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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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MF at Cedar Point. Two times in one weekend someone had to throw up in the cue? Isn't that done after you ride? The second time was so bad ..people were running because the chunks were splashing up at peoples legs, that were standing in the next FEW rows. I've never seen a cue clear so fast.

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  • 1 year later...

Eight minutes.


God, what an awful day that was. I had to wait five minutes for a ride TWICE. But then EIGHT MINUTES, that's insane. I can't believe people sometimes wait for ten minutes for a ride! I couldn't do that. Eight minutes nearly left me ready to kill the people in front of us!

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  307 said:
Eight minutes.


God, what an awful day that was. I had to wait five minutes for a ride TWICE. But then EIGHT MINUTES, that's insane. I can't believe people sometimes wait for ten minutes for a ride! I couldn't do that. Eight minutes nearly left me ready to kill the people in front of us!


You haven't rode any good rides huh? Go to a good park and see what your wait time is.

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Our longest wait time was for Superman: Ultimate Flight at SFGAm in one of the years following the opening year. We waited about 2 hours and 45 minutes, which is 165 minutes. That was horrible! Also, for Firehawk at KI, which had about the same line time, but with a much shorter line. Ahh, Vekoma!

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3 hours for Ghostrider(At the time it was stilla great ride and worth it, but byt he time I got tot he station the line shortened to 15 minutes!)


However I once saw a 6 HOUR line for Kingda Ka. Not to mention it kept breaking down. I was so glad I had a gold Q bot.

Basically some people came to the park, waited in line for Kingda Ka, rode it once and got out.

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