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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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If you talk to random people in line, coasterbill, then you're doing better than I am. Even though I'm typically a social person, when at amusement parks, I tend to keep to my own group, and avoid interacting with those around me at all costs. Whenever I'm talking about something park, or coaster related with my group (which isn't annoying to them, because frankly, the reason people WANT to go to CP with me typically, is because I am the "Cedar Point guru" they all know), and I see somebody else nearby listening, or looking like they may want to join in, I'm just like "No! Please no!" in my head, hoping they don't. So, that probably makes me a bit of a pretentious A**, but you just never know what they're like, and whether they're one of the dreaded obnoxious enthusiasts, that will want to talk my ear off the rest of the time in line!



I'm so this person...I hate even talking too much about things in line for fear of what might be coming my way...you are definitely not alone..

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Interesting discussion on the enthusiasts and interacting. I honestly look forward to my trips to CP not only for the rides; but because of the people I do randomly meet in line. I was at my home park this past weekend (SFOT) and I mentioned to my wife how the demographic is totally different in the way they act and socialize compared to Ohio or even some other parks in the North I've visited in the past year.


I'm not the most social person, yet I always randomly strike up conversation at CP because a lot of people in line are also from other states or visiting so we always share our stories about our home states, our home parks, where we've been, etc. It's always quite enjoyable actually. When I visit my home park, nobody wants to do anything but stare blindly into their phone, and are blatantly giving cold shoulders to people in line like it's the most uncomfortable thing they've ever done is stand in line. I can't remember the last time I socialized with someone at SFOT and I visit almost every weekend out of boredom. I have an email list of people from other states that I share pics with and share nerdy discussions that I've met at CP.

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(Now, anybody remember TPOL back in the mid-2000's? I was quite popular over there, and still have many good friendships that I made from that group of actually decent - well, at least mostly - enthusiasts!)

That was about the peak of my "enthusiasm" as I was still in school for engineering. I actually ended up dating someone that I met through TPOL for about a year and a half. (I don't know what was wrong with me.) Outside of that, I didn't (and still don't) really interact much with people from the community. There's only one person that I met through TPOL that I still stay in touch with, and even when I see her at CP it's usually just a wave from a distance.


I do fit the role of "guru" among my friends, so I am available to answer questions, or discuss rumors with them. I don't really seek out conversations, though. So, if I've seen you and avoided you, it wasn't personal. I just want to ride some rides.

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This is the problem with posting selfies on here (or I guess having a selfie as your avatar) - this has happened to me at Great Adv a bunch (including ride ops yelling "BOLDIKUS!!!!!" across the midway at me - on multiple occasions). Most times its fine, and even funny, but I often wonder "Oh no was I an a$$hole to this person?" if they come up to talk to me.

I probably wouldn't have to wonder about such things... I'd just ready myself for a fist fight.

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(Now, anybody remember TPOL back in the mid-2000's? I was quite popular over there, and still have many good friendships that I made from that group of actually decent - well, at least mostly - enthusiasts!)

That was about the peak of my "enthusiasm" as I was still in school for engineering. I actually ended up dating someone that I met through TPOL for about a year and a half. (I don't know what was wrong with me.) Outside of that, I didn't (and still don't) really interact much with people from the community. There's only one person that I met through TPOL that I still stay in touch with, and even when I see her at CP it's usually just a wave from a distance.


Now I'm trying to figure you who you might be! There's a good chance we probably met at some point back in the day! What was your screen name over there?



This is the problem with posting selfies on here (or I guess having a selfie as your avatar) - this has happened to me at Great Adv a bunch (including ride ops yelling "BOLDIKUS!!!!!" across the midway at me - on multiple occasions). Most times its fine, and even funny, but I often wonder "Oh no was I an a$$hole to this person?" if they come up to talk to me.

I probably wouldn't have to wonder about such things... I'd just ready myself for a fist fight.


Speaking of selfies on here, I was Google searching something coaster related, and there was a picture of you, pointing at something, in there among the rest of the shots!

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Speaking of selfies on here, I was Google searching something coaster related, and there was a picture of you, pointing at something, in there among the rest of the shots!


Hahahahaha! I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed. This also reminds me that I need to finish (start) my TR.

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Interesting discussion on the enthusiasts and interacting. I honestly look forward to my trips to CP not only for the rides; but because of the people I do randomly meet in line. I was at my home park this past weekend (SFOT) and I mentioned to my wife how the demographic is totally different in the way they act and socialize compared to Ohio or even some other parks in the North I've visited in the past year.


I'm not the most social person, yet I always randomly strike up conversation at CP because a lot of people in line are also from other states or visiting so we always share our stories about our home states, our home parks, where we've been, etc. It's always quite enjoyable actually. When I visit my home park, nobody wants to do anything but stare blindly into their phone, and are blatantly giving cold shoulders to people in line like it's the most uncomfortable thing they've ever done is stand in line. I can't remember the last time I socialized with someone at SFOT and I visit almost every weekend out of boredom. I have an email list of people from other states that I share pics with and share nerdy discussions that I've met at CP.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be social with others at parks. I'm the same way in that I'd much rather carry a conversation while standing among the same people for 30-60 minutes at a time instead of staring down at a phone.


Unfortunately people like myself and others that have shown a disdain towards enthusiasts seem to adhere to commonly accepted social/cultural norms when interacting with others. We've all seen "that guy" who is oblivious to these norms and is just socially awkward. It's not just a coaster enthusiast thing. You can find these people in any hobby. Hell, we all probably work with someone where you just cringe if they ever ask if you want hang out outside of work.

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(Now, anybody remember TPOL back in the mid-2000's? I was quite popular over there, and still have many good friendships that I made from that group of actually decent - well, at least mostly - enthusiasts!)

That was about the peak of my "enthusiasm" as I was still in school for engineering. I actually ended up dating someone that I met through TPOL for about a year and a half. (I don't know what was wrong with me.) Outside of that, I didn't (and still don't) really interact much with people from the community. There's only one person that I met through TPOL that I still stay in touch with, and even when I see her at CP it's usually just a wave from a distance.


Now I'm trying to figure you who you might be! There's a good chance we probably met at some point back in the day! What was your screen name over there?


Back then, I simply went by Maverick. I don't think I went to any meetups, but I do remember a crowd forming around me when I intercepted Dick over by Skyhawk on opening day 2006.

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^I think I actually remember that little "mobbing" of Kinzel. In fact, I was just thinking about it while at the Town Hall Museum on my trip there last Thursday! I was on the fringe of the whole thing, as I tend to avoid trying to interact with famous people (I could have talked to Rob Decker underneath Valravn earlier this year, but passed on the opportunity.) But Kinzel did seem good natured about it, so that's nice. Ahh, the good times of youth... (Though I was "old" compared to most on the site, even then!)

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I have been to a couple of things involving enthusiasts and i find myself not talking to certain people I see, airbrush "save Mean Streak" would probably be one. I fully admit I am nerd and i enjoy nerdy things but there is a certain level of this nerdyness I am not willing to cross. I also fully agree that these people that have crossed that threshold need to shower, but at the same time that tells me which ones to avoid even easier.

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I saw the "Mean Streak Henry" guy during my visit.


I was shocked that no one has mentioned that the guy is at LEAST 70 and in a wheel chair. Do they seriously let the guy ride over and over and over? He was with 3 other older men all looking 70ish. Damn.


There was also single rider Bob telling everyone he's running for president. Hmmm.

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I saw the "Mean Streak Henry" guy during my visit.


We did too. I expected him to be some crazy coasterboy but was pleasantly surprised to see what he wasn't, just a really cool 70+ year old guy who seems like he's always smiling. We rode next to him on Valravn. Great guy!

Edited by coasterbill
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I saw the "Mean Streak Henry" guy during my visit.


I was shocked that no one has mentioned that the guy is at LEAST 70 and in a wheel chair. Do they seriously let the guy ride over and over and over? He was with 3 other older men all looking 70ish. Damn.


If he has reduced sensation in his lower body, then maybe that explains things...


There was also single rider Bob telling everyone he's running for president. Hmmm.


Imagine for a moment that your life is so hideous, so pathetic, so bad in general that your entire personality and self-image is built around the fact that every day you go to a theme park, charge past children, and board amusement rides. Imagine that.

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Interesting. It was actually operational over the weekend which I was surprised to see. While I actually enjoy the concept of mini golf in a theme park, that course was dated and terrible and it's time for it to die. One of the courses has already been closed for years.

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Since we are on the subject. i Made a joke with my Wife leaving a ride opening weekend. I saw a group of 4 dudes i would say early 20's that had Velcro shoes on. Blows my mind that you can even find them. Just talking way to much on the ride and about the ride that it took away from the coaster. But i said maybe its a time for them to meet a girl and see some boobs "for the first time" and that life is more then Coasters.

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Since we are on the subject. i Made a joke with my Wife leaving a ride opening weekend. I saw a group of 4 dudes i would say early 20's that had Velcro shoes on. Blows my mind that you can even find them. Just talking way to much on the ride and about the ride that it took away from the coaster. But i said maybe its a time for them to meet a girl and see some boobs "for the first time" and that life is more then Coasters.


Yes but i feel as this group of people has not discovered said things. too worried about cedar point 5 year plan


How do we get you to discover punctuation, capitalization and proper sentence structure?

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I'm convinced that about 50% of the enthusiast community consists of cool, normal, fun people and the other half consists of people with no social skills who b*tch about everything and in many cases don't bathe regularly. Seriously... I can't even tell you how many times Brit and I were line next to an enthusiast trying not to gag. Take a damn shower.


I think you're right on here. From having been to a number of enthusiast events, and also just being at CP and seeing plenty of the "type", that seems like a pretty fair ratio, honestly.


It sounds like a lot of TPR people must have gone up just for the Holiday weekend, because I saw very few people that appeared to be enthusiasts, TPR or otherwise, last Thursday. Of course, I also saw very few people in general, and had short lines all day, so that was nice...


If you talk to random people in line, coasterbill, then you're doing better than I am. Even though I'm typically a social person, when at amusement parks, I tend to keep to my own group, and avoid interacting with those around me at all costs. Whenever I'm talking about something park, or coaster related with my group (which isn't annoying to them, because frankly, the reason people WANT to go to CP with me typically, is because I am the "Cedar Point guru" they all know), and I see somebody else nearby listening, or looking like they may want to join in, I'm just like "No! Please no!" in my head, hoping they don't. So, that probably makes me a bit of a pretentious A**, but you just never know what they're like, and whether they're one of the dreaded obnoxious enthusiasts, that will want to talk my ear off the rest of the time in line!


Having said that, I would be more than happy to talk to most anybody from this forum, if they are there, and even hang out with them. However, I am about as plain-looking of an average white guy as you'll ever meet, and I rarely post pictures of myself, so the likelihood of: a) anybody from TPR noticing me, and b) anybody from TPR actually giving a rat's behind even if they did recognize me, is extremely small! I'm certainly no TPR celebrity like you, dear bill! (Speaking of which, it would have been nice to meet you, but like ships in the night, it was not meant to be!)


Also, speaking of my trip, I need to get off my lazy butt and do a TR here soon, I suppose. I'll even include some pictures! So you all have that to look forward to. Or more than likely, not look forward to. Hey, I'm a realist! (Now, anybody remember TPOL back in the mid-2000's? I was quite popular over there, and still have many good friendships that I made from that group of actually decent - well, at least mostly - enthusiasts!) I'm all for meeting, and getting to know fellow like-minded (and cool acting, and shower taking) enthusiasts, so hopefully in the future, maybe we can have a coordinated group meetup of TPR at CP. Or hey, better yet, come up to Michigan, and slum it with me at MiA!


I recall encountering some rather foul smelling enthusiasts at a TPR bash or two as well. But I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt at one because it was like 100 zillion degrees the day we were there.


I've also met an enthusiast or two that rode with me during ERT that I was about ready to strangle by the time we crested the lift hill because they were annoying as f%ck.


On the other side of the coin, I have also met a couple of workers and park guests that recognized me at CP and went out of their way to say Hello. I felt the same way like some others where I wondered if they were gonna approach me and say "I hate your TR's and your snide/cynical comments - I think that you're a total douche!"


But the folks that I have met actually commented nicely...made me feel pretty good and it was cool that they recognized me from TPR and went out of their way to say 'Hello'!


And yes, we normally keep to ourselves when at parks too - even during enthusiast events. I'm actually quite shy until you pour alcohol in me & then I become Talkative Tommy. But even then, I usually only talk with people in my group - I can't even recall one time that I actually initiated a conversation with a total stranger in line unless they spoke to me first.

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Since we are on the subject. i Made a joke with my Wife leaving a ride opening weekend. I saw a group of 4 dudes i would say early 20's that had Velcro shoes on. Blows my mind that you can even find them. Just talking way to much on the ride and about the ride that it took away from the coaster. But i said maybe its a time for them to meet a girl and see some boobs "for the first time" and that life is more then Coasters.


Yes but i feel as this group of people has not discovered said things. too worried about cedar point 5 year plan


How do we get you to discover punctuation, capitalization and proper sentence structure?



Burn!! Boldikus, your level of sarcasm and one-liners makes me feel like you'd be fun to hang out with at a park!


Speaking of hanging out at a park, we had an amazing couple days at Cedar Point over Labor Day weekend! While we never ran into this certain celebrity around these parts that they call "Bill", there was plenty of fun to be had by our little group, which also included Chris (deguy) and Nicole (sspaz). Our daughter was absolutely beside herself with all the things she could ride this year at 19 months old! While some folks are posting complaints in the forums about food lines, kid ride/pass additions, and the ever popular "my park didn't build me the OMG Coaster that I somehow deserve", I just quietly shake my head and think that those few might be missing the whole point of this hobby - FUN. As I happily watched my little one run full tilt with overflowing excitement, laughter, and happiness to rides like Peanuts 500, Charlie Brown's swings (she seriously LOVED those!!), and the carousel, I was reminded that THIS is what going to a park is all about. Her joy and energy as she discovers new things, new parks, and new rides is helping me gain a whole new appreciation for going to parks like Cedar Point as a family. We had such a blast that we said we need to make this into a family tradition moving forward - Cedar Point over Labor Day! Awesome stuff! I believe I ended up riding "only" 6 of their coasters (some a few times) while we were there, yet it was easily the BEST trip I've ever had to the park!


Some general notes and musings from the weekend:


  • From a capacity and operations standpoint, Cedar Point truly does destroy a lot of the competition. I've never seen ride crews hustle so much to get people in, secured, and on their way. Truly top-notch, and you know they're amazing when you're in line and you barely stop moving the entire time you're there.
  • Food Truck Festival for the win! We all know that the park's food offerings are mostly very average at best (with the exceptions being some of the chains that are there), so this was a very welcome addition! Everything we had from the trucks was delicious and very reasonably priced. Standouts for me were the BBQ and the gourmet grilled cheese, while my wife raved about the hibachi truck.
  • Some will say that it is overpriced, but for my family and I, there really is no better place to stay than Hotel Breakers when visiting the Point for several days. There are plenty of perks like cheap tickets and early entry, but the real benefit is that stellar location. It helped that we split some of the cost with another member of our little group, but even if it were just us, I think this is where we'd stay. With a little one, you simply cannot beat the option of being able to walk back to the hotel, recharge, and let the kiddo nap before enjoying more of the park.....or the beach....or the pools. Plus, it needs to be said that those renovations from last year are still gorgeous a year later. It really polished the place and gave it the true "Resort" feel that was lacking in the past.
  • For me, there really isn't a place (that I've been to anyway) here in the U.S. that has any kind of coaster collection as ridiculous as Cedar Point's. There is such an incredible variety of coaster types there, and to be honest a large majority of them range from very good to excellent to flat-out world class!! And it will be an even more unreal collection once the park bids farewell to one of the bigger "meh" members (sorry Bill....while I don't hate it with the kind of fiery passion that some do, I just don't think it really does anything, at least not for me. Great ride to look at though)
  • Valravn is a fantastic addition to the park's coaster lineup! These dive coasters are one of my favorite coaster types from B&M, and this one delivered the goods! I don't have any real issues with the vest restraints like some do, and in fact, I think those actually helped me like Valravn more than the only other dive coaster I've been on, Griffon. The drops were excellent with some decent air (especially in the back), the inversions were fun and flowed well, and the ending hill surprised me in a good way! BIG thumbs up from me!
  • I know it is short.....and frankly, I don't even care! I absolutely LOVE Top Thrill Dragster!! Even to this day after many rides on it, that launch and subsequent insanity gets me every single time! That view at the top is spectacular, the launch is ridiculous, and the drop is pure wonderful craziness!! And for me, I think Dragster totally and without question outclasses its younger sibling in New Jersey. Look, I love Ka too, but everything about this type of coaster is done better by Top Thrill - from the setting and location, to the bleachers/atmosphere, to the revving engines, all the way to the ride itself. For these two near twins, it's readily apparent to me that the true "king" resides in Sandusky.
  • Millennium Force just flat out delivers.....time and time and time again!! Seriously, this coaster is truly spectacular, and though I do admittedly like some rides a bit better, every time I return to the Point, I'm reminded why this hobby is so awesome by riding Millennium. Everything about this ride is exactly what I love in a coaster - the relentless speed, the towering and incredible first drop, the seamless blend of power/intensity and smooth comfort, and the sprinkling in of some very good to great air over the hills, especially that glorious little hop past the station. That said, as much as I love this ride, I had to concede that it is now likely my "1B" at the park.....
  • ....because sweet ever-loving Jeebus, Maverick is F*@#ING INSANE!!! I mean, holy hell, that coaster is one of the most bat-$#*t crazy rides I've ever ridden!! Each time I've ridden it I seem to love it more and more, and this year it gave some of the most intense, jaw-dropping, incredible rides ever!! This is the epitome of roller coaster perfection crammed into this little crazed bucking bronco! The HOLY MOTHER OF GOD EJECTOR airtime on this thing is unreal, and its entire layout is taken with the kind of blazing speed that feels much faster than advertised. The clincher was a glorious front seat ride tearing through the darkness to close out Saturday. It freaking knocked my socks off, and left me on the brake run dumbfounded at the sheer craziness that had just ensued. No doubt about it....this bad ass coaster is indeed my "1A" at CP!! Just WOW. If you haven't had the chance to ride Maverick yet, do yourself a favor and get your ass out to Sandusky pronto....you won't regret it!!


Just a perfect weekend with stellar weather, big laughs, great rides, and loads of fun with the people I love. Cannot wait to do it again next year!!

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