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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Okay. Because I know how the IoA coasters have the roar but then after years people were complaining about all the noise so I would think that the hulk refurb may have sand in it's tracks. I would love it if talon and/or hydra had the roar.

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^ Could that weight of the track be including sand in it??


Also, I thought Tony had already confirmed that Valravn will be filled with sand...?

Valravn has no sand in the track or the supports. Not sure if its a weight issue or because they simply wanted a roar. Alot of people complained when they found out Gatekeeper would have sand. However, CP could of just decided they wanted a roar this time.

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I personally hope it has the roar. I could understand with gatekeeper being as it goes over the main entrance.


Edit* I believe Fury is not filled with sand? And I just searched and couldn't find anything on the tracks having sand in them. But I do like that they are using the vest restraints like on gatekeeper.

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I personally hope it has the roar. I could understand with gatekeeper being as it goes over the main entrance.


Edit* I believe Fury is not filled with sand? And I just searched and couldn't find anything on the tracks having sand in them. But I do like that they are using the vest restraints like on gatekeeper.

From what I understand, F325 is partially filled with sand, and in certain places. It is a loud coaster, no doubt about that, but certainly not as loud as a fully hollow B&M like Afterburn next door.

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I personally hope it has the roar. I could understand with gatekeeper being as it goes over the main entrance.


Edit* I believe Fury is not filled with sand? And I just searched and couldn't find anything on the tracks having sand in them. But I do like that they are using the vest restraints like on gatekeeper.

Tony also stated she will roar, but not as much as Raptor which is a given.

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So Valravn may be partially filled.

Yeah i thought so too. I can't find it right now, but Tony had a periscope where someone asked "Is the track filled with sand?" and he said no. Then someone asked if the supports are filled with sand and he said "I don't know lets see" and he walked over to nearby supports and knocked on them, they were hollow as well.

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^ Great picture.


By the way they're so damn OCD with that Sky Ride. Look at them lining all the green cars up together, lol.

I'm guessing painting is easier with the colors together.


Probably but they painted it last year I believe. It's funny though, they actually run it like that every day. Does anyone know if there's a reason for that or if they just do it for fun? They never did it until a few years ago. lol



And yes, I'm talking about the Sky Ride again. Shots for everybody!

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I feel for these guys working out in the weather today. I can only imagine how cold it is working out by the water.


I agree. I mean I know that they are "use" to it. But still... I couldn't do it!! Props to them!


That being said. . . Someone has moved on the construction site. Time for a new photo.


Actually, they have managed to get the track put together that they will be installing next. Also, there brought another piece of track to the site. It's sitting out in the middle! Can't wait to see this coaster complete. . . Even though I know that's months away.


I've given up on the boat.

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Not quite sure if we'll see any steel lifted today, but looks like half of the immelman (in terms of track and supports) are nearing ready to go up.


Here is a quick GIF of construction progress so far (based off my progress reports)



That's brilliant. Thanks for making that gif!

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