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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm pretty excited for this attraction, Although I travel to cedar point every year, next year might be the first year I do not, and it will be sad to miss this ride, but I'll be back at some point, so hopefully I'll get on it sometime!


i think it's interesting how the first drop is larger than the second. I'm not sure if I like that or not, i love flume rides, and I love how they always have short quick drops before the big one,b ut looks like this will be reverse!

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It'll give their PR a team a challenge for advertising.


"Cedar Point: Bringing back an old classic!"


"Have you got yer fixin' uh Whyte Lightning? Come ride the new Shoot the Rapids, only at Cedar Point!"


"Shoot the Rapids, a new way to get wet at Cedar Point!"


That was hard.

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Ha, it was a water ride all along. I've known since Maverick the next attraction would be a water ride. Only thing that threw me off for a bit was that darn report that the new ride wouldn't get you wet. This looks fun. I like the rapid/flume hybrid idea. I've always loved water rides personally. Up until I was about 12 Splash Mountain was my favorite ride in the world. The Whyte Lightning stuff is really puzzling, don't know why they made such a big deal out of that. Only complaint, I wish the big drop was last, not first. That could be anti-climactic. Now bring on the coaster in 2011 or 2012!

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I have a couple thoughts...


-Why did they decide to re-use the Shoot the Rapids name? If they were attempting to re-create a classic ride, I'd understand that, but other than sharing the name, this ride is completely different from the original Shoot the Rapids. They might as well have just called the ride "Whyte Lightning" for as much as that played into the speculation.


-And speaking of the original Shoot the Rapids, I'm amazed that it isn't even referenced ONCE in the press release or any of the information on Cedar Point's website. You'd think they'd at least give it some recognition.


-While I'm 100% in favor of this addition to the park and I'm glad to see that land on Millennium Island finally used for something, I have to wonder what this means for future expansion plans. That was really the last sizable chunk of open space left in the park, and I had always assumed that a coaster would eventually wind up there. They're getting to where they'll have to start removing rides to make room for new ones...Mean Streak anyone? I can only hope.

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Facts page:

Safety Restraint: Individual over-the-head lap bars with hand grips



OTSR to me is over the head and on a water flume, not cool. I really hope that was a mistype or meaning something else.



I think the ride will be a good add for the park even tho most people really expected something larger and more extreme.

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Facts page:

Safety Restraint: Individual over-the-head lap bars with hand grips



OTSR to me is over the head and on a water flume, not cool. I really hope that was a mistype or meaning something else.


You have to watch the video again.

Just take a closer look and you won't see any OTSR.

The boats only have lapbars, but they are attached to the back of the seat.

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Facts page:

Safety Restraint: Individual over-the-head lap bars with hand grips



OTSR to me is over the head and on a water flume, not cool. I really hope that was a mistype or meaning something else.



I think the ride will be a good add for the park even tho most people really expected something larger and more extreme.


It's not an OSTR as seen


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"Shoot The Rapids" is a bit of an odd name, since it's not actually a rapids ride. Looks like a real soaker, too.


Congratulations to all those who predicted "water ride." (And to Lance over at Screamscape, who's had that rumor up for, like, a year and half.)


I (randomly) predicted spinning coaster and was totally wrong. But, on the plus side, this totally confirms my "Cedar Fair is afraid of restraint-less log flume rides" theory.


Looks like a good addition for this particular park.

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In hindsight, CP's clues leading up to the announcement made about as much sense as Lost.


But I must say that this really does look like a great addition, it didnt underwhelm me at all, it looks like something CP needs, and if they do it right the ride may actually have character to it!

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I find it amazing they actually are theming a ride, and still naming it the generic model name.


Cedar Fair ftw

Except they're not really themeing it. Unless they're putting in some animatronics we didn't see in the video, I fail to see how it's really themed.

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I don't mind getting really wet (though I don't love it either)


My last trip I made to Cedar Point with the rest of my family in 2007 the younger members really wished there was some sort of log ride, because many of the coasters were still a little too intimidating for them at that time.

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