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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Question for anybody who went to CP this past Friday night: How were the crowds/lines? Particularly on the coasters? I'm looking to go next week (Oct 2), and am curious what kind of waits to anticipate. The last time I went to a Halloweekends Friday night, was many years ago, and it was dead. I'm guessing it's gotten busier over the years, however... Thanks!

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I was there this past Friday and the crowds were not at all bad. We had Fast Lane Plus passes since I got one free from renewing my Platinum Pass, and other than riding Maverick at the beginning of the night I didn't even think we needed them. We walked onto Millennium Force at some point after dark and only waited two trains for the back seat. We usually go the first or second weekend so I don't know how bad it gets as it gets closer to Halloween, but I can tell you the crowds on Saturday were horrendous, despite the rain.

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I mean, even Millennium Force has a "toaster oven" station, fairly basic trains, and nothing really out on the course


I normally agree with you but I have to step in here...


Millennium Force is a highly themed journey back in time to an island filled with dinosaurs. The name makes perfect sense too as they never specified which Millennium they were referring to. Everyone misses the theme because they incorrectly assume they were talking about this Millennium.

This made me


My vision of this ride had been infinitely expanded.


And for those requesting the picture to go with the caption...


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From this point on, Saturdays will be highly dependent on weather. The 10th will obviously be the busiest Saturday for the rest of the season, and on average they get busier closer to Halloween. So with that in mind, this Saturday has the lowest potential peak business before Halloween. It will still be significantly busier than Friday and Sunday.

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Why do people use GateKeeper to say that wing coasters suck? I haven't ridden it but I have ridden both Wild Eagle and Thunderbird and both were very intense.


Because people go in thinking it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and expect old-school 1993 Kumba forces on a 2013 wing coaster. I should also mention that it's not Intimidator 305, so people automatically will not like it due to less intense forces.


If you strap yourself in and just ride the damn thing you will certainly have a good time. GateKeeper is an all around enjoyable coaster with gigantic inverting elements that are uniquely enhanced by the unique seating. It's also very re-rideable, with a different experience depending on where you sit on the train, and one of the most unique coasters at Cedar Point.


But then again, everyone likes to complain and use disproportionate comparisons to justify said complaints. So I guess it's crap...

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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If you strap yourself in and just ride the damn thing you will certainly have a good time. GateKeeper is an all around enjoyable coaster with gigantic inverting elements that are uniquely enhanced by the unique seating. It's also very re-rideable, with a different experience depending on where you sit on the train, and one of the most unique coasters at Cedar Point.


THIS. Just... this. Seriously. I couldn't have said it better myself. Gatekeeper does NOT suck. If you want a super forceful ride go next door and ride Raptor. If you want a semi-forceful, very enjoyable, very re-rideable ride... then ride Gatekeeper.

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I was there this past Friday and the crowds were not at all bad. We had Fast Lane Plus passes since I got one free from renewing my Platinum Pass, and other than riding Maverick at the beginning of the night I didn't even think we needed them. We walked onto Millennium Force at some point after dark and only waited two trains for the back seat. We usually go the first or second weekend so I don't know how bad it gets as it gets closer to Halloween, but I can tell you the crowds on Saturday were horrendous, despite the rain.


How does the renewal of season passes work for the free fast lane? Do I have to wait for the day I want to use it is basically my question. Living in Texas makes it more difficult to predict crowds and such and I'm kind of stuck with the crowds I get (yes I do have a platinum pass even living here lol). I'm going Oct. 18th to King's Island and driving overnight to CP and planned on renewing my pass that Saturday and using the FL then so I know the crowd will be atrocious. But if I can renew Friday night at King's Island and save the FL till Saturday, that's what I'm hoping to do.

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The Complimentary Fast Lane Plus you get for renewing your Platinum Pass is not valid on Saturdays, otherwise we would have purchased them for that day. How it works is when you renew your pass (I'm not sure if you get one for a Cedar Point Season Pass or just for a Platinum Pass) you receive a voucher good for one Fast Lane Plus pass that can be redeemed at any ticket booth at the park. I let my wife have the voucher then purchased a Fast Lane Plus for myself for the Friday we'd be there. When you purchase Fast Lanes online you have to specify the day, as they're priced differently for Fridays vs. Saturdays. I printed out both vouchers and we redeemed them for wrist bands Friday evening before we went into the park. Be aware the Fast Lane Plus is good only for rides and not for the Haunts. We used the Fright Lane entrances for Zombie High and Hexed without problem by showing our wristbands, but were turned away from the Eerie Estate. After this was pointed out to us, we rode and hit the haunts late after the lines had decreased somewhat.

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Gatekeeper is weird because based on a statistical analysis of the *estimated heights and speeds of each element, it seems that unlike most inverting coasters that pull greater or exactly 0 g's, Gatekeeper's inversions actually pull less than zero. In other words, Gatekeeper's pacing through it's large elements give you much more hangtime than any other B&M. I've heard that people do get sick on Gatekeeper and if that's true then that would be the explanation. It's a unique experience honestly, and despite liking more intense coasters myself, I really don't understand all the hate on Gatekeeper.

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It varies by person, but when I rode Gatekeeper I just remember it somehow just not doing it for me. I don't know what it was and I'm not gonna make an excuse for what it is, but i just didn't get any exitement or a rush like you do on Maverick or MF.


EDIT: I know I'm comparing completely different coasters

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Of the 4 that I have ridden I would consider Gatekeeper the most meh. I think the best 2 elements are the keyhole fly by's and the turnaround. It's the most forceful part of the ride IMHO. Aside from that it just kinda meanders through it's course. Everything after the MCB seems pointless.


Is it fun? Yeah. Will it rate high on my steel coaster list? Probably in the muddled middle.

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Off topic, but has anyone seen the new one rail coaster concept by RMC?


I do think Cedar Point will eventually get an RMC, but im not sure they would RMC Meanstreak. I think if Cedar Point were to get an RMC it would be built from the ground up to break records. I feel like Cedar Point is just waiting so they can get the best out of RMC because then they will be able to evaluate all of the other designs and design a monster. The question for me is, I wonder which style of coaster they would go with because RMC is innovating some game changing stuff.


So if you believe Cedar Point will get an RMC in the future, could you imagine Cedar Point going with a single rail design if it is succesful?

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Why do people use GateKeeper to say that wing coasters suck? I haven't ridden it but I have ridden both Wild Eagle and Thunderbird and both were very intense.


Because people go in thinking it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and expect old-school 1993 Kumba forces on a 2013 wing coaster. I should also mention that it's not Intimidator 305, so people automatically will not like it due to less intense forces.


If you strap yourself in and just ride the damn thing you will certainly have a good time. GateKeeper is an all around enjoyable coaster with gigantic inverting elements that are uniquely enhanced by the unique seating. It's also very re-rideable, with a different experience depending on where you sit on the train, and one of the most unique coasters at Cedar Point.


What is the most intense seat on GateKeeper? I rode it somewhere in the middle right side, and it wasn't very forceful. The next year, I rode it on the back left side and it was worthy. I heard good reviews of the front seats, but I never rode it towards the front.

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