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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ Great picture.


By the way they're so damn OCD with that Sky Ride. Look at them lining all the green cars up together, lol.

I'm guessing painting is easier with the colors together.


Probably but they painted it last year I believe. It's funny though, they actually run it like that every day. Does anyone know if there's a reason for that or if they just do it for fun? They never did it until a few years ago. lol



And yes, I'm talking about the Sky Ride again. Shots for everybody!


As a former Sky Ride Operator I can confirm, we did it from time to time to pass the time. 16 hours of catch, unload, load and dispatch can be a little mentally disabling.

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A couple of interesting perspectives from those photos. Valravn still looks like the drop is not completed because of the turn East and away from the angle of the photo. Also, Magnum still looks taller than Valravn from that angle as well. Great photos! I'm sure that was a cold photoshoot lol!

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A couple of interesting perspectives from those photos. Valravn still looks like the drop is not completed because of the turn East and away from the angle of the photo. Also, Magnum still looks taller than Valravn from that angle as well. Great photos! I'm sure that was a cold photoshoot lol!

Crazy to think Valravn is taller than Magnum


I wonder if the new pathway will have any decorative string lights or anything like they did with Gemini Midway.

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A couple of interesting perspectives from those photos. Valravn still looks like the drop is not completed because of the turn East and away from the angle of the photo. Also, Magnum still looks taller than Valravn from that angle as well. Great photos! I'm sure that was a cold photoshoot lol!

You can't hardly see any of Magnum from that angle. The lift is almost completely blocked by Dragster.

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I wonder if the new pathway will have any decorative string lights or anything like they did with Gemini Midway.


I doubt we will see any of the decorative string lights in the new pathway area. It just doesn't seem like the string lights would fit in with that area of the park. They fit the Gemini midway, but I think they would look/feel out of place on this pathway area.

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A couple of interesting perspectives from those photos. Valravn still looks like the drop is not completed because of the turn East and away from the angle of the photo. Also, Magnum still looks taller than Valravn from that angle as well. Great photos! I'm sure that was a cold photoshoot lol!

You can't hardly see any of Magnum from that angle. The lift is almost completely blocked by Dragster.



Oh, my apologies. In the second picture I thought that MF was Magnum. I have poor eyesight.

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