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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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Hey, I'm headed to the park for the first time next week and I'm wondering if the marina entrance (The park entrance that goes underneath Valravn) opens up for early entry. I would assume it does, I just want to confirm that that's the case.


Also, could we park at the marina parking lot, even though we don't have a boat parked at the marina? Or is it limited to just the boat owners?



I've only used the Marina Gate when staying on property and I specifically used it to get to Valravn. I took an early shuttle from Breakers to that gate rather than use the Resort or Beach gate. I'm pretty sure the lot is signed for Marina visitors/use but I can't say for sure.

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We need at least five more posts saying that the parking lot revenue figure of $1,000,000/day is wrong. Two posts need to include cited sources, two posts need to include complex equations, and we need one post from nicman with a parking lot investment strategy based on no actual investment knowledge or experience. Maybe then, and only then, we can all move on from that post.



11,000 parking spots x $18 a spot = $198,000 in revenue (assuming every size vehicle has the same price). The park is open roughly 150 days (150x11k=1.65m parking spots available). Let's say it manages to fill up 65% (1.073m) of those spots, which would equal roughly $19.3m in annual revenue. Surely not a million a day, but doable within 10 days.

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We need at least five more posts saying that the parking lot revenue figure of $1,000,000/day is wrong. Two posts need to include cited sources, two posts need to include complex equations, and we need one post from nicman with a parking lot investment strategy based on no actual investment knowledge or experience. Maybe then, and only then, we can all move on from that post.

No, we will not get off the lawn

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So I took a weekend trip to the park with 4 friends of my so I though I would give a TR of how it went. We were there Friday to today but only visited the park yesterday and today. We were there from opening until closing Saturday and opening until 6 today

Ride totals and ranking of rides.

MF: 1- 10/10(3rd favorite)

Iron Dragon: 1- 5/10

Magnum: 1- 6/10 (I think it really needs new trains)

Gatekeeper: 3- right side twice and left side once- 7/10

Raptor: 1- 6/10

Rougarou: 1- 8/10

Wicked Twister: 1- 8/10

TTD: 1- 10/10 The wind kept it closed most of the weekend.

Maverick: 1- 10/10(favorite)

MaXair: 1- 9/10

Skyhawk: 1- 8/10

Mean Streak: 1- 4/10

Cedar Creek Mine Ride: 1- 7/10

Blue Streak: 1- 7/10

Gemini: 2(both sides)- 8/10

CP&LE Railroad: 2- 9/10

Corkscrew: 1- 4/10

Giant Wheel: 1- 10/10

WindSeeker: 1- 5/10 Wind kept it closed most of the weekend.

And finally Valraven: 1- 10/10(2nd favorite)

Also spent time and Soak City and the beach on Saturday.

Overall it was a great trip but we really needed the FLP for Saturday. Reason why we didn't get it was because none of my friends wanted to pay the extra cash for it while I did. That's all for the TR. Hope you enjoy it.

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Hey, I'm headed to the park for the first time next week and I'm wondering if the marina entrance (The park entrance that goes underneath Valravn) opens up for early entry. I would assume it does, I just want to confirm that that's the case.


Also, could we park at the marina parking lot, even though we don't have a boat parked at the marina? Or is it limited to just the boat owners?



I've only used the Marina Gate when staying on property and I specifically used it to get to Valravn. I took an early shuttle from Breakers to that gate rather than use the Resort or Beach gate. I'm pretty sure the lot is signed for Marina visitors/use but I can't say for sure.


Good to know, thank you!

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I apologize for the misquote guys, I must have heard it wrong and should have done a double take. Still it's amazing how much money the place can bring in on a single day of operations!


Apology my A$$...


[/youtu_be] Edited by prozach626
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Hey, I'm headed to the park for the first time next week and I'm wondering if the marina entrance (The park entrance that goes underneath Valravn) opens up for early entry. I would assume it does, I just want to confirm that that's the case.


Also, could we park at the marina parking lot, even though we don't have a boat parked at the marina? Or is it limited to just the boat owners?



I've only used the Marina Gate when staying on property and I specifically used it to get to Valravn. I took an early shuttle from Breakers to that gate rather than use the Resort or Beach gate. I'm pretty sure the lot is signed for Marina visitors/use but I can't say for sure.


Good to know, thank you!

Seconding what Digger said above, yes, the marina gate is open for early entry. If you park in the main lot it's a brief ten minute walk around the edge and definitely worth the walk. Marina parking is supposed to be reserved so I wouldn't count on being able to park right next to that.

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I swear I'm going to throw a temper tantrum.

I think VR will be great for this ride. Barely attracts lines, and with the VR it could potentially be pretty good.


Not sure what you're on about... Iron Dragon is one of the most popular rides in the park and routinely does over a million guests per season. Lines aren't long because the queue is tiny and when people see the line spilling out the entrance of a ride they perceive it as a long line even though that's not always the case.


These numbers are from the last time Cedar Point put out their ridership totals. Capacity plays a major role but the ride did more riders than Dragster and almost as many as Maverick. Like I said, capacity matters but they still fill trains and fill their queue despite the excellent capacity of the ride.


Iron Dragon does not have a popularity problem.

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I got a quick question to ask. While waiting in line for WindSeeker yesterday I noticed the Superman theme song playing. How is that possible? I though only Six Flags and Warner Bros parks could do that. We were guessing that CF had to get permission to do it.

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I don't think anything is preventing anyone from simply playing a song. Windseeker plays music from Harry Potter too. And at Knoebels they have some wooden pumpkins with their faces projected on that song Grim Grinning Ghosts. This type of thing isn't as rare as you might think.

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Ever wonder what it's like to walk to the top of Magnum's tallest hill? Check it out!




That was really, really cool, thanks for posting this!


If that was you, I believe I may have saw you when we hit Magnum on Sunday around noon - were you working then?


And let me close by saying that if that was you, that you have nerves of steel. While I love taking in the view from inside a coaster train, comfortably strapped in...I don't know if I would be able to do that walk without chickening out (or crapping myself) about halfway up.

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I got a quick question to ask. While waiting in line for WindSeeker yesterday I noticed the Superman theme song playing. How is that possible? I though only Six Flags and Warner Bros parks could do that. We were guessing that CF had to get permission to do it.

This is not based on any knowledge of theme park operations, because I have none. But I do know that it is possible to play some songs by just paying royalties to ASCAP or BMI in bulk, and then you get to use any of their songs, as long as they're not altered in any way or specifically employed for commercial use (e.g. used in a promotional video). I imagine that's what CF did here.

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^ Speaking of altering, I had to smile while we were having a cold beer on the Frontier Trail yesterday. We plopped down at a table between the Red Garter and the Millennium tunnel (near the funnel cake/pretzel place) and we ended up sitting in front of the speakers that plays the "Frontier Trail Soundtrack".


I was cracking up while listening to hillbilly violin renditions of Back In Black by AC/DC, Time by Pink Floyd, and Mysterious Ways by U2....very clever!

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