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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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To be fair, I'm sure Revolution and Colossus appealed to any YOLO crowd back then too. Let's just hope the park doesn't start neglecting its current flagship attractions when it adds more in the future.


- Just hope MM can rehab these rides soon enough though. It would make sense for the park to convert Colossus to Mecha-Colossus (or whatever you wanna call it) and contact Gerstlauer to produce new trains for Rev and Colossus. Assuming the park wants to continue doing area rehabs (YOLO Plaza/Stage, DC Universe), we'll probably see a small rehab back there as well.


- It wouldn't hurt to add a few high-end family rides/attractions either. They're pretty cheap and other SF parks seem to be cashing in on them. The park could still market them as thrill rides to attract the YOLO crowd (then again )


- Whatever happened to Hurricane Harbor's expansion onto Flashback's old spot? That could be the perfect opportunity to add some of those cool Riptide Bay-style slides or dropbox slides like the other SF parks are getting. (then again )


- Oh Magic Mountain

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- Whatever happened to Hurricane Harbor's expansion onto Flashback's old spot? That could be the perfect opportunity to add some of those cool Riptide Bay-style slides or dropbox slides like the other SF parks are getting.

SFMM doesn't know about the perfect time to execute an expansion

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I actually think that if SFMM had stuck with trying to be more family friendly it would have eventually worked. But it wasn't going to happen overnight and I'm not sure why they expected it to.


It would have taken so long and cost so much money, that it made absolutely no sense. It needed to be a complete rebuild from both the inside and outside. They would have had to pay staff more, bring in a new management team, redo the training program, upgrade the food offerings, fix/maintain all the infrastructure in disrepair, and still add new family friendly attractions...




Make an investment in a new coaster every year and let the money start pouring in.

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I actually think that if SFMM had stuck with trying to be more family friendly it would have eventually worked. But it wasn't going to happen overnight and I'm not sure why they expected it to.


It would have taken so long and cost so much money, that it made absolutely no sense. It needed to be a complete rebuild from both the inside and outside. They would have had to pay staff more, bring in a new management team, redo the training program, upgrade the food offerings, fix/maintain all the infrastructure in disrepair, and still add new family friendly attractions...




Make an investment in a new coaster every year and let the money start pouring in.

I agree it's just too late to try a family park again. Maybe in 10 years but right now their survey question is what would you rate on a scale of 1 to 10. The need for thrill rides. The next question is what would you rate the need for family rides. That's the only two questions they asked. Now if you already have a mostly thrill ride crowd... What do you think the answers will be?

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Full Throttle Update!!


Since Robb is taking a much needed vacation here are some YOLO pictures from this past weekend.


Since our last update they've done ... absolutely NOTHING!!!


Well, they've done some electrical stuff apparently


And some YOLOscaping that should provide some shade in 12 1/2 years. That's only one in YOLO years though.


The transfer track has been moved over to complete the circuit. This is the most important part of the ride to insure that 1 train is always in refurb.


Temporary fences are still up around the supports


Ghetto Superman Logo has also been completed


YOLOOP as seen from the Superman Exit


More YOLOscaping being done


Due to YOLOscaping Gold Rusher was closed. Apparently the landscaping crew doesn't live the YOLO lifestyle.




Something very Anti-YOLO, fence has been painted.




Gertrude says honk, honk, hooooooonnnkkkkk!!!


Jet Streams water ... the true definition of YOLO


But seriously, not sure what's going on with it. The entire flume looked like this.

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OK I'll say it... that looks like a single sided station... How could they do that?!


I don't think so. If you look closely on either side of the station there are footers where it looks like the entrance and exit ramps will be. They just haven't built them yet. The exit side doesn't really need a ton of room. It just need to funnel the masses out of the station.

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So it looks like you are going to go over the loop and then the car just stops? Maybe I am confused.

The ride looks as if they just gave up during design. It should have gone on a little bit longer.


Don't mind the horrible editing, but here is how I think they should have finished off the ride.

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But SFMM goes BIG, not long


I had this problem back in High School. But, with a little bit of concentration therapy, I was cured. The Doctor told me to think of Roseanne Barr naked, eating her way out of a silo of dead babies.




Still works.


Guy "We need a throw up emoticon." Koepp

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