways, most enthusiasts only consider gravity run coasters to be true roller coasters. Even RCDB differentiates "powered coasters" from "roller coasters." I've never heard anyone at Kings Island ever call Surf Dog a "coaster."


It's really a tomato, tamata debate. I for one, do not consider it a coaster. So therefore I do not care if someone does consider it one. The proof is in the ride itself.


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Well, according to Zamperla, it is a roller coaster. Link


But, they also state that the not-so-well-reviewed Thunderbolt is "The new extreme thrill." I'll just let that speak for itself.


However, Zamperla does state that it's basically an extended Disko Thrill Ride.

The Disk’ò Coaster utilizes the same innovative seat design of the original Disk’ò ride especially designed with a back restraint which leaves both arms and legs free to move), but also offers an awe inspiring, extended track with a camelback hump. The result is a new and unique roller coaster mixing together the effects of a roller coaster and a spinning ride.

(Typo. Lol, Zamperla.)


Anyways, most enthusiasts only consider gravity run coasters to be true roller coasters. Even RCDB differentiates "powered coasters" from "roller coasters." I've never heard anyone at Kings Island ever call Surf Dog a "coaster."


It's really a tomato, tamata debate. I for one, do not consider it a coaster. So therefore I do not care if someone does consider it one. The proof is in the ride itself.



I see you point, I think I was using the Pipe Scream and other rides like Superman Great Escape (because in theory they the same thing just one is a little more extreme), to say that it is unclear and gray what is and is not a roller coaster.

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According to Zamperla, it is a roller coaster.

This scored almost as high on the amusement park stupidity meter as Six Flags calling those Larson Super Loops coasters.

Can we really trust a sketchy ride manufacturer like Zamperla to tell us what is a coaster and what isn't? I betcha even ACE doesn't consider it to be a coaster *inserts cow ACE meme here*

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Different people have different opinions on what a roller coaster is. Some people count powered coasters, others do not. As this industry advances there will be more grey areas as to what is a coaster and what isn't a coaster.


DIfferent people have different rules regarding their own count.


With that said:


I really hope they put Pipe Scream on the sign just to see what would happen within the enthusiast community because of it.

Edited by GCI Wooden
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Well, according to Zamperla, it is a roller coaster. Link


But, they also state that the not-so-well-reviewed Thunderbolt is "The new extreme thrill." I'll just let that speak for itself.


However, Zamperla does state that it's basically an extended Disko Thrill Ride.

The Disk’ò Coaster utilizes the same innovative seat design of the original Disk’ò ride especially designed with a back restraint which leaves both arms and legs free to move), but also offers an awe inspiring, extended track with a camelback hump. The result is a new and unique roller coaster mixing together the effects of a roller coaster and a spinning ride.

(Typo. Lol, Zamperla.)


Anyways, most enthusiasts only consider gravity run coasters to be true roller coasters. Even RCDB differentiates "powered coasters" from "roller coasters." I've never heard anyone at Kings Island ever call Surf Dog a "coaster."


It's really a tomato, tamata debate. I for one, do not consider it a coaster. So therefore I do not care if someone does consider it one. The proof is in the ride itself.



I see you point. I think what I was saying is that rides like Pipe Scream and Superman Great Escape are similar thought one in clear more extreme and I wish there was some clear rubric or metric to figure it out. I also was saying even if it is a roller coaster it certainly is not world class.

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How can CP call Pipe Scream a coaster when they refused to acknowledge that Superman The Escape was the first 400ft coaster?


The same way Rachel Dolezal can pretend to be African American.


Oh my god please make it stop... I didn't mean to start any of this, I swear.


There's a special place in hell for people like you.........

Right next to me.

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This board is seriously overdue for a word filter for Super and/or Larson Loops. Something along the lines of "I have nothing better to post except to complain about something everyone else has already complained about that was never really worth complaining about in the first place" would work nicely.

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