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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Personally, I really enjoyed this coaster. I thought it was a fun family ride that helped tied the park together nested in the corner across from the children's area. Although the theme did not fit and could be executed better - I hope another larger family ride could take its place.


The removal will open up a lot more space, however, I believe storage utilization of the area may remain. Disaster Transport was nice to add in a ride where guests could not see they were actually flying around in a storage area (looking at Google maps).

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Well, that didn't take long, did it? I'm actually glad to see it go, it was way overdue for demolition and was horribly outdated and boring. Sure, it was unique and all, but that was really about it. And now, if we want to cool off in the middle of summer, we can instead go to one of the restaurants and have beer instead.

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I can't wait to see the layout of the coaster better than we've seen it so far (if that newspaper article proves to be true). If it really is going to have a lot of interaction with the gate and use up a reasonable amount of space freed up by DT , this is going to be quite a long coaster!

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I'm actually glad to see it go, it was way overdue for demolition and was horribly outdated and boring. Sure, it was unique and all, but that was really about it.


I agree, I'm glad to see CP letting go of their record fetish and look towards building better, more visceral, experience rides. Sure, TTD is visceral and about the experience, but the moment Kingda Ka was built, the experience was diminished (if only by 26 feet). Plus TTD is only 14 seconds. Maverick kicks dirt in the face of TTD by overall satisfaction and is more inclusive because it doesn't immediately strike fear in the hearts of the fearful. CP has apparently seen the positives of this approach to attracting visitors to the park (though no one in Ohio could be convinced that anyone could do it better). It kills me to think CP has let SFMM claim the more coasters, but CP can rest easy knowing that its coasters are experiences, and the setting can't be beat =D

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^I read somewhere that the wood was treated so as not to burn so easily, no idea on the validity of that "fact."


I'm a bit sad to see DT go. It was a fun ride (from what I remember). I rmemeber one of my friends freaking out that there was no track once we got to the top of the lift.

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Will be cool to see how they use the land not only for next years new attraction but future additions to that area. I would think an area that large could be used for several new installations other than just a coaster, a new restaurant, new shop, new flat ride, new section etc. Should be an exciting announcement.


Then again it is Cedar Point so I probably shouldn't get my hopes up too high, probably will just be a wing rider over a parking lot.

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So who's ready to see Son of Beast demolished.


Match and lighter fluid will take care of it.


I was hoping for flamethrowers, but your idea works too.


I'm Kinda hoping to see it napalmed like this


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^ I was wondering about the re-location myself but I guess that ride was old enough that it was probably near the end of it's life cycle and probably wouldn't have been the best investment for another park. I was also wondering if they maybe saved the trains or any other hardware to potential sell as spare parts to another parks with that same model, then I did a little research and realized that there are only 3 rides like this left operating in the word so the spare parts market is probably pretty small.

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Personally, I really enjoyed this coaster. I thought it was a fun family ride that helped tied the park together nested in the corner across from the children's area. Although the theme did not fit and could be executed better - I hope another larger family ride could take its place.


The removal will open up a lot more space, however, I believe storage utilization of the area may remain. Disaster Transport was nice to add in a ride where guests could not see they were actually flying around in a storage area (looking at Google maps).


I agree, the theming wasn't all that great, but it really was a fun ride ride. I'm sorry to see it go, because it was really served the park as a much needed family coaster.

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Post on Cedar Point's Facebook:


Isn't Raptor awesome? We are counting down until the secret will be set free. Click on the 2013 tab to countdown with us. Are you on the EDGE of your seat and holding on?


Hmmm, I wonder why they emphasized the word "edge"...

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking. And they also have a little bit of looks like the main gate in the picture, maybe they are hinting how they are going to re-make it? Might be looking into it too much, but we do know they may have plans to make a new entrance with the coaster.

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