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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Unpredictable weather, a small local attendance base, a mostly non-local staff due to the lack of a large local population, and people aren't going to travel far for a limited operation with questionable weather. All are factors in why CP should avoid winter operations.


Parks with winter events in more northern areas are strongly locally driven and avoid the winter weather pattern that Cedar Point and other parks near the Great Lakes deal with. For example, Kings Island, despite not being that much farther away, has a very strong local season/platinum pass base and it has the benefit of avoiding the Great Lakes weather pattern that features a thing called lake effect snow.

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One reason CP will not have a Winter Fest, the weather, hands down. My parents used to have a home on the beach between Huron an Cedar Point. In the summer, the views were absolutely fantastic. Watching the coasters, the fireworks over the lake while on the beach. But come November and December, man was it brutal. They never even used the front door facing the lake, only the back door. Using the front door required great strength to even shut the door because of the winds and snow. just my 2 cents.

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Here's a video of that event by the way. Like god damn, I know Home Depot existed in 1994. Someone buy some damn Christmas lights. I don't see a single decoration. It's like a horse drawn Winter Chill Out only super dark and depressing.


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Here's a video of that event by the way. Like god damn, I know Home Depot existed in 1994. Someone buy some damn Christmas lights. I don't see a single decoration. It's like a horse drawn Winter Chill Out only super dark and depressing.



I can't for the life of me figure out why that didn't succeed. LMAO. Jesus, that's terrible. I get the arguments about attendance and lack of a huge population base in Sandusky itself, but they did themselves zero good doing the event in that way.

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Wow. That event. That event is just . Nothing like taking a horse-drawn carriage ride through a winterized amusement park in December.


And I must add, Raptor looks beautiful as the tallest ride in the park.


Or they just play out the whole grand "Christmas in July" idea like they did at Kings Island this season.


Will that make ya'll happy?


Don't forget about Dorneys Christmas in July event as well.

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Is there any chance that Mean Streak is just being retracked with the I box track and still follow the same lay out? I've never been to Cedar Point and I'm not familiar with Mean Streak and it's layout. I was just curious about the CP enthusiasts opinion ... Please don't hurt me.

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