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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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I hope they keep the current design and maker for the trains on Magnum. Magnum has some of the nicest looking trains! Not to mention they are different, which is a plus since places like to go overboard with an idea. These are the best Arrow trains in my opinion.


I hate Morgan trains, they sink way too much especially on the Wild Thing(they're loud too). I wish the only thing they do is just add another section of block brakes, possibly some brakes right before the transfer tracks(the little flat section of track behind the Magnum on ride photos booth).


Or they can extend the brake run/transfer tracks. Make Magnum's brake run like Mamba's or Steel Force's brake runs.

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Yay! I finally saw the video. Oh man, seeing it made me want to ride it. Everyone on it looks like they're just giggling their brains out.


Seeing it whip around like that kind of makes me think taking out the roll was a good idea (although I would have ridden it whether it made you black out or not).

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I've always thought of Magnum's trains as very ugly, uncomfortable, and nothing more than a semi-modern shell on a mine train.


Gemini has them too, and I think that one's actually the smoothest of Cedar Point's three Arrow Mine rides. (I still like Magnum more though, call me masochistic.)


If that lap bar wasn't so freakin' horrible, Magnum might be better than Millennium Force.

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I rode in the front seat yesterday, and the back's better. There's really good airtime in the front on the hill before the corkscrews, but it's more intense in the back. The first drop can't be beat in the back either.


Cedar Point's really got a winner on its hands. I think it's my No. 2 coaster at the park.

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Glad ur all enjoying CP 17th coaster, did you really think CP will let everyone down and install a "duff" coaster.


Night rides are amazing I can guess, going over the water and shooting out of the tunnel.


Has the guy in the 1st row right hand side "passed Out"..?

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They refurbish them every off season.


If there was enough damage to the trains to warrant a refurb then they would.


But it sure doesn't sound like the impact was hard enough to warrant removing two entire trains for the rest of the season.

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I hope they keep the current design and maker for the trains on Magnum. Magnum has some of the nicest looking trains! Not to mention they are different, which is a plus since places like to go overboard with an idea. These are the best Arrow trains in my opinion.


I hate Morgan trains, they sink way too much especially on the Wild Thing(they're loud too). I wish the only thing they do is just add another section of block brakes, possibly some brakes right before the transfer tracks(the little flat section of track behind the Magnum on ride photos booth).


Or they can extend the brake run/transfer tracks. Make Magnum's brake run like Mamba's or Steel Force's brake runs.

Arrows Hyper trains are sooo ugly IMO. I wish they would convert some old Arrow looper trains into hyper ones. Phantoms Revenge has the best trains I have ever ridden in.


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The fact that the ride is open again so soon actually reinforces Ginzo's post that this is a minor accident, and much more "easier to swallow" as someone else put it, than a major one. It didn't even make the news here (at least not the station I had on) in Cincinnati, and the most serious "injury" was an asthma attack!! Not to belittle asthma, but that isn't directly caused by the impact of the "crash". Sad to see that brakes failed, and I'd be interested to know what part of the blocking system malfunctioned. If I'm correct, the default setting for those trim brakes are closed, so even if there was power failure to the brake, it shouldn't open. Very odd, and you hate to see it happen to such a good ride.


-James Dillaman

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If I'm correct, the default setting for those trim brakes are closed, so even if there was power failure to the brake, it shouldn't open. Very odd, and you hate to see it happen to such a good ride.


Sounded to me that the brakes did kick in, however the train slipped through because of the brakes being wet.


I'm not really surprised though, as the train hits those brakes at a pretty good speed.

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