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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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Just 2 quick questions:


1) Does CP have some kind of flash pass system? Cause I can't find anything about it on their website.


2) Is it possible to do all the coasters on one day (from start to end) on a weekday in July? Or should I rather go 2 days, just to make sure?


You should definitely do the park in 2 days because it is an amazing place to only visit in one day for a first time visit.

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It's kind of surprising that if this new ride is going to be a new coaster, ground clearing hasn't started. KD and Carowinds have already started on ground clearing, footer and cement pouring, and delivering parts.


There has been land clearing on Millennium Island...... Cedar Point even has pictures of it on their blog at their website.

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I don't have the book with me, but I believe that Crystal Rock was the beer that Cedar Point used to serve back around the turn of the century.



From Wikipedia

Many more hotels and restaurants were constructed during the 1900–1930 time period, including Hotel Cedars, White House Hotel, Crystal Rock Castle, and Crystal Gardens Ballroom.


From Walkerville Times

The Crystal Rock Castle opened mid-way between the beach and the pier and sold beer and wine to guests. The building’s exterior had the look of a stone castle. The structure itself remained on the peninsula until the early 1960s, when it was intentionally burned.


If you look online, there is no Crystal Rock Bottling Company found. Well none I could find.


The whoIs search says www.whytelightning.com was registered on July 28th of this year. And it's registered through a proxy to keep the owner anonymous. Sounds like it's definitely marketing material.

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I dont think its a coaster since well there really is no work going on there. when i was last there in june. when i was on mf i looked all around that island all that was there was stuff from last years walk through haunt.

And also im 6'6 78" and i fit on all the rides. for the most part. i have learned to fit. and have even been on max air

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^I have several large, tall friends that also never have problems getting on CP coasters. If you are too heavy and can't fit, that is not CP fought, its your own. I am always proud when I here people tell the story of how they lost weight and can now ride every coaster at the park. I know it isn't easy, but you can do it!

Not sure why CP catches so much slack for their policies on heavy people. Its just all about safety these days.

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^^ That doesn't necessarily mean anything. A ride or small coaster can be built in an offseason. Kennywood is supposedly getting a coaster next year, but NO clearing whatsoever (that I am aware of) has been done yet in the rumored spot (or anywhere else in the park, for that matter), and there's even a ride that is rumored to be removed. Also, no one said that it's going to open on opening day, perhaps it's not going to open until June...who knows.

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It's kind of surprising that if this new ride is going to be a new coaster, ground clearing hasn't started. KD and Carowinds have already started on ground clearing, footer and cement pouring, and delivering parts.


There has been land clearing on Millennium Island...... Cedar Point even has pictures of it on their blog at their website.


My bad. I forgot they cleared it a while ago. It just seems they haven't been doing a whole lot over there lately.

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New blog wants to thank it's sponsors...


Yet on the linked sponsors page shows a logo for "Crystal Rock Bottling Company" which links to...




Which everyone knows... "Lightning strikes twYce..."


Looks like we've found the name for both Carowinds and Cedar Points new rides.


Nice catch, the only thing I have found from a google search related to Crystal Rock Bottled anything is from Vermont and they only do bottled water. Sneaky, sneaky Cedar Point

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Not to mention all of MaXair's past problems. I'd assume they'd stay away from Huss after that, especially considering Topple Towers are no better, reliability-wise.


That guess sounds like one of those know-it-alls who really know little to nothing. We've all encountered them before.

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I don't know if anyone else might have noticed this, but I am begginning to think this ride will involve water. At the bottom of the Whyte Lightning website it says: Bold. Exciting. Refreshing. This may have nothing to do with the ride, but water rides=refreshing. Aquatrax are bold and exciting as well...

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I'm not the best source since I hardly post anything, so believe me or not. While I was sitting by Maverick yesterday, two guys with Gravity Group shirts on walk by me. They looked really official, so maybe Cedar Point is getting a nice wooden coaster, but then again they were walking towards Mean Streak, so maybe they could be retracking it, which wouldn't be that bad.

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I'm not the best source since I hardly post anything, so believe me or not. While I was sitting by Maverick yesterday, two guys with Gravity Group shirts on walk by me. They looked really official, so maybe Cedar Point is getting a nice wooden coaster, but then again they were walking towards Mean Streak, so maybe they could be retracking it, which wouldn't be that bad.


From TypicalCPFanBoy's Twitter, I have friends who work at the park-They say that Mean Streak is gonna be demolished this winter and a huss land of the giants is coming in!

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^But do you give up that title willingly especially seeing SFMM and other SF (and even other CF parks) parks really beginning to boast a big line up? If Shapiro lives up to his word about a new coaster for SFMM in 2010, and this new coaster business at CP amounts to nothing, there is again a tie for most coasters and that seems to be a title CP is quite fond of.

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If you go to Cedar Point's website, click on their sponsors icon, then it will list the sponsors. Scroll down to one NO ONE had ever heard of before, Crystal Rock Bottling Company, and click on it.


It will send you to a link for the site www.whytelightning.com and give you a teaser for a new 'beverage' coming soon. Could this be the new name for the 2010 coaster?


Also, look at the top of the bottle below the neck. There hidden is an upside-down logo for Millennium Force. Hmmm....this is one good teaser! Anyone got any other ideas about this HUGE clue?

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