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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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^ $30 million dollar coaster it better not be meh, by the way I like the wingrider concept (even though I haven't been on one yet) they just seem too slow but having nothing above and below you makes up for it.

And I want more morlock discussions.

Me too and Wes, what happens when you trick them and give them coke instead of Pepsi?

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The wing riders are a wonderful invention. I rode X-Flight at SFGam, and it was a great ride. Not nearly as intense as other B&M's, but they're fun for what they are. GateKeeper will be great addition to Cedar Point.


Sidenote, my Mother just asked if this ride will be replacing the aquarium. Remember when Cedar Point had an aquarium?

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^ I loved the aquarium! I was so bummed when they ripped it all out. I believe they had an arcade in the building for a while before tearing it down, didn't they?


You are correct. Yea, I liked that too. But im an aquarium nut anyways.

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The morlocks are too busy planning a takeover of the in-park Chik-Fil-A to protest the discriminatory ban on morlock & virgin sacrifice marriages.


Does the Chick-Fil-A serve Elois, but not Morlocks? Or does it serve Elois to Morlocks?

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^^Come on, I don't think that's a fair thing to say because you're neglecting the factor of reputation on peoples' predictions. In recent years, Intamin has made a number of really intense, world class if not top 10 rides that give them a reputation that allows us to be more certain they will build an intense, top 10 ride again in the future. B&M's on the other hand have been generally much less intense in recent years, in comparison to both recent Intamin rides and old B&Ms. If it was an Intamin wingrider, people would be wary, because Intamin's only previous wingrider coaster was, while intense, very rough in places. B&M's recent wingriders however, have been widely agreed to be rather meh, in terms of forces, layout, and intensity. This in turn, causes concern that maybe Gatekeeper will be the same way, although if you read carefully, I think people are being rather fair, in reserving judgment until they ride it, despite their apprehension. After all, we're all able to recognize that this is a much larger design than their previous models, and will therefore potentially ride more aggressively.


In summary, we as a coaster community have every right to be legitimately apprehensive about an upcoming coaster based on previous experience and reputation. Let's stop pretending we can't tell what we like and what we don't.

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FACT: 98% of people on this site will say that this ride is lame just because it was made by B&M. While I like both B&M and Intamin, I can bet that if this ride was made by Intamin and was a "wing rider" then it would be proclaimed as the next coming of Christ. SMH

For me, it's not a B&M vs. Intamin issue.....it's a "boring as hell" issue. Gatekeeper is a larger Wild Eagle with two keyholes. Whoopdeeeffindoo. That's not to say I didn't find Wild Eagle fun (it was). I'm just bored with Cedar Point's philosophy. As I said before, I was hoping Maverick would signal a change, but it didn't.


I realize it's a bottom line company, with CP as its highlighted feature park, and they're not building this stuff for us. However, I just kinda wish Cedar Point, being one of the two or three major players that could realistically build anything, would step up and grow some balls. If you wanna call yourself "America's Roller Coast," then back it up with something bold. Be the American amusement park that's willing to take calculated chances.


I want variety. I don't want the same thing I can ride at any number of east coast parks already. I want a Blue Fire...a Winjas...a Megalite....or God forbid, another Intamin woodie in this country (you know, it's only been six years since the only other one has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it's world-class).


Until then, I guess I'll just be content to watch Cedar Point pretend it's still a leader while the Hersheys, SDCs, and even Six Flags of the world pass them by with uniqueness and innovation.....and better rides.


Just a thought.

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^ The Gate Gatsby


This has been my favorite post of the entire thread.



Heh, you're welcome.


We should totally start an online petition to have them rename it this! Those always end up working! /sarcasm



B&M has a reputation for building extremely reliable and high capacity coasters.


Maybe that is what Cedar Point wants?


With all the trouble they had getting Shoot the Rapids, Maverick and TTD open and operating reliably, is anyone really surprised that they decided to go back to a company that has proven time and time again that they can produce a reliable, high-capacity and GP popular ride?

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I think what has people a little disappointed with this coaster is how it compares to the other coasters at the park, it's not necessarily a stand-out. You have a park that's known for its world-class coasters, such as Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, Magnum - with some of them being considered as some of the world's greatest coasters. And with this new coaster, we're not seeing anything that hasn't been done before, which disappoints some people. With their past coasters, Cedar Point has made an effort to stand out from other coasters being constructed at other parks in the U.S., breaking the mold and consistently raising the bar throughout the years and producing coasters that stand out from the pack (Millennium, Dragster, Maverick).


Other Wing Rider's have the dive drop, Immelmann's, keyhole elements, etc. I think what B&M has been lacking is the development of new track elements as well as using the same out-and-back layout for a lot of their coasters which to me (and all this is my opinion, no one has to agree with me; agree to disagree) isn't helping them stand out from their previous installments. I've ridden one of these and I don't doubt this coaster will be a fun coaster (Wild Eagle was a lot of fun, and one of my personal favorites that I've been on actually). That's just my thoughts on the subject.


My opinion is it will definitely be a fun coaster. The fact that it travels over top of the entrance is unique. But aside from that, its not a really a stand-out in my book.

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^^ I think some of it might be comparatively, but I think the majority of the problems come with the style of coaster. The 4 out there right now are not always the most well received by enthusiasts. I think the one that does stand out is Dollywood, but again, it's location helps a lot. I think compared to the other rides in the park, this definitely won't stack up, but again, the reputation of this style of coaster matched with the recent reputation of B&M is what gets people worried. I'm just glad that this will suck up the wait times freeing up the other rides in the park for a few years! Next visit, I'll get my credit in, maybe a few more rides if I can, then move on to more rides on Millennium, Maverick, TTD, Magnum, ect.

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^^^^ I personally I think it is a standout coaster and I'm liking the first two inversions.I think that B&M is still doing a good job but yes they sort of need to make new designs that would blow us away and according to screamscape B&M is working on their own 4D coaster design and also working on making a new launching design.

^^^ And yes the GP will eat this up and it will be a new favorite among them.

Edited by theonetheonlyJT
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I really think this will be one of my favourite rides in the park. Im going to Dollywood here end of the month so Ill have something to look forward to. I really only go for Maverick, Raptor, Magnum and some of the flats. Im sure Maverick will always have a big line, its a fan favourite when I ask random people after the ride. Despite it being "Rough", people still love its intensity.


I think the wingrider sensation coupled with the decent ride time and double keyhole elements will keep this one popular. I also think itll provide a very fun experience.


I am eagerly awaiting this ride. Cedar Point needed something solid and reliable. This should fit that billing. And it also happens to be absolutely gorgeous as well, which always make viewing that much better.

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For all the people bemoaning the less than enthusiastic response regarding another B&M...I don't think anyone has said it will be a "bad" ride. The general consensus is that it will be GREAT for the park and that park guests will eat it up. To me it looks like it will be a very fun and re-ridable ride. People who are not big B&M fans any longer miss the days of Kumba and Batman: The Ride. When B&M's packed a heck of a punch. Newer models just aren't as forceful as their older models were. I have yet to ride a B&M that I did not enjoy, but the wing coasters - by their very design - cannot be a return to the OMG coasters that they used to build.


All that being said - this concept and the interaction with the front gate is an AWESOME concept by the park. It will truly become a signature for the park...which is a good thing . I am really looking forward to getting back to the Point - it has been entirely too long.



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A bit off-topic, but as others have said, I see the wingrider design as a bit of a fad. However, I haven't been on one so I don't know what kind of staying power they actually do have. But how many new styles of coaster can they come up with? Clearly this seems to be a popular design and B&M does not seem to be building any other style at the moment (last five coasters are all wingriders: source). They formerly pumped out inverted coasters at a similar rate and those have definitely hung around, although demand has fallen off. Aside from OzIris this year, they had not built an inverted coaster since '06.


I have zero problem with B&M, by the way. The only ride I would rate as "poor" from them is Hydra at Dorney.

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^It's hardly fair to say that their last five rides were all wing riders just based off that list. In 2012, they opened three wing riders (one which I wouldn't be surprised if the switch from normal trains to winged ones came later in the design phase after X-Raptor was built), along with an invert, a hyper, and a giga.

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