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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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It sucks being a roller coaster enthusiast that hates large crowds.

It's awesome being a coaster enthusiast that hates large crowds but avoids them by not going on Saturday's in October without budgeting for fast pass.



Lol. Thank you.


Honestly the first thing that came to my mind was ...it must also suck to be a coaster enthusiast that thinks they need to make a snarky remark to another coaster enthusiast for no reason other than to be a jerk. Lol

But i bit my tongue. Lol.

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^Whats even dumber, which a member previously posted, is it doesn't matter even if you DO have a Fast Pass, when you're walking around and constantly running into people or are elbow to elbow wherever you go, it just gets plain annoying. I'm not even claustrophobic or afraid of crowds but there have been plenty of times when I've been at a park when it's like that and I'd really rather just go home. It can most definitely ruin your experience at a park.


The best thing to do is just avoid those days.


As far as seeing the track, it looks like we have a drop after the transfer track, to a pretty straight shot right to the lift hill, and those "curve up" pieces look like the bottom of the lift. I always found Mean Streaks transfer after the station kind of odd. Maybe they didn't for cost reasons, but if they would have moved it behind the station, they probably would have a little more room for a pre-lift besides just a turnaround.


I'm definitely excited to see the steeper lift, but remember, they can always cut the first hill back shorter as well, a lift hill at that angle doesn't necessarily have to continue to where the previous first drop structure exists.

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If the ride lines are that bad, I'd hate to see the maze queues. I was at HHN Orlando Friday night where (Other than Rockit), the longest stand-by wait was 40 minutes while that time was the shortest I ever saw for any of the mazes.


Though I could very easily be wrong about how similar/different the two events are in what draws the crowds in.

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As far as seeing the track, it looks like we have a drop after the transfer track, to a pretty straight shot right to the lift hill, and those "curve up" pieces look like the bottom of the lift. I always found Mean Streaks transfer after the station kind of odd. Maybe they didn't for cost reasons, but if they would have moved it behind the station, they probably would have a little more room for a pre-lift besides just a turnaround.

Why is this even still being discussed? All the prelift ledgers where in place before even the first straight peices of track showed up. The ledgers clearly showed the elevation changes and shape of the new prelift.


Transfers in front of the station and and were never new.


I'm definitely excited to see the steeper lift, but remember, they can always cut the first hill back shorter as well, a lift hill at that angle doesn't necessarily have to continue to where the previous first drop structure exists.

I, too, am holding my excitement for this same reason. They could lower the end, raise it, or do something entirely new, like a "Dolly's Humps" style predrop.

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I have a feeling they won't exceed 200 ft. I know Cedar Fair loves its records but it may not be do-able since the original Mean Streak wasn't in that 180+ ft range. It still will probably be the tallest, fastest, and longest hybrid, so more records. Yay!

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Ok...I'm confused.


I just don't understand the approach they are taking on the marketing of the new mean streak( or whatever they decide to call it). They should at the very least, have some kind of teaser. Maybe a video on social media about "something is coming ", or along those lines. Even a billboard in front of the ride with some kind of tease like they do with other coasters.


It's no secret what's happening to mean streak, so why not build the suspense a little? I get that they are adding a couple of water slides next summer, but they could at least put something out there without giving too much away. I think they are missing a great opportunity here.


Just my 2 cents.

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^Other than us and other roller coaster enthusiast communities, I would assume none of the general public knows, or cares, about what is going on with Mean Streak at this point in time. Which to me I completely don't understand because I am freaking giddy over what this ride is going to be and for people to not care to me is insane especially considering the potential of such a monumental makeover. How are people so clueless or careless about something so awesome? I mean it's a physical RIDE that you get to go on and do insane stuff you could never do anywhere else! HOW could you NOT be anxious like I am!?!?!?


This kind of stuff is what reminds me that I truly am a coaster nerd, no matter how old I get. I also bought my first Coaster Dynamix set and felt like it was Christmas when I got it in the mail. It was more exciting to me than buying a new car. I took videos and photos once I was done and people at work looked at me like I was insane. Apparently I don't come off as "that type" to folks I know LOL.


Why is this even still being discussed?


Transfers in front of the station and and were never new.




I'm not allowed to talk about the specific pieces shown in the photo? And I acknowledged the transfers in front of the station as always being there, while being rather unique and somewhat odd. I'm struggling to understand what you're getting at. I just felt like if they MOVED the transfers behind the station they would have more room to do something interesting with the pre-lift.



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Ok...I'm confused.


I just don't understand the approach they are taking on the marketing of the new mean streak( or whatever they decide to call it). They should at the very least, have some kind of teaser. Maybe a video on social media about "something is coming ", or along those lines. Even a billboard in front of the ride with some kind of tease like they do with other coasters.


It's no secret what's happening to mean streak, so why not build the suspense a little? I get that they are adding a couple of water slides next summer, but they could at least put something out there without giving too much away. I think they are missing a great opportunity here.


Just my 2 cents.


You mean like having a closing ceremony for the ride and burial procession led by a character with the initials RMC?

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Why is this even still being discussed?


Transfers in front of the station are and were never new.




I'm not allowed to talk about the specific pieces shown in the photo? And I acknowledged the transfers in front of the station as always being there, while being rather unique and somewhat odd. I'm struggling to understand what you're getting at. I just felt like if they MOVED the transfers behind the station they would have more room to do something interesting with the pre-lift.



I am saying that it's not unique, whatsoever. Transfers have been in the front of many stations built before and after Mean Streak. They're probably not moving it to save money on a new transfer house.

Edited by RollerManic
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Omg guys it's going to be themed after a construction zone!!!1!

It will only operate at night, at the top of the lift the coaster will stop while you wait for the guy that has to hold the stop sign to turn the sign around, and if it goes through the layout too fast then everyone gets fined afterwards.


In all seriousness though, I love the ways that Tony Clark responds to the enthusiasts asking why there's track on site.

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You just answered your own question. Cedar Point has to deal with high winds much more frequently than other parks do because of their location. It gets incredibly windy there.

I know your comment is awhile back, but apparently the employees are also used to the cold. I was talking to a ride-op for Blue Streak right after he got off his shift (he was wearing shorts in 46 degree weather, wouldn't you stop him?), and he said that it's been as cold as 25 degrees and he was still able to wear shorts. When I asked how, he simply replied with "It's because I'm working".

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Random question but does anyone know what rides have given over a million rides so far this year? I'm assuming Gatekeeper, Millennium, Raptor, Rougarou, Magnum, and probably Valravn?


Sky Ride has. They had their "1 Million Rides, Keep it Rolling" sign up when we were there on Labor Day weekend. You're probably right on all of those and you can confidently add CP&LE Railroad to the list too. The only ones we actually noticed the signs on were Sky Ride, Millennium Force and Gatekeeper.


I expect Raptor and Rougarou to be way down since they lost Early Entry (and Rougarou lost Haunt Fridays) but 1 million is easy for them. Iron Dragon may not make it for the first time between losing Early Entry, adding VR and being down to 2 trains for the last few years.


Does anyone know where Dragster and Maverick are? They usually cut it close.

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