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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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If this is the area they are looking at building upon, I really don''t see much in the way of a coaster going there as MF already occupies pretty much all the available ground space with supports and such??


Umm....hello? Blackpool anyone? Indiana Beach ring a bell? There is plenty of space on that island!

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With the limited space available a Eurofighter could fit if it's a custom one that went around MF's turns over towards TTD, but besides that I can't see any other HUGE ride go in there.


A water ride they could do since they have only 1 or 2, but what kind? Wasn't it rumored a while back they were getting Perilous Plunge from KBF? That would have been a good addition, except for the fact they already have a splash boat...

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^Hmm...I think that could mean one of two things:


1. Could be the chronological order of the press releases for the parks, considering that KD is set for 8/20, CW is 8/26, so possibly CP's will come after that.


2. This could be the height of the rides from tallest to shortest. KD is getting a 300'+ giga, CW most likely a 230' B&M hyper, and then CP which is getting something smaller than that.


That is just what I think about this clue. For all we know this could just be CP messing with us again.

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So you're taking "CW" as Carowinds? That makes a hell of a lot more sense - I read it as Canada's Wonderland. Which makes absolutely no sense.


Yeah I guess...Cedar Point needs to read up on park abbreaviatons, unless they really meant Canada's Wonderland.

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