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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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When it comes to the 20 coasters/Colossus refurb thing, my take is this: They will announce another coaster will open just as Colossus is shut down, so that keeps the count at 19, when Colossus reopens it is 20. Big celebration...until they shut down Revolution for refurbishment just in time for its big anniversary. Then they get to do the 20th coaster celebration again along with the anniversary celebration...

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Full Throttle Sports Bar and Grill is official and will open March 22nd.


Batman and Colossus backwards will be open March 22nd.


Sky Tower, Jet Stream, Tidal Wave, and Roaring Rapids will be open March 22nd.


Daily Operation begins March 22nd.


Sounds like I'm gonna be at the park March 22nd.

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YOLOcoaster Sports Bar and Grill is official and will open March 22nd.


Batman and Colossus backwards will be open March 22nd.


Sky Tower, Jet Stream, Tidal Wave, and Roaring Rapids will be open March 22nd.


Daily Operation begins March 22nd.


Sounds like I'm gonna be at the park March 22nd.


Sounds like a nightmare on March 22nd.

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YOLOcoaster Sports Bar and Grill is official and will open March 22nd.


Batman and Colossus backwards will be open March 22nd.


Sky Tower, Jet Stream, Tidal Wave, and Roaring Rapids will be open March 22nd.


Daily Operation begins March 22nd.


Sounds like I'm gonna be at the park March 22nd.



Was this in a SFMM email? I cant find it…


Also from screamscape


I reached out to Sue Carpenter at Six Flags Magic Mountain this week to find out more about the Mooseburger Lodge project. According to Sue the old Mooseburger is no more. Starting March 22nd, when the park opens for daily operations, the restaurant will reopen as Full Throttle Sports Bar & Grill. The inside will have been completely gutted and renovated with a new sports enthusiast theme, with over 20 HDTV’s added to broadcast sports events to you from every direction.

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I always liked Mooseburger Lodge, good food, free drink refills, and only like a buck or two more expensive than the 'quick service' places. Oh, and the A/C.


I don't think a sports bar is so out of place, I agree with Jew that the marketing is probably geared toward the adult parents that need a place to chill all day. A sports bar is much more appealing to a...lets be honest here...parent in their late 20's early 30's than a place with a moose that sings every 15 minutes (as much as I liked the strangely detailed themeing).

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Seems like every park in the chain is going to receive a sports bar (I know that SFGAm got one last year and SFSTL is getting one this year). I think it is a smart move and should be an improvement over Mooseburger (even though I do like the Mooseburger at my home park). Parkgoers in their twenties will be hungry and be immediately drawn to the new bar. It has sports on TV, it has higher quality food, and it has beer. Plus, it will cost more, therefore making more money for the park.

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