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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again... Mean Streak is much, much, much smoother than Blue Streak if you ride it like he did. Lean forward... front row.


I like Blue Streak and still think it's a better ride but Mean Streak when ridden like he rode it is the smoother ride (though I don't consider Blue Streak rough). Next time ride Blue Streak in a non wheel seat, middle row of any car. It's much smoother in those seats.

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I hated Blue Streak my last visit, it was actually decent this time. A little bit rough, yes, but it has some nice floater air, and it's cool that they still take care of a 50 year old ride, while it would be long gone at lots of other parks.


Mean Streak isn't that rough at all (the roughness really is no worse than most woodies) but the layout is flat out terrible. Even the first drop, for as tall as it is, is boring.

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I'd be willing to bet Sky Ride, Dragster, Gatekeeper, Raptor and Windseeker will close at some point as the gusts will likely exceed that speed but it doesn't mean they'll stay closed. If you see them open, ride them ASAP.

Yep, those were the rides that were closed yesterday evening. Gatekeeper and Raptor both reopened later, though I didn't ride either because of the lines. Dragster started testing just as I was leaving the park , though it might not have opened at all because there was lightning soon after.

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Will be at CP for the first time in my life next Tuesday and the forecast looks bleak. Realistically, how accurate is the Ohio weather forecast this many days out?


Not accurate at all. Ohio weather is bipolar. That being said there's as good a chance you'll have more as opposed to less rain than predicted.


Actually I just looked at the forecast. Looks like they're pretty sure it will rain all week next week. The only thing up to questioning is whether or not there'll be thunder. You could still chance it and hope for on/off rains. That would make for a great, uncrowded day!

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Dragster is only loading 10 people per train right now. Is there a reason for this?
they open it with just the front rows and progressively move back to full trains once it's warmed up. It reduces the chance of a rollback if all the weight is at the front.
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They said that Dragster would have a lengthy delay. Not sure exactly how long that means, but I hope they can at least get it open in time for Platinum Pass ERT tonight.


Edit: Never mind, just saw people on it!

Edited by VF15
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I'd bet money on the fact that they'll open it later today. Tomorrow you have nothing to worry about. They have Dragster on a leash now... it breaks down all the time but it's rarely closed for an entire day unless it's closed due to rain or wind.

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Dragster is only loading 10 people per train right now. Is there a reason for this?
they open it with just the front rows and progressively move back to full trains once it's warmed up. It reduces the chance of a rollback if all the weight is at the front.


If Dragster's PLC is anything like Xcelerator's, it takes the average weight of every 5 launches to determine how much power is needed to get the train up to the 79.5mph that is required for a train to clear the top hat. I remember back when I worked Xcelerator a short shot was guaranteed if you completely filled a train early in the morning. Same was to be said at the end of the day. We had to slowly close off 1 row at a time for the last 10 trains or so of the day to prevent a "Catch car overtravel" fault when you sent the 1st empty train to bring the last train of guests back into the station.

Edited by DJeXeL
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It seems like Dragster can't go more more than 10 or 12 launches without having technical difficulties, which is a bummer because it's the only non-kiddie coaster credit I don't have yet.

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Dragster is only loading 10 people per train right now. Is there a reason for this?
they open it with just the front rows and progressively move back to full trains once it's warmed up. It reduces the chance of a rollback if all the weight is at the front.


If Dragster's PLC is anything like Xcelerator's, it takes the average weight of every 5 launches to determine how much power is needed to get the train up to the 79.5mph that is required for a train to clear the top hat. I remember back when I worked Xcelerator a short shot was guaranteed if you completely filled a train early in the morning. Same was to be said at the end of the day. We had to slowly close off 1 row at a time for the last 10 trains or so of the day to prevent a "Catch car overtravel" fault when you sent the 1st empty train to bring the last train of guests back into the station.

Top Thrill Dragsters computer uses the speed that the previous train crest the tower to determine the speed needed to launch the next train to get it to clear at a similar speed. That's why in the morning the progressively load the trains to keep the weight variance small enough that it doesn't cause a roll back, or over speed.
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I hated Blue Streak my last visit, it was actually decent this time. A little bit rough, yes, but it has some nice floater air, and it's cool that they still take care of a 50 year old ride, while it would be long gone at lots of other parks.


Mean Streak isn't that rough at all (the roughness really is no worse than most woodies) but the layout is flat out terrible. Even the first drop, for as tall as it is, is boring.



I agree with this. I rode Blue Streak once back in 2013, and it was terrible, I find Mean Streak miles smoother than Blue Streak. That ride jerked around enough to make it impossible to keep my back off the seat. I do personally enjoy wooden coasters, but Blue Streak has to be my least favorite along with Hurler @ Kings Dominion (Hurler is just plain awful).


Anyways, on to Mean Streak. I too find Mean Streak just as tolerable & shaky as your average wooden coaster. I've ridden, far, far worse. My only discord is the lackluster layout. With nearly a mile of track to work with you'd think the ride would have something to offer. Instead it just meanders around the layout not doing much of anything. The layout definitely needs some work (that is a new topic entirely), but the ride itself is not that bad. Dull, but not terrible.

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