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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Also, look at the top of the bottle below the neck. There hidden is an upside-down logo for Millennium Force. Hmmm....this is one good teaser! Anyone got any other ideas about this HUGE clue?


I have figured it out. They are doing a Bizarro treatment to Millennium Force. The lightning will be in both tunnels where riders will be painfully shocked with 30,000 volts. No longer will it be called Millennium Force-less!

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I think if Whyte Lightning has anything to do with two parks I think it will be involving both Cedar Point and Kings Dominion, not Carowinds. If you look at the bottom of the page it says by the Crystal Rock bottling company of West Virginia, which borders both Virginia (of course) and Ohio. Maybe a clue.

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AHA I'VE GOT IT!!!!! Looking at the Whyte Lightning site again it all makes sense to me....they are actually going to re-do MF! I mean come on look at these quotes.


"lightning strikes twYce" - a reference to MF's new theme...


"Bold. Exciting. Refreshing." REFRESH...re-do! The MF upsidedown logo means it's REFRESHMENT....like a beverage cover up!


"A beverage unlike any other. Coming soon" A beverage aka refreshment...


and the logo for the Crystal Rock Bottling Co. looks like CP for the first letters except the Rock just has a little squigly on it and without it it looks like a P and then a C above it!


So I think they are just refreshing MF and giving it the WHYTE LIGHTNING thing....but what about that spot of land on Millennium Island??? The Crystal Rock Bottling Co. going there?

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Here's why I don't think we're getting a new big coaster like a GCI....... No footers, no track. Even when they were building Dragster, track was showing up in August and sitting in the gravel by Mean Streak. I really hope for a themed Aquatrax, but the fact we're not seeing anything yet has me a little worried. Now as far as re-furbishing Millennium Force, I've been saying for years it needs a new paint job. Hope they do that at least this year.

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But it sounds like a Bizarro type refurbishment to me


I highly doubt they would touch MF like that, other than new paint and stuff along the lines of that.


I still think it's a water ride.


All CP seems to be doing is mocking our speculation, I bet if someone got everyone saying Euro-Fighter, that would appear on CP's facebook or twitter.

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