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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^^^ Yes, that's a perfect idea. I don't want to carry any bottles or anything with me. Read - no delays with loose articles with me. I have the 6 Flags bottle, and virtually never bring it or use it. This is great! I've often said that would be a perfect solution.

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I like the idea. They could still offer the bottle as well for those that prefer it. I was always curious as to why Cedar Fair never looked into a drink rack like six flags has on some of there coaster platforms. I always thought that it not only spurred the sales of the cups, but it also gave you a place to store it while on a ride.

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I like the idea vs. the souvenir bottle, but I wonder if there's risk in cannibalizing drink sales from families/friends nominating one drink pass member to provide for everybody at the self-service stations. I'm not entirely sure where those stations are or if they're monitored in any way. Since this isn't my job, I'm not going to estimate costs/benefits or pretend to have the numbers, but I'm curious if anyone else has insight on a system like this. Knowing people, if a family or group of friends have season passes, I'd expect that just one of them would buy the drink pass & let the whole group piggyback on it throughout the season.

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What do you think of this idea? I love it as long as it does not make the lines any longer(and slower) than they already are.


I would love this, both my souvenir cups melted in my car. I didn't want to forget them at home so I just kept them in the back seat, went to get the Great Adventure one only to find it was trashed.

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I like the idea vs. the souvenir bottle, but I wonder if there's risk in cannibalizing drink sales from families/friends nominating one drink pass member to provide for everybody at the self-service stations. I'm not entirely sure where those stations are or if they're monitored in any way. Since this isn't my job, I'm not going to estimate costs/benefits or pretend to have the numbers, but I'm curious if anyone else has insight on a system like this. Knowing people, if a family or group of friends have season passes, I'd expect that just one of them would buy the drink pass & let the whole group piggyback on it throughout the season.

They did mention that the frequency of the refills wouldn't change from the current setup. So you'd probably have to wait 30 minutes between refills (I haven't done this at CP since 2013, so not sure of the timeframe here). Unlike SF, it sounds like you'd have your pass scanned each time you got a drink. That would make sharing unlikely.

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I also took the survey, and before they ever talked about the bottle-less system, in the question about what I dislike, I wrote about Kentucky Kingdom's system of getting a wristband that is scanned each time, and you get a paper cup. So I would absolutely love if they do this.

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I love this new drink option, it makes much more sense since some of the rides do not allow the souvenir drinks on the ride even if they have storage bins. I found this out two years ago on Gatekeeper, I bought a souvenir cup beforehand and tried to get on Gatekeeper and the line person told me it wasn't allowed on. So I "hid" my cup in the bushes near gatekeeper entry to retrieve later. While hiding my cups, I actually saw 5-6 other cups in various of hiding places. This would really improve on that and no more "hiding" would be necessary.

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This should help ROI, significantly, for this program. They're completely cutting out the bottles and the expenses that come with it. Thus pocketing more of the money. Well played.

The survey said costs are expected to be similar. Remember that they are going to be supplying several paper cups per person each time they visit, instead of one plastic cup per season. It's probably a wash monetarily. The big deal is guest satisfaction.

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This should help ROI, significantly, for this program. They're completely cutting out the bottles and the expenses that come with it. Thus pocketing more of the money. Well played.

The survey said costs are expected to be similar. Remember that they are going to be supplying several paper cups per person each time they visit, instead of one plastic cup per season. It's probably a wash monetarily. The big deal is guest satisfaction.


I'm sure those dime a dozen paper cups costs significantly less to produce than those plastic souvenir bottles. That's where they're saving & pocketing more cash. It may not significantly impact their bottom line, but cost-cutting nonetheless.

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A dime a dozen is about right, actually. They're not free. They'll also have to deal with increased trash, and of course some people will fail to see any of the peninsula's 60,000 trash cans. There are costs associated with paper cups. I don't have enough figures to do a proper fiscal analysis, but I trust that Cedar Fair has, and that when they say it's about the same, it's because the analysis has determined that.

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I don't have enough figures to do a proper fiscal analysis, but I trust that Cedar Fair has, and that when they say it's about the same, it's because the analysis has determined that.


"have a similar cost" as in people will pay a similar price for the same service that CP has cut up-front costs on (reduction of needed souvenir cups), thus increased nominal income.




And that number does seem off.


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This is random but the chat seems random so far anyways. lol If you guys had to choice what would you all consider the "mini Cedar Point" in America. A much smaller park that can much easily be CPs little brother. How about what would the Cedar Point of England be? Australia? It could be the coaster capitals of that said country. How about the "Cedar Point" of the Six Flags franchise etc. (which most likely be Magic Mountain).

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