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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It seems like CP has made our guessing job a little bit easier:



The poll options are roller coaster, thrill ride, restaurant, Halloweekends, and a new children's area.


Personally I think water ride, but since the Whyte Lightning name has been tied to 2 other Cedar Fair projects and having a MF logo, it could be possible. Just because they don't have footers yet doesn't mean it's not a coaster.

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Exactly. That's why I think it might be a water ride. Unless they want us to think it's none of the above.... lol. Right now I'm just open-minded and don't care what they get since they already have 18 decent coasters (somewhere there's probably a CP fanboy yelling at me. lol), but personally a water ride wouldn't be a bad choice.

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They're throwing you off! It's none of the above. Besides, a poll asking what the park will build? Will the most votes mean they build that? Ha.


They already know what they are building, they just want to see if people guess it right. Water ride is out since it is not an option. And apparently they are reading these type of forums as they know of all the different speculations about the "island" being turned into a halloween thing.....given that was one of the options, and how many gp type people would look at that website and really understand what all that meant anyway?

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They're throwing you off! It's none of the above. Besides, a poll asking what the park will build? Will the most votes mean they build that? Ha.


They already know what they are building, they just want to see if people guess it right. Water ride is out since it is not an option. And apparently they are reading these type of forums as they know of all the different speculations about the "island" being turned into a halloween thing.....given that was one of the options, and how many gp type people would look at that website and really understand what all that meant anyway?

I'm being really, really facetious in this thread.

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By the way, a tent has been spotted over by Gemini where work trucks are usually stationed for a new addition to the park. It may be nothing but you never know.
The tent you speak of has been around since 2007. It is the storage tent for the Halloweekends parade floats, and is located between the Planning & Design building and Gemini. The stationing area for new additions to the park has always been either the Soak City parking lot (Dragster and Millennium) or near Breakers Express (Maverick).
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^Yes I have heard of that before, but I'm not sure if it is actually true. Supposedly when MF was built Intamin made a contract for five coasters in ten years. So far they have built three since: TTD, WT, and Maverick. If you add MF that makes four plus whatever is to be built in 2010 would be five, thus fulfilling the contract.

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