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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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All that blabbing about Chic-Fil-A is quite ridiculous in here. This is a theme park forum about one of the best parks in the world. If you're honestly offended because an organization doesn't support what you support, then you're part of the problem, not the solution. If you hate Chic-Fil-A but support say a LGBT community hating on churches and you don't have a problem with at as well; then you have no space to call people or organizations names. Simple as that, now back to Valravn...


It's not "ridiculous." It's a forum. This is where people come to diSeuss things. The chick-fil-a topic just happens to be what has been being discussed lately.


I'm not offended because an organization doesn't support what I support. I also am not an LGBT person who hates churches. I am a firm believer and supporter of the entire NOH8 campaign, and the belief which no one should be hated for anything... and that is what frustrates me with chick-fil-a. I'm not hating on them, or their relguon, so why is it acceptable for them to hate on me and my beliefs??


Now... I'might done with the chick-fil-a topic. It's starting to get frustratingly annoying.


Any sign of the boat?!

You have actually gone into a Chick-fil-a and had them "hate-on" you, instead of wait-on you? Why do you feel the need to badmouth the whole company because the CEO is a fundamentalist Christian? The company employees LGBT persons, so where are you seeing this hate? Disagreement in worldview is not hate.


And I would love another REAL sit-down restaurant inside CP. I would rather pay extra for a server to bring me food than to fight with a crowd over a dirty table.

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All that blabbing about Chic-Fil-A is quite ridiculous in here. This is a theme park forum about one of the best parks in the world. If you're honestly offended because an organization doesn't support what you support, then you're part of the problem, not the solution. If you hate Chic-Fil-A but support say a LGBT community hating on churches and you don't have a problem with at as well; then you have no space to call people or organizations names. Simple as that, now back to Valravn...


There's a difference between not supporting the same thing as someone else and actively trying to ensure that someone lives a life that is disadvantaged and not guaranteed equal protections under the law. So Chick-Fil-A is the only problem here, unless you're trying to count your problem of attempting to get this thread "back to Valravn" to avoid a subject that might make you uncomfortable, which didn't even work.


I've never been a fan of Chick-Fil-A myself, but I can't say that I never popped in for the occasional milkshake on a hot day especially. I'd love to see the building become something like Midway Market, but more of a western style cuisine.

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I was not impressed with the food from Chick-fil-A at all. It was basically a bun with a piece of chicken on it...nothing special. I would like to see it replaced with something unique to the park (aka..skyline chili, graiters, larossas..ect). Something that the company is familiar with, but lacking at cedarpoint.


The same location used to be a park run pizza place before Chick-fil-A took over.

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Check out the cam


EDIT: Tony was just live on Periscope, he said this is the last piece the giant crane will be used for. I asked him in the chat if this was one of many designs considered in the design process. This is obvious to some but he talked about the back and forth talks with B&M deciding what fit best.


One more thing, the last piece on the lift hill is currently being placed and I must say the colors from Tony's view looked fantastic!!


Holding brake mid-flight!



Screenshot from periscope, those colors look great IMO

Edited by blakelemay23
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See what happens when I sleep?! I go to bed and there is a huge gap in the top of Valravn... I wake up and the gap has been filled. Sad I missed watching it, but glad to see they are moving right along with the construction.

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I know a lot of you guys were a bit disappointed with the lack of tunnel, but for me being perched 223ft above the ground will be far more spectacular rather than having the tunnel shorten the visual effect of the drop. It looks outrageously tall!

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Hey guys, need some help for our trip later this year:


We are staying at Breakers from 30th, June until 05th, July, 2016.

We are eventually spending 4 days at the park (1st-4th, July).


1) Let's say weather will be fine the whole time, which day do you think will be most crowded?


2) Do you recommend to buy Fast Lane Plus in advance?


3) How often do they sell out?


4) Do the fast lane prices go up during the season?



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^The days around 4th of July will be pretty packed, especially since it falls on a Monday, making the weekend crowds even larger. Saturday-Monday will probably be the busiest. They rarely sell out but if they do, it's generally on Saturdays in July/August and October. Prices have been known to increase for busy days and throughout the season.

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Hey guys, need some help for our trip later this year:


We are staying at Breakers from 30th, June until 05th, July, 2016.

We are eventually spending 4 days at the park (1st-4th, July).


1) Let's say weather will be fine the whole time, which day do you think will be most crowded?


2) Do you recommend to buy Fast Lane Plus in advance?


3) How often do they sell out?


4) Do the fast lane prices go up during the season?





Assuming the weather is equally good, Saturday the 2nd will be busiest followed by the 4th if they do fireworks on that day. Prices can occasionally rise during the season on them, but to be honest, I've never seen Cedar Point sell out of Fast Lane bands before opening ever. I would harbor a strong guess that they always have some for sale at the gate or wherever, though I could not guarantee that to you. With you being there for so long, I would suggest to you to pick a day in the schedule and target that as the day you will primarily go on rides. Every other day plan to go sit at the beach or water park and chill for long periods. Maybe book a fishing charter or something like that.

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What I'm going to miss is the splashdown like Griffon at BGW.


Being in Ohio, they have a natural splashdown, a bug splashdown. They should put a nutrition label on the coaster for how much protein and calories you get from the bugs.

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I go to immerse myself in a wonderful, beautiful fantasy world. I dont want to be reminded of all the crap, politics , personal issues, and bigotry out there in the rest of the world.


I also go to immerse myself in a wonderful, beautiful fantasy world. I dont want to be reminded of terrible chicken like what they have at Coasters Drive in... so I'll miss Chick Fil A. Cedar Point's chicken doesn't belong in my fantasy world because the only thing it makes me immerse myself in is the bathroom.


I don't agree with anything Dan Cathy says, but that Chicken though...


In all seriousness though whatever, I just hope they bring in another outside franchise that's decent (so not Popeyes) because anything Cedar Point makes in house is truly awful. And before another Midway Market fanboy appears, yes I've tried it. Yes it sucks.

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^To be honest while I'm sure Midway Market wasn't that amazing, it was absolutely the best thing ever when I had nearly starved after a good 8 hours straight of riding in the heat. I have no idea what I ate but it was a lot, and you can't get unlimited amounts anywhere else.


Speaking of, I don't recall the exact pricepoint for a single meal, but apparently it's an $8 upcharge for all season dining plans?


And back on topic, put me in the camp of "I love the food, hate the morals of the owners, but still eat it because not everybody (or almost anybody) that works there has the same opinion" for Chick-fil-a. I'm hoping another chain takes its place because they seem to be more consistent than in-house garbage.

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