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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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No. Just, no.



I presume coasterbill is on his way to silence you at once.


Oh please! Coasterbill loves me! He'll agree with me on this one. . . He doesn't want to see the Skyride in any way affiliated with New (or old) Mean Streak! He says, "Skyride is better than that, and deserves all its own glory!"


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I leave this thread for less than 24 hours and come back to see this spectacular-ness complete with a cameo from Rob Von Roll himself


Great job finally getting this thread on the right track guys, you're the real heroes.


Oh please! Coasterbill loves me! He'll agree with me on this one. . . He doesn't want to see the Skyride in any way affiliated with New (or old) Mean Streak! He says, "Skyride is better than that, and deserves all its own glory!"



While this is true it is worth pointing out that Mean Streak was still awesome and you're all a bunch of haters.

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I leave this thread for less than 24 hours and come back to see this spectacular-ness complete with a cameo from Rob Von Roll himself


Great job finally getting this thread on the right track guys, you're the real heroes.


Oh please! Coasterbill loves me! He'll agree with me on this one. . . He doesn't want to see the Skyride in any way affiliated with New (or old) Mean Streak! He says, "Skyride is better than that, and deserves all its own glory!"



While this is true it is worth pointing out that Mean Streak was still awesome and you're all a bunch of haters.

Hello there Bill.
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Hey we all know Mean Streak is really being torn down so that RMC can remake Disaster Transport with Intamin making the boats and B&M remaking the Hulk launch tunnel. It had to be taken apart because it wasn't safe anymore because people got too tall to ride over time and they were hitting their feet on the supports....


Geez Schwarzkopf, can't make a reliable coaster for the life of you? So much for the bobsled coaster with the most inversion...

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Can someone please explain to me the inside/ongoing joke of "Nina Kleppe likes this?" Who is she?!?!


Now back on topic, does anyone think the RMC Mean Streak will add length or decrease length on the ride?

most definitely shorter ride time just because no trims and faster, but dunno about anything else

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Can someone please explain to me the inside/ongoing joke of "Nina Kleppe likes this?" Who is she?!?!


Now back on topic, does anyone think the RMC Mean Streak will add length or decrease length on the ride?

She likes a lot of things.


I think the track length is likely to be close to the same, but RMCs tend to have a much higher average speed than most coasters (Outlaw Run averages almost 30mph!). Expect a much quicker, much more awesome ride.

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