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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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So, maybe I am looking to far into this, or maybe just being way to hopeful. But on Cedar Point's website homepage, there is a wooden coaster (Mean Streak?) But... The riders are upside down! Foreshadowing? Or just a mean April Fools Joke? We can only hope this is another Mean Streak RMC clue!

That has been the background for the April Fools Day sale on each Cedar Fair park's website, so I don't think it means anything.

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A large corporate chain park would fire me in an instant if I were to find myself working in digital media. I would constantly throw subtle false hints out there just to stir up speculation and mess with enthusiasts. Or in the case of working for Cedar Fair, I would be fired because I would accidentally post a picture where guests are riding with their hands up.


Non-story here even if an RMC conversion is somewhere in the future.

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A large corporate chain park would fire me in an instant if I were to find myself working in digital media. I would constantly throw subtle false hints out there just to stir up speculation and mess with enthusiasts. Or in the case of working for Cedar Fair, I would be fired because I would accidentally post a picture where guests are riding with their hands up.


Non-story here even if an RMC conversion is somewhere in the future.


But if you weren't fired, it would be a pretty hilarious job. Every sort of subtle non-hint imaginable! Think of the possibilities!

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A large corporate chain park would fire me in an instant if I were to find myself working in digital media. I would constantly throw subtle false hints out there just to stir up speculation and mess with enthusiasts. Or in the case of working for Cedar Fair, I would be fired because I would accidentally post a picture where guests are riding with their hands up.


Non-story here even if an RMC conversion is somewhere in the future.

Isn't that what Tony does?

( Other than the hands up)

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Something caught my attention on the webcam currently facing the construction/dorms area. I circled in red the area of notice.




Do I see a footer and several footer holes or...?

It also looks like there are little white markings spread out...Future footer locations???

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Something caught my attention on the webcam currently facing the construction/dorms area. I circled in red the area of notice.




Do I see a footer and several footer holes or...?

It also looks like there are little white markings spread out...Future footer locations???

They do look like footers to me. But the white things are possibly markers, or maybe birds.

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I didn't realize just how big the area is that Cedar Point opened up for the new expansion. Looking at the webcam right now, it looks like it could easily fit a good size coaster. Can't wait to see what happens!

Another note, I REALLY hope Cedar Point adds a pathway that connects the Blue Streak area with the Main Midway. That would make Blue Streak more accessible walking from the back of the park.

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I didn't realize just how big the area is that Cedar Point opened up for the new expansion. Looking at the webcam right now, it looks like it could easily fit a good size coaster. Can't wait to see what happens!

Another note, I REALLY hope Cedar Point adds a pathway that connects the Blue Streak area with the Main Midway. That would make Blue Streak more accessible walking from the back of the park.


Yeah and this path wouldn't take much. Blue Streak could use a little easy access!

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Quite honestly, if you're a first timer at Cedar Point, in park wi-fi isn't the first thing you should be concerned about. The only time wi-fi would've been of any help to me was for Tony's tweet ups; but even then, it was only during a passing shower with all the rides closed. Cedar Point keeps people occupied better than almost any park.


That said, it could be a nice addition for the regulars or employees for sure.

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So, maybe in 2016 then? Wi-Fi, better food and all these redone path;s would really turn this park around.


The park needs turning around?


Anyway I don't care about Wifi in the slightest. I don't mind using data to post a few pictures of us at the park and besides that why would I be on my phone at a park anyway? Everyone's different but for me this really doesn't matter at all.

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