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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Does anyone know why they would put the two small supports up that come after the immelmann?


I'm just guessing but I think it was probably something that they could do to stay ahead of schedule while they were waiting for the large crane to be shipped to the park


I was thinking the same thing. They needed something to do while waiting on the larger crane to show up, this was something smaller, and closer to the ground that they could handle with the smaller cranes they had at the time.


Never would of thought of that.

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I just want to take a moment to admire the first drop on Valravn. It just towers over that entire area of the park. Not only is this coaster going to look amazing, it's also going to ride amazing. I can't wait to check it out this summer.


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I really had to go back a few times to make sure I wasn't reading the same page over and over and over and over again.


no doubt that it's going to deliver a great ride experience.
it's also going to ride amazing.


I can't imagine how big it's going to look in person!


And here you predict your reaction in person:

That. Drop. Is. Massive.


or maybe


It. Looks. Soooo... good.


I think Valravn could easily become a top five coaster.


Valravn looks to be the best Dive Machine yet!
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Does anyone know why they would put the two small supports up that come after the immelmann?


Tony brought this up on one of his Periscopes. Basically it's a low to the ground element that the smaller cranes could handle so they just put them in to stay on top of things. Once the lift is complete you MAY see more of this. Smaller cranes adding supports to other sections and waiting for the big cranes to catch up with the track.

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I really had to go back a few times to make sure I wasn't reading the same page over and over and over and over again.


no doubt that it's going to deliver a great ride experience.
it's also going to ride amazing.


I can't imagine how big it's going to look in person!


And here you predict your reaction in person:

That. Drop. Is. Massive.


or maybe


It. Looks. Soooo... good.


I think Valravn could easily become a top five coaster.


Valravn looks to be the best Dive Machine yet!


I'm glad I'm not the only one that was noticing this. lol We get it!! YOU ARE EXCITED!


But yes this coaster is starting to look amazing. This might be the year I finally visit this park.

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I plan on making my first visit to Cedar Point this summer, probably sometime in June or July. I am wondering if Cedar Point sells two-day admission tickets like Kings Island, Dorney Park, and some other Cedar Fair parks? I plan on making a two day trip to Cedar Point. I've looked on their website under tickets and couldn't find any two day admission tickets other than a ride and slide ticket. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated!

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I plan on making my first visit to Cedar Point this summer, probably sometime in June or July. I am wondering if Cedar Point sells two-day admission tickets like Kings Island, Dorney Park, and some other Cedar Fair parks? I plan on making a two day trip to Cedar Point. I've looked on their website under tickets and couldn't find any two day admission tickets other than a ride and slide ticket. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated!


I've always known them to have 2 day admission tickets but I have a season pass so I don't really pay close attention. I would wait until closer to the beginning of the season to see if they eventually put 2 day tickets up for sale. I can't imagine they wouldn't.

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I plan on making my first visit to Cedar Point this summer, probably sometime in June or July. I am wondering if Cedar Point sells two-day admission tickets like Kings Island, Dorney Park, and some other Cedar Fair parks? I plan on making a two day trip to Cedar Point. I've looked on their website under tickets and couldn't find any two day admission tickets other than a ride and slide ticket. Anyone's help would be greatly appreciated!


I've always known them to have 2 day admission tickets but I have a season pass so I don't really pay close attention. I would wait until closer to the beginning of the season to see if they eventually put 2 day tickets up for sale. I can't imagine they wouldn't.


Thanks. It's probably too early right now as it's only January and the park opens in May. I've bought these tickets for Kings Island and Dorney Park in the past so, I don't see why Cedar Point wouldn't have this option. I know my home park, Canada's Wonderland does but, I've never bought one there because I'm a season pass holder but, my friends have in the past until they realized they could get discounted admission tickets by going with a season pass holder (primarily me!).

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I really had to go back a few times to make sure I wasn't reading the same page over and over and over and over again.


Well at least we know I'm excited for this new addition to Cedar Point.


Plus, it's the off season. Closely following the construction of this coaster, and sharing our excitement for it with others is what gets most of us through the off season!

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Watching the webcam, some random big blue piece of metal is getting trucked in... Anyone have any idea what part of Valravn this might be for?? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Although it's not shown on the renderings, I expect it's the maintenance platform which goes under the holding brake.


Original Image

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Looks like Chick-fil-A is no longer a resident of cedarpoint. It was just brought to light that the chicken eatery will be leaving for a new food option to yet be announced.




Also, Johnny rockets, chicky and petes, and chuck wagon have been added to the dinning plan for 2016.

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Looks like Chick-fil-A is no longer a resident of cedarpoint. It was just brought to light that the chicken eatery will be leaving for a new food option to yet be announced.




Also, Johnny rockets, chicky and petes, and chuck wagon have been added to the dinning plan for 2016.


Interesting. This reminds me of two women who asked me if there was a Diary Queen in Cedar Point while waiting in line for Maverick. They seemed unconvinced when I told them I didn't think there was.

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The great thing about Valravn opening is that the other ride times won't be as long as they usually are. I didn't get to ride the Dragster the last time I went for the season because the line was out of the entrance to the ride, so hopefully the line won't be nearly as long as it typically is.


Not necessarily. B&M's have fairly fast moving lines, while Dragster and Maverick don't. These two rides are pretty much doomed to always have long, slow moving lines when they are actually operating. Best thing to do is try to hit the early and often, Maverick during early ride time.

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