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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm visiting Cedar Point June 5th and 6th. I'll be driving from 9 hours away and it'll be the first time I've been to the park since 2010. Thanks to following this thread for the last 4 years or so, I've definitely over prepared for this trip. I've purchased FL+ for both days and have budgeted for a third day on the 7th in the case there is bad weather, staffing issues, rides being down, ext.

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Just got back from urgent care after some bad headaches and was diagnosed with a mild concussion after the incident. Looks like I have to take it easy until I come back to Cedar Point for Coastermania! Oh well, glad that there's no eternal bleeding, and now I have a story to tell.

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Has anyone used FL+ on SV, yet? I'm curious how the wait will be.



I should be able to answer that question for you after Saturday, if no one gets to it before then.


I'm anxious to hear how it goes. We'll be there the Saturday and Sunday after this coming weekend, for Coaster Campout.


As far as the FL+ goes in general, if we can even bypass 10-20 minute lines on everything FL+ is worth it both days for us. Similar to KI where you ride whenever you damn well please. I just don't want everything to be a station wait and find out we screwed ourselves by getting FL+. Otherwise, we don't mind spending the money.


Will give you a full report. I agree with you on FL+, we have been to many parks here and a couple in Europe and when you only have one day which is often the case we always get whatever "fastpass" that park offers. The last time we were at CP, we were there on a Wed in June and the FL+ was the only way the boy got on every coaster (Yes, every single one) in one day.

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Just got back from urgent care after some bad headaches and was diagnosed with a mild concussion after the incident. Looks like I have to take it easy until I come back to Cedar Point for Coastermania! Oh well, glad that there's no eternal bleeding, and now I have a story to tell.


Concussion: AKA generalized CYA diagnosis for getting jostled around related to being a human living outside of a padded bubble.


If you have a story to tell then go ahead and tell it. We're listening.

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I'm visiting Cedar Point June 5th and 6th. I'll be driving from 9 hours away and it'll be the first time I've been to the park since 2010. Thanks to following this thread for the last 4 years or so, I've definitely over prepared for this trip. I've purchased FL+ for both days and have budgeted for a third day on the 7th in the case there is bad weather, staffing issues, rides being down, ext.


Going then, I'd be surprised if you actually needed FL+ for the park... That's why typically it's a good idea to wait until getting to the park to see what the crowds are like. I just know when I go to CP (between mid-May and mid-June during the week), on most of the coasters, the FL+ is a complete waste for those who bought it. Basically, it'll help you get on SV, and Maverick faster, most likely. Too late now, but for future reference, especially when going during the week early in the season, and for multiple days, you probably don't need FL+ unless you absolutely abhor any waits at all.

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Those damn executives. How dare they enjoy the fruit of their labor.

You must not have been around executives much, man. Their daddies didn't pay for their Yale education--ahem, for a smart poor kid to do their Yale homework for them--so they can "labor."


It’s their park, they should be able to do what they want. Don’t like it, don’t go.



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No I got it. I think you missed mine.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We are headed back to CP on Monday the 14th. If anyone goes this weekend, would you mind letting us know if they are still doing boarding passes for Steel Vengeance? Thanks!



Will be there on Sat. Do my best to post a tr on Sunday evening when we get home. We do have an 8 hour drive so don't look for it before Sunday night.

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Hey guys, I just went to SF Great Adventure last Saturday and had a great time. 10 minute waits for Kingda Ka in the morning (30 min in the afternoon), El Toro cars were half empty for the first hour and half.. and even late in the day Nitro was a 5 minute wait. Everything was open at 10:30 and we got to ride every coaster we wanted to ride 2-3 times no problem.


I'm thinking of heading to Cedar Park this weekend, what can I expect? I've never been before and want to get at least 2 rides on MF, TTD, Maverick, and Steel Vengeance. I can't just ride something once, two times minimum if it's really good. Should they all be running first thing in the morning assuming weather cooperates? What are crowds like this time of year? I was shocked at how few people there were at Six Flags on a weekend. I could also go Sunday if that offers better chances of lower crowds.


And after hitting up the top 4 a couple times, what would be good to try if there's time.. Valravn, Raptor, Gatekeeper and Magnum?

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Do you have a Platinum Pass or are you staying on property? Are you planning to get Fastlane?


It's pretty early to start looking at the forecast but if I had a trip planned for Cedar Point and I could only go for one day I wouldn't go Saturday if the forecast holds. You're playing a dangerous game any time the wind speeds are in the high teens because those are sustained wind speeds. Gusts will be much higher on the peninsula and that could easily take Raptor, Gatekeeper, Dragster and possibly others down.

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Do you have a Platinum Pass or are you staying on property? Are you planning to get Fastlane?


It's pretty early to start looking at the forecast but if I had a trip planned for Cedar Point and I could only go for one day I wouldn't go Saturday if the forecast holds. You're playing a dangerous game any time the wind speeds are in the high teens because those are sustained wind speeds. Gusts will be much higher on the peninsula and that could easily take Raptor, Gatekeeper, Dragster and possibly others down.

Why would Raptor go down? If you have high winds, MF, TTD, SV, Valravn, and Gatekepper makes sense going down. Raptor, Maverick, and Magnum should not be impacted.

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Do you have a Platinum Pass or are you staying on property? Are you planning to get Fastlane?


It's pretty early to start looking at the forecast but if I had a trip planned for Cedar Point and I could only go for one day I wouldn't go Saturday if the forecast holds. You're playing a dangerous game any time the wind speeds are in the high teens because those are sustained wind speeds. Gusts will be much higher on the peninsula and that could easily take Raptor, Gatekeeper, Dragster and possibly others down.


We have nothing! We have six flags passes Your advice on SFGadv was spot on, glad we didn't get fast passes there. We're only going the one day, but it could be Saturday or Sunday, or we could possibly delay until the following weekend if weather is not cooperating, but can't go on a Friday.


Just wondering what crowds are like this time of year on weekends and whether all the big rides are running as of 10am (assuming weather is ok)? Main interest is MF, TTD, Maverick and SV. Anything else is bonus

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That's a bummer since you won't get early entry then so Steel Vengeance, Millennium Force, Maverick, Valravn and Gatekeeper will already have lines built up by the time you get in. The Steel Vengeance, Maverick and Millennium Force lines might be quite sizeable.


Honestly if you don't have a season pass I don't suggest going this weekend. If you insist, go on the less windy of the 2 days and either buy Fastlane, buy a Platinum Pass so you get early entry and/or stay at the Cedar Point Express hotel to get Early Entry.


Go to Steel Vengeance IMMEDIATELY as they may be handing out return times if it's still running one train and they ran out early on Sunday. You're probably not going to get 2 rides on Steel Vengeance or Dragster. If you do, you made out like a bandit.

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I'm visiting Cedar Point June 5th and 6th. I'll be driving from 9 hours away and it'll be the first time I've been to the park since 2010. Thanks to following this thread for the last 4 years or so, I've definitely over prepared for this trip. I've purchased FL+ for both days and have budgeted for a third day on the 7th in the case there is bad weather, staffing issues, rides being down, ext.


Going then, I'd be surprised if you actually needed FL+ for the park... That's why typically it's a good idea to wait until getting to the park to see what the crowds are like. I just know when I go to CP (between mid-May and mid-June during the week), on most of the coasters, the FL+ is a complete waste for those who bought it. Basically, it'll help you get on SV, and Maverick faster, most likely. Too late now, but for future reference, especially when going during the week early in the season, and for multiple days, you probably don't need FL+ unless you absolutely abhor any waits at all.

Complete waste as in everything will be station waste, or complete waste as in everything will be 10-20 minute waits or are we talking station waits?If he's like me, bypassing even 10 minute lines on the semi-good coasters and 20-30 minute waits on the really good coasters will be worth it. I guess it all depends on your preferences. As per CoasterBill's recommendations a couple years ago we got BGT's skip the line system to ride "Cheetah Hunt and the Log Flume whenever we damn well pleased," (almost exact words) despite everything else being near station waits. Our only regret was waiting a couple hours to do this and getting stuck in an hour long Cheetah Hunt queue, when we could have waited 5... (We would have left the line, but I wanted to prove the value of the pass to my wife so I made her suffer). I'm trying to gauge if it depends on what kind of experience you're looking for or if it will be a waste as in everything will be nearly walk-on.


I also have a question for everyone as far as when we will know we won't be completely wasting our money when we go to Coaster Campout. We'd like FL+ both Saturday and Sunday, because we're spoiled rotten pricks. How can I get the best feel for if the pass will be necessary in the morning? I'd like to get the pass as soon as possible to take full advantage of it. I hope my question makes sense.

Edited by prozach626
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I recall during early entry, the FastLane entrances were not being manned and/or used at all.


it wasn't until the general admission started that staff showed up and they opened the FL entrances.


not sure if that's still the case, but that's how it was last year during my trip there.

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^ That's generally correct. Fastlane starts at 10am.


I honestly feel like Steel Vengeance alone will probably justify the purchase of a Fastlane on any operating day this year (barring some random rainy day with 70 mph winds where everything is closed anyway). It's capacity is "fine" but it's low enough that it will probably always have a line given it's popularity.

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^that's kind of what I'm thinking. Our main priorities will be MF, Maverick, and SV. Anything else is a secondary objective. I can see us spending most of our time in the back of the park.

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That's a bummer since you won't get early entry then so Steel Vengeance, Millennium Force, Maverick, Valravn and Gatekeeper will already have lines built up by the time you get in. The Steel Vengeance, Maverick and Millennium Force lines might be quite sizeable.


Honestly if you don't have a season pass I don't suggest going this weekend. If you insist, go on the less windy of the 2 days and either buy Fastlane, buy a Platinum Pass so you get early entry and/or stay at the Cedar Point Express hotel to get Early Entry.


Go to Steel Vengeance IMMEDIATELY as they may be handing out return times if it's still running one train and they ran out early on Sunday. You're probably not going to get 2 rides on Steel Vengeance or Dragster. If you do, you made out like a bandit.


Wow, ok. No season's pass, this is a one off visit. We figured we should visit sooner than later since we had such luck with crowds early season at SF, I assumed May would be the ideal time to visit CP. Is it always so crazy/crowded in May or is it just because of SV opening?

I would get fastlane I guess if you're saying it's a must

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I'm visiting Cedar Point June 5th and 6th. I'll be driving from 9 hours away and it'll be the first time I've been to the park since 2010. Thanks to following this thread for the last 4 years or so, I've definitely over prepared for this trip. I've purchased FL+ for both days and have budgeted for a third day on the 7th in the case there is bad weather, staffing issues, rides being down, ext.


Going then, I'd be surprised if you actually needed FL+ for the park... That's why typically it's a good idea to wait until getting to the park to see what the crowds are like. I just know when I go to CP (between mid-May and mid-June during the week), on most of the coasters, the FL+ is a complete waste for those who bought it. Basically, it'll help you get on SV, and Maverick faster, most likely. Too late now, but for future reference, especially when going during the week early in the season, and for multiple days, you probably don't need FL+ unless you absolutely abhor any waits at all.


Yeah I kinda knew it would be pointless on some of the rides, but I kinda want to get a ton of laps in on SV and Maverick. Plus, my friends girlfriend gets motion sickness so she may have to take a break and sit out some rides, so the less she has to wait on us the better.

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