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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Well that was quicker than I think any of us imagined. Really makes all the super-exaggerated "Major damage to the track and trains" people we saw on Instagram and Twitter illegitimate. But, more than all I'm glad that this beast of a ride has reopened, even if its only going to be running one train in the near future.

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Well that was quicker than I think any of us imagined. Really makes all the super-exaggerated "Major damage to the track and trains" people we saw on Instagram and Twitter illegitimate. But, more than all I'm glad that this beast of a ride has reopened, even if its only going to be running one train in the near future.


someone here said that too, didn't they? the guy on "brake" from work. the one who talked about how the "breaks" failed.


just goes to show, when you don't know wtf you're talking about, it's best not to say anything.

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Well I searched back in this thread and from photos I've seen posted apparently 'Chess' is the train that was "rear-ended". I just saw pictures from Twitter of people in the station boarding "Chess" at night tonight so I think it's safe to say that multi train operations shouldn't be an issue.

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OK so I was at the park today and was on the platform about to board the next train for my very first ride when Digger rammed Chess from behind. I saw someone's comment who said something along the lines that one train was moving forward so the train behind it thought it was clear to move into the station. Well, that's what happened. The Chess train had been loaded and was moving out of the station and the Digger train moved into the station and hit Chess from behind. So to those who are thinking that the collision pushed the one train 4 or 5 feet, that was not the case because Chess had been dispatched and moved that distance on it's own.


I have to say that I am very satisfied with how the park compensated me with a free fast lane that I can redeem whenever I want.

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Well They did just announce that SV will open tomorrow. I wonder how many train op it will be.



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According to this twitter page, Chess was running tonight so I would say 2 trains should be good, if Chess ran tonight and it was involved in the incident, that leaves one train that wasn't touched, so maybe Digger will be off for a few days. Unless they're going to play it safe and use one train until they get it sorted out



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Cedar Point is just great. Glad to hear their new baby isn’t down for the count.


They seem to have a tough time every year opening weekend, mostly due to weather. It’s been said 1 million times in this topic, but don’t go opening weekend if you expect everything to be perfect. This was a weird incident, but I’m sure with a few tweaks to the block programming it will never happen again.


I always thought it was interesting how some rides pull the waiting train into the station so quickly. I can’t remember if it was one of the Intamin mega coasters or Medusa/Bizarro at great adventure, but they had the trains within feet of one another. Never was a problem.

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OK so I was at the park today and was on the platform about to board the next train for my very first ride when Digger rammed Chess from behind. I saw someone's comment who said something along the lines that one train was moving forward so the train behind it thought it was clear to move into the station. Well, that's what happened. The Chess train had been loaded and was moving out of the station and the Digger train moved into the station and hit Chess from behind. So to those who are thinking that the collision pushed the one train 4 or 5 feet, that was not the case because Chess had been dispatched and moved that distance on it's own.


I have to say that I am very satisfied with how the park compensated me with a free fast lane that I can redeem whenever I want.


thanks for first hand, factual information.

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Well that was quicker than I think any of us imagined. Really makes all the super-exaggerated "Major damage to the track and trains" people we saw on Instagram and Twitter illegitimate. But, more than all I'm glad that this beast of a ride has reopened, even if its only going to be running one train in the near future.


someone here said that too, didn't they? the guy on "brake" from work. the one who talked about how the "breaks" failed.


just goes to show, when you don't know wtf you're talking about, it's best not to say anything.

NEver said that the brakes were 100% the issue. I said it could be the breaks or could be an operational issue. Easy to miss considering this has drawn about 12 pages of post.
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Good to hear SV is back open even with 1 train
The queue should be cleaned out by 3am this morning.... If people stuck around.

According to multiple people who are at the park they cut it off at 300 people in the line as not to stay open too late. Some coaster enthusiasts are whining, but the ops have had a long enough day already, they deserve to go home at a sane time.

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Good to hear SV is back open even with 1 train
The queue should be cleaned out by 3am this morning.... If people stuck around.

According to multiple people who are at the park they cut it off at 300 people in the line as not to stay open too late. Some coaster enthusiasts are whining, but the ops have had a long enough day already, they deserve to go home at a sane time.

Glad they are using some common sense with this one.
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Well that was an interesting read.


Glad to hear no major injuries and that the park is busting ass to get everything back to "normal".


Couldn't imagine being one of the employees in guest relations today.


I toast my drink in their honor!

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Wow! When I heard that Steel Vengeance had a minor crash this morning, I was concerned about whether the ride would reopen by June when I visited Cedar Point. But hearing that the ride reopened on that very same day, I'm just shocked, as it opened back up WAY sooner than I was expecting. Mad props to Cedar Point for getting Steel Vengeance open again so quickly, and I can't wait to ride next month.

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