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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Couple questions -


How many people does the average coaster hold?


Did you notice that the link went into some advanced math problem on yahoo.. Something about a number between 300-500 ft and then went into some complicated stuff that i did not want to bother reading.... Here are my thoughts.. Flying coaster holding 64 people per ride somwhere between 300-500 ft tall.. But this is just a guess.. maybe some modifications to raptor?? Hence the dinosaur picture? That has always been a dream of mine for them to modify a ride that they already own.. I know probably just wishful thinking at this point...

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well i am guessing the height is going to be 400 ft whatever it is that we are getting and i think that the majority of riders will be riding barefoot hence the barefoot pictures?? I just am hoping it is a big (-) for the star flyer concept.. 3 years is long enough to wait with no coaster and just getting flat rides all the time.. I am going to try and lose some weight so i can ride whatever it is whenever it comes out....

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Just a quick 'new to me' post:


Millennium Force has misters in its station now, just like the ones on I305. Have these been there all season?


Magnum changed its seat belts so that they are now pushbuttons (like Mean Streak) instead of the old style locks (like Gemini). Did this happen recently, or like the misters, have I just been blind to such changes all season long?

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Millennium Force has misters in its station now, just like the ones on I305. Have these been there all season?


Magnum changed its seat belts so that they are now pushbuttons (like Mean Streak) instead of the old style locks (like Gemini). Did this happen recently, or like the misters, have I just been blind to such changes all season long?

Millennium Force had misters in the station back when I was there in the last week of June and I honestly can't remember which kind of seat belts Magnum had.

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each post that was an anwser to the question said 3 years ago.. so i was thinking that 3 years ago was meaning that they started planning 3 years ago.


Misters-- i thought you meant that they had guys at the station keeping the stations clear. Have they fixed that since previous years where they had no one there and the stations were like giant clusters of people?

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What are the square numbers between 300 and 500


Uhh... 400?




So its going to be the second tallest thing in the park... Over 100ft taller than Power Tower


I dont think that the three years answer applies here... It seems to me that this ride is total filler, something hastily ordered to cover up the StR mess ... or maybe an omen of whats to come, i.e. Skyhawk before Maverick?

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Millennium Force has misters in its station now, just like the ones on I305. Have these been there all season?


Magnum changed its seat belts so that they are now pushbuttons (like Mean Streak) instead of the old style locks (like Gemini). Did this happen recently, or like the misters, have I just been blind to such changes all season long?

Millennium Force had misters in the station back when I was there in the last week of June and I honestly can't remember which kind of seat belts Magnum had.



Are you referring to the misters on the track that were cooling the wheels? I also noticed that when I went in July. If he saw them in June, seems like they were there all season I guess.


I was completely against the idea of any kind of flat ride coming this year, but the more I think about it the more excited I get. If it really is going to be some where around 400 feet, that will be pretty awesome.

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I dont understand why some people seem so bummed about this, sure its *probably* not a coaster but I personally find the idea of a 400 foot starflyer-type ride to be pretty awesome, you might laugh now but when youre suspended 400 feet in the air in a chair like that for an extended period of time I bet its a lot more thrilling than it sounds...and it sounds pretty thrilling to me

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