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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Off topic, but just wondering during all the announcement hubbub was the park/Tony/etc ever asked and did the say why they started the work on SteVen as early as they did? I'm thinking this was addressed in an interview or something but I can't remember, hoping someone here does.


I assume it is because RMC has so much on their plate for 2018, so they needed to get a head start on their most massive ride in order to complete the others on time. I'm sure CF did it for financial reasons as well, but I completely pulled that outta my a** though, what do I know.


Lots of people had theories as to why, some absolutely plausible. But I'm asking if it was brought up with any park officials or if the park explained why.

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This looks to be a Christian rock concert. When I used to work at Darien Lake we had Kingdom Bound (3 day Christian concert) and it was the worst week of the year. We actually got called in early (lifeguards) to stand guard over the wave pool at 9am while they did baptisms. That water was so vile without the waves on to break up the clouds of hair/weaves/band-aids/hair gel...I felt disgusted watching them dip their heads in. The amount of teens busted for shoplifting and trying to hook up was crazy, security always dreaded that week.


The best part was the park had to cover all the signage for Viper due to complaints from the event organizers about "serpents" in the park. They put a temporary sign out front and changed the name of the ride, it was ridiculous.




I'm a Christian and had the same response!!!


Must be a weird kind of Christian that has a problem with snakes. I'm a Christian and have no problems at all with snakes.


I actually LOVE snakes!

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I find it hilarious that the park holds their Jesus event on opening weekend of Halloweekends which is nothing but haunted houses full of cannibalistic zombies but people at Darien Lake got upset because a roller coaster was named after a snake.

You would have liked when my Bible study group took a trip to Mansfield Haunted Reformatory. You know, Christians are allowed to enjoy various types of entertainment.

Sorry to derail CP conversation more but my parents have always been more traditional and I remember one time when I was a kid going to Six Flags during Fright Fest and them making it very clear they were not happy about it being Fright Fest and we were leaving early and we wouldn't get to do the 3D IWERKS theater because it was showing an Elvira movie. Now, I'm a huge Halloween/haunt fan and decorate my house and my parents still do not like Halloween. Just another thing Christians cannot agree on, but I digress...


Speaking of Haunt...

I don't know if anyone would know the answer to this, but we are returning to Cedar Point tomorrow for opening of Halloweekends and to use our dumb free FL+ they wouldn't let us use on Labor Day weekend. I assume now it is okay to redeem our FL+ since it is after Sept. 10 and not a Saturday, but is there any chance they're going won't let us because it's Haunt? I know I could call but we've had bad luck in the past with calling Cedar Point.

It's a bummer we have only 6 hours to use our FL+ while still trying to do all the haunts, but it's still free and we don't know if we'll return again this year (we weren't going to return after Labor Day except for not getting to use our free FL+!!).


Also, how are crowds on the first Friday of Halloweekends? Do I need to purchase FL+ to get all the credits? Just kidding...

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Not sure how dead the park will be tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be quite nice. Also add in the return of "Midnight Syndicate Live" and two new mazes and there might be more interest than usual. I went last year on opening Friday and MF and Maverick both had 30-45 minute waits (I used my free FL+ so it wasn't an issue) and Valravn being the new kid on the block was constantly posting over an hour wait.


I'll be there tomorrow mainly to see the new Midnight Syndicate show and to check out the scare zones. Looking forward to it!

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Anyone know if you're able to reach the Fridays at Breakers if you're not staying at Breakers or going to the park that day. We're coming in tomorrow night and only going to the park Saturday but wanted to have a couple drinks at the restaurant tomorrow night.


when we stayed at Breakers in June, we had a friend of mine drive up to meet us for BarbQue, and he just told them at the front gate he had come in for the restaurant, and they let him thru without charging.


i'd imagine it's similar for TGI Fridays, tho wouldn't surprise me if you had to pay the $20 parking, and then just after eating go to front desk at Breakers to get reimbursed (I say this because they had told us that my friend would be charged, and that's what we would need to do, and to just show them restaurant receipt at front desk).

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Guys, I'm heading to CP on Saturday. In addition to all the usual stuff, plus the beginning of Haunt and finally getting an FL+ this year, I'll be seeing Skillet and maybe Casting Crowns. I'm considering doing a photo+TR, but all the pictures will be coming from my cell phone. Mind you, my phone's camera takes some pretty nice pics (I went to a car show, took about 40, didn't even have to break stride to get crystal clear stuff). Any advice or tips?

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Just a few words about opening night of haunt last night:

-Ride Lines were non-existent. Great night if only interested in rides

-Only new haunt I did was Deprivation which was really good. I haven't done blackout at Kings Island but I imagine it's very similar.

-Cornstalkers, Cut Throat Cove, Blood on The Bayou, and Tombstone Terrortory were all semi understaffed but the staff that was there were great.

-Screamworks was surprisingly very well staffed and they were all very good.

-Slaughterhouse was decent but I remember it being better last year.


Those are the only haunts we did, the park itself has a very enjoyable atmosphere at this time of year and that didn't change this year. Can't wait to get back and check out the rest of the haunt lineup for this season.

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A few observations from my visit last night:


- Previous Friday Night Rides Iron Dragon, Windseeker, Wicked Twister, and Skyhawk are no longer open on Fridays

- Valravn is still popular as it had a 30 minute posted wait around 7:30. It is still running smooth as glass

- Harvest Fear's theme is apparently scarecrows as most of the characters had a burlap bag over their head. One even took my drink

- My wife and I had one person approach us in Screamworks. We counted six that walked right past us. Perhaps we are not good targets...

- Mystic Mine Ride was funny and stupid all at the same time

- Cedar Downs seems to be running really fast this year

- Midnight Syndicate's show was excellent, however despite new music performed, it seemed a little too similar to their 2014 show in terms of storyline


Overall we had a great time and the nice weather and light crowds made for a fun evening.

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- My wife and I had one person approach us in Screamworks. We counted six that walked right past us. Perhaps we are not good targets...

I noticed quite a few screamsters socializing with each other more than they were "acting" which I would imagine is part of getting to know how things go on the first night. There were a few that were very enthusiastic and active, but the general mood seemed like they were only paying attention to 10-20% of the crowd.

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- My wife and I had one person approach us in Screamworks. We counted six that walked right past us. Perhaps we are not good targets...

I noticed quite a few screamsters socializing with each other more than they were "acting" which I would imagine is part of getting to know how things go on the first night. There were a few that were very enthusiastic and active, but the general mood seemed like they were only paying attention to 10-20% of the crowd.


A trick I used at HHN last year: walk alone and feign fear. I got targeted a lot more that way. But never expect to get every scare. Scare acting is exhausting both physically and mentally. Staying in character is tough with all the drunks and kids screaming back at you. Many scare actors target those who they think will give them the best reactions. It's the payoff as much as the payout.

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Previous Friday Night Rides Iron Dragon, Windseeker, Wicked Twister, and Skyhawk are no longer open on Fridays


That kinda sucks as I used to love power-riding Skyhawk on Friday nights as they would usually run both sides so that there was never a line. Most times, the ride op's wouldn't even make you get out of your seat for re-rides. But that is likely the exact reasoning - not enough staff to justify keeping these rides going on a Friday night.


I love Friday nights at Halloweekends early in the season as the weather is usually good and the crowds are low. We don't do many of the haunts/mazes, but the ones that we have done in the past on Friday's have been scarce with scare actors just like the previous posters stated.

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While the haunts are starting to get stale for me, had a great day at the park despite it being hot as balls... (I know... 78 degrees...). As always during the first Sunday of Halloweekends, the lines were non-existant. I gave approximate time tables of where we were at what time to maximize the awesomeness.


Got to early entry very late (10:50 on an 11 opening). They were directing everyone to the front lot which was weird (later I found out the pointfest stage was set up in the CP shores lot so they closed the entire lot, so I had to make an excuse I was eating breakfast at the hotel once I got back there (shhh) because there was no way I was driving back at that point.


Maverick (10:50) - 5-10 min - best ride in the park! Still.




MYSTIC mine ride - 0 min -- I thought the shed labeled "shed #2" was the joke, so I was giggling the whole ride, later to find out there was an actual shed ending. Still lol'ed. My fiancee was not amused.





Meet Jason. And my $1.00 glow in the dark shirt from Walmart.


Gemini (11:30) - 0 min - not racing - sat towards the front and enjoyed it more than usual.


Magnum - 0 min - probably the best ride I've had on it in awhile. No pain on the bunny hops (seat belt trick, yadda yadda)


Dragster - 0 min (found a single rider), otherwise 5 min. I know I know front row or gtfo. Still holds true but I didn't want to wait (a whole 10 min) and my fiancee didn't want to ride. I think it's actually the second time I haven't done the front. Front row only, people.


Midnight Syndicate -- something different and I sort of enjoyed it but I also felt there wasn't enough going on during the show. I guess I just have a short attention span. Still interesting though.




Finally tried MELT - 5 min - and it was really good but way too heavy for an amusement park. I still rode rides afterwards but my stomach didn't want to. Unfortunately a limited menu for HALLOWEEKENDS I had s specific sandwich I wanted to try but they were not offering it.


Mansion Haunt - 5 min - the group in front of us made this hilarious I think the kid crapped his pants a few times. It was pretty good.


Gatekeeper (3:30) - 0 min


Hexed - 0 min -- the best house of the day, lots of scareactors and still felt fresh despite being it's (third?) year


High school house - 0 min - absolutely terrible. This needs to be the next to go. I think I counted 3 actors when we went through, too, none of which actually attempted to scare us despite being the only 2 in the group


Raptor - 0 min - alone in the train other than first row. Had an awesome, forceful ride. Way better than any ride I've ever had on it.






Millennium Force - 5 min


Slaughter house - 2 min wait due to a pep talk to a crying kid in front of us, he lasted 2 rooms lol -- this one also feels stale and not enough going on. Very meh.


Freak show - 5 min -- lots of potential but needed more actors. Loved the set design, props, creative signs, etc.


Deprivation - 0 min - seems like there were 2 or 3 different paths in the building for this one. Better executed than some dark houses I've been into, but they don't do much for me.


In other words, early Sundays during HALLOWEEKENDS are awesome but of course you don't get the night time atmosphere and scare zones. But for rides and mazes it can't be beat for wait times.


The haunts themselves I feel this was the worst year we've ever been to. Oh well, we have 17 more locations in the lineup for this year



It's beautiful. The haunt is called DEPRIVATION because you are deprived of riding Steel Vengeance with the awesome views of the ride...

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Dragster - 0 min (found a single rider), otherwise 5 min. I know I know front row or gtfo. Still holds true but I didn't want to wait (a whole 10 min) and my fiancee didn't want to ride. I think it's actually the second time I haven't done the front. Front row only, people.

Who says this? I almost never bother with the front row.

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Wait, the front seat line was only 10 minutes and you bailed on it? I'd kill for a 10 minute front seat line.


I approve of the Sky Ride photo though and the fact that the park is actually running it this year for Halloweekends.


Who says this? I almost never bother with the front row.


People with taste.

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Wait, the front seat line was only 10 minutes and you bailed on it?


Ok, maybe more like 10-15 min. I felt bad riding it to begin with because Amanda was tagging out and she was dying from heat exhaustion and walking around all day and I was already like 'uhhhh see ya later bye!' lol so when they called over the speaker single rider for back row I just hopped on it. We go all the time so it wasn't a huge loss, but it did help me remember how big of a difference it really is. That extra time really is worth it.

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