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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ My "sluggish" experience was during a Friday night during Halloweekends where the temp didn't get above 50 and the park didn't open until 6:00. I want to say that we rode it around 7-8:00 so perhaps later that night it might have warmed up more. I also wanted to think that it might have been down early, so it's entirely possible that we got one of the earlier rides of the night on it.


I just remember it being freezing ass cold and how my face was numb after the experience. Sluggish or not, it's still one of my favorite rides - especially at night!

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Really? I would expect the ride to run slower during Halloweekends but as the day goes on it should speed up (not to the speed of a summertime night ride but to a faster speed than it ran earlier in the day). It should be running the slowest early in the morning.


Nitro for example would often almost valley during Holiday in the Park at park open when it was in the 40's but after it ran all day it would run much faster, even as temps went down into the high 20's.


You're correct, Millennium still speeds up during Halloweekends as the day goes on, the temperature plays a roll on how fast it will speed up to.

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^or just ride it in/after the rain. That was the last thing I did at Cedar Point before we left for Cleveland. Nothing could have beaten that except maybe riding later in the evening and riding in the front row, but circumstantially that wouldn't have been possible. That ride was amazing. Even better was the fact that it was just about the only thing in the park running and the hype in the station was the highest I'd seen, even higher than at night.


So that's the fabled Aquatrax?

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^or just ride it in/after the rain. That was the last thing I did at Cedar Point before we left for Cleveland. Nothing could have beaten that except maybe riding later in the evening and riding in the front row, but circumstantially that wouldn't have been possible. That ride was amazing. Even better was the fact that it was just about the only thing in the park running and the hype in the station was the highest I'd seen, even higher than at night.


So that's the fabled Aquatrax?


Yeah, MF is the legendary 300+ foot Intamin giga AquaTrax that all the Dippin Dots guys and gals talk about.

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Hey everyone, I'm noticing that there is a Season Passholder ride night this week on Millennium and Rougarou, How exactly do these ride nights work? How long do they typically go on for?


To get in you'll just need to show your platinum pass, and they'll go for 1 hour. In Millenniums case if we finish the regular line at 10:25 we'll open for platinum pass holders from the 10:25-11:25. Hope that helps.

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Hey everyone, I'm noticing that there is a Season Passholder ride night this week on Millennium and Rougarou, How exactly do these ride nights work? How long do they typically go on for?


To get in you'll just need to show your platinum pass, and they'll go for 1 hour. In Millenniums case if we finish the regular line at 10:25 we'll open for platinum pass holders from the 10:25-11:25. Hope that helps.

Awesome! Thank you!

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Millennium ERT is the best ERT... not just because it's the best ride in the world, but once the line gets short they have a gate they can open that goes right from the unload station to the queue immediately outside the regular station so you don't have to walk around.


That doesn't sound like a big deal but after walking around Cedar Point for an entire day it really is.

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Millennium ERT is the best ERT... not just because it's the best ride in the world, but once the line gets short they have a gate they can open that goes right from the unload station to the queue immediately outside the regular station so you don't have to walk around.


That doesn't sound like a big deal but after walking around Cedar Point for an entire day it really is.

They did that at night when the line is short even when it wasn't ERT.

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I never knew that but the thought of ever being in the park with the Millennium Force line that short is just a distant fantasy anyway. Lol


It had rained that morning, plus it was a Wednesday in June. Ended up barely raining at all. Only three rides in the rain but hey they were actually open.


The whole both days the MF line was never over 15 minutes. Even with the line to the FL merge point at times. Pretty much all the staff at CP are awesome. Very efficient and friendly.

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The Streak will not be put off. The Streak will live on.


The Streak of course being Blue Streak because Blue Streak is amazing and the front row has godtier ejector airtime.

Although Mean Streak is pretty great too. Lots of fun turns if you ride in the front and lean forward. Bonus points if you ride in the rain.

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Awesome night POV on Valravn!! Thanks for posting! The front row leaning forward technique on Mean Streak coupled with it possibly closing this year has convinced me to ride it next month. Just how far forward does one need to lean, though?

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Awesome night POV on Valravn!! Thanks for posting! The front row leaning forward technique on Mean Streak coupled with it possibly closing this year has convinced me to ride it next month. Just how far forward does one need to lean, though?


Just far enough so your back isn't touching the seat. You can use the grab bar on the front of the train to pull yourself forward too. This method turned Mean Streak from "metal trash can rolling down a hill", to extremely fun.

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Awesome night POV on Valravn!! Thanks for posting! The front row leaning forward technique on Mean Streak coupled with it possibly closing this year has convinced me to ride it next month. Just how far forward does one need to lean, though?


Just far enough so your back isn't touching the seat. You can use the grab bar on the front of the train to pull yourself forward too. This method turned Mean Streak from "metal trash can rolling down a hill", to extremely fun.

^ this all the way. The layout is still mediocre but riding in the front leaning forward is just really fun and it goes on forever lol

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