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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ ^ I agree. I feel like people who say "omg... this coaster has like.. no airtime." Are the ones who expect airtime on every coaster to be something that throws you out of your seat so agressivly you have bruises from the restraints. They don't realize there is a difference in "airtime" and "ejector time."

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Totally agree with TB's take...We experimented quite a bit with the ride experience in different cars on about 35 different coasters...For us at least, the rear of the trains on B&M's was like riding a different coaster completely. Haven't made it to Carowinds or Canada's Wonderland, yet...but I imagine it's pretty frickin' good in the back.

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Some of you guys crack me up. "B&M Hypers have no airtime". Come on guys, they have it and you know they do. Ive been on Nitro, Apolo, Diamondback, and Intimidator. All 4 have had fantastic airtime.


Are any of them El Toro? No, not at all. But absolutely none of them are forceless.


I was gonna comment a few hours ago on these stupid claims that B&M's have no airtime but I was in such awe that I just walked away. I 'm glad I did because I think you said it better than I would have.

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There's been other photos, but I took this one Thursday afternoon...




Here's one of the posts...




There's also a mysterious blue wrapped "thing" underneath Millenium...It's been there for about 2 weeks...It looks sorta like a dive car flipped on its back...(headrests on grass)





That Dive track is huge!!

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I know it's all a matter of personal preference, but I find it nearly impossible to believe that people who say they don't "feel" any airtime, aren't still spending plenty of time with their bottoms off the seat (unless they stapled themselves or are too large?). And that, my friends, is dictionary definition "airtime". Just because it's not ejector air, doesn't mean it's not airtime. I think when we all discuss airtime here at TPR, there is a need to be specific regarding which kind of airtime you are referring to, because otherwise it's just a cause for contention.


I really don't feel that sensation on Nitro or Apollo (maybe a bit at the ends of those rides). My butt is on the seat. Even if I have a bit of wiggle room in the lapbars it makes no difference. I don't need to be told what floater airtime is because I've been on coasters that I consider to have that.

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I've said this before and it amazes me that people still think this is a false statement...

Airtime does not necessitate you actually coming out of your seat. It is just the sensation of negative g-force or reduced positive g-force.

To nail this point home, if you're stapled on El Toro, does the ride suddenly not have any airtime? No, and it's ridiculous to argue otherwise. I'm at a point on Nitro in which my last "click" hold me very firmly in my seat. I don't actually come up at all out of my seat, but there is an obvious three to four seconds on the larger camelbacks of negative g-force. That, in my opinion, is airtime. The only factor that distinguishes floater from ejector is the intensity of the airtime. You don't have to come out of your seat for ejector airtime either--if you did, then I suppose El Toro's RT hill is only a "quick pop of floater."

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On nitro I don't experience 3 to 4 seconds of any obvious sensation. The hills are huge and drawn out and they're crested at comparatively slow speeds. I don't believe for a second that they're producing 0g's, but maybe they're cruising at 0.5 g's or something. Obviously for many people that's enough of a difference to trigger the airtime sensation but for me and some others it isn't. It would be great if people would stop implying that I'm lying or insane or something when I say: For the most part, I don't feel floater airtime on these rides. It is the truth.

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It depends with Nitro. The back row near the end of the day gives borderline ejector airtime after the MCBR. And it has tons of floater air everywhere else during all times of the day. I've felt airtime on every B&M hyper I've been on. Even MF (which is tame compared to some hypers) has decent floater air. Everything has airtime but sometimes you aren't aware of it.

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I've been on Diamondback and Nitro and there was barely any airtime on either one of them.


Then you're doing it wrong.


Row 16 on Diamondback is my go to row for maximum airtime. You get airtime on every drop in row 16.

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Great Adventure is my home park. I've been on Nitro hundreds of times. It has plenty of airtime. It does. Thats it.


Unless they are relocating Nitro to Cedar Point, lets discuss Cedar Point.


Good thing you guys came along to tell me that my experiences aren't valid.


Different people experience this sensation differently. Nobody's "right" or "wrong".

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^You may not be experiencing a different sensation, but you're reacting differently. Regardless of how it makes it feel, if one person experiences 0 g's, then so are you. It may feel like nothing to one guy, but it may feel really intense to the next. It's all in perspective . And to say Nitro's hills pull over 0 g's is incorrect. Usually B&M's airtime hills (depending on the generation, the new ones are slightly different) transition to 0g's, snap to anywhere from .3 g's to .7g's (and never any lower than that) at the crest of the parabola, then go back to 0, then go back to strong positives at the valley. I'm not invalidating your experience, but perhaps you caught Nitro on an off day. At the beginning of this season, it was running extremely sluggish compared to it's normal pacing and crawling over ever element because of a wheel change. Or of course you could be less sensitive to negative g's than most people. Or maybe you've experienced the same thing so many times your body gets used to it and doesn't react. It happens to me sometimes, but when that happens I change things up and ride in a different row to make things interesting.


Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled thread . I find it interesting that CP decided to sneak an airtime hill in both Gatekeeper and (supposedly) Valravn. It's an interesting decision on their part. Wingriders and dive machines are usually focusing on inversions, so it's pretty cool to see airtime hills on these coasters (even if they're not as strong as on, say, a hyper coaster or such)

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