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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  Guy T. Koepp said:
^What is Flahback? Is this one I missed? I thought I had all the credits at this park.


And all you people that mentioned Viper as a ride that should be removed. HOW DARE YOU! Vipey is the one Arrow looper in this country that is actually still in awesome condition. If anything, it would be the last multilooper to go. Besides, Magic Mountain has tons of room to add 20+ more coasters before they need to clear another to make room.





  bostonlva said:

I think ninja might go, Anyway, SFMM usually suprises us (both good and bad)


Anyway, I dont think SFMM will build a large coaster for a while, is there really any place that has room for a large coaster? They had to remove Log jammer to build this coaster...



1. You think Ninja might go but then you just drop it with an "anyway", so why do you think this what is the reasoning?


2. There is plenty of room at this park in places you would not expect and as has been said for a million - billion times all over this site, if the park wants to put something in bad enough they will find a way to do it.

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  Tmcdllr said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
^What is Flahback? Is this one I missed? I thought I had all the credits at this park.


And all you people that mentioned Viper as a ride that should be removed. HOW DARE YOU! Vipey is the one Arrow looper in this country that is actually still in awesome condition. If anything, it would be the last multilooper to go. Besides, Magic Mountain has tons of room to add 20+ more coasters before they need to clear another to make room.





  bostonlva said:

I think ninja might go, Anyway, SFMM usually suprises us (both good and bad)


Anyway, I dont think SFMM will build a large coaster for a while, is there really any place that has room for a large coaster? They had to remove Log jammer to build this coaster...




1. You think Ninja might go but then you just drop it with an "anyway", so why do you think this what is the reasoning?


2. There is plenty of room at this park in places you would not expect and as has been said for a million - billion times all over this site, if the park wants to put something in bad enough they will find a way to do it.


It is my opinion that Ninja might be the next to go. But I said "anyway" because SFMM usually suprises us by what rides they build and what rides they take out. They could take out a ride that all of us were expecting to be taken out, or a ride that we though was a few years away from retirement...

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  bostonlva said:
  Tmcdllr said:
  Guy T. Koepp said:
^What is Flahback? Is this one I missed? I thought I had all the credits at this park.


And all you people that mentioned Viper as a ride that should be removed. HOW DARE YOU! Vipey is the one Arrow looper in this country that is actually still in awesome condition. If anything, it would be the last multilooper to go. Besides, Magic Mountain has tons of room to add 20+ more coasters before they need to clear another to make room.





  bostonlva said:

I think ninja might go, Anyway, SFMM usually suprises us (both good and bad)


Anyway, I dont think SFMM will build a large coaster for a while, is there really any place that has room for a large coaster? They had to remove Log jammer to build this coaster...




1. You think Ninja might go but then you just drop it with an "anyway", so why do you think this what is the reasoning?


2. There is plenty of room at this park in places you would not expect and as has been said for a million - billion times all over this site, if the park wants to put something in bad enough they will find a way to do it.


It is my opinion that Ninja might be the next to go. But I said "anyway" because SFMM usually suprises us by what rides they build and what rides they take out. They could take out a ride that all of us were expecting to be taken out, or a ride that we though was a few years away from retirement...


Alright, very good.

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  MrSum1_55 said:
TPR is pretty much the "we hate Magic Mountain club" 364 days a year.


More like "We recognize the potential for this park to be really good if management took time to care about basic stuff and thus we get frustrated when the place lapses into its old bad habits over and over" club.

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SFMM has the most coasters in the world, so the park is well-known enough to have a large thread. However, it is often considered to have the poorest operations when compared to other parks of similar size, which is why there are plenty of posts here. I think it is a safe bet to say that SFMM probably has the weakest operations of any park in the US/Canada with more than ten coasters, except maybe Hersheypark. (Even HP's flaws usually have to do with poor staff, as opposed to not running enough trains)

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-A family/kiddie coaster would be a better addition because it would bring a family ride to a park that dominates in thrills

-A coaster with large amounts of airtime would be a better addition because it would bring airtime to an airtime devoid park

-A single launch coaster would be a better addition because the coaster would at least feel less gimmicky that way, as opposed to just using the launches as another gimmick

-A wood coaster would be a better addition because, even though the park already has two of them, it would at least add something a little different to the usual SFMM experience (or just about anything with no inversions)

-A coaster with multiple inversions would be a better addition because another multi-loop experience, though repetitive, would at least be an honest marketing experience, as opposed to a gimmicky one.

-A longer multi-launcher would be better (obviously)

-An RMC wood coaster with inversions would be better because, for reasons stated above, it would be a more honest experience.


So, basically, almost everything is better than Full Throttle.

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  WFChris said:
  SoCalCoasters said:
Gold Rusher > Full_Throttle


Maybe in the sense that Gold Rusher could be YOLO's "GREAT Grandparent," but other than that I don't see a point in this comment at all.


The point was that the most fun I've ever had on a ride at Magic Mountain was a night ride on Goldrusher with all my friends and that crazy helix in the pitch darkness. No gimicks, no YOLOs, just pure wholesome, out of control fun. I don't know if Full_Throttle will be able to change that for me.

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  SoCalCoasters said:
  WFChris said:
  SoCalCoasters said:
Gold Rusher > Full_Throttle


Maybe in the sense that Gold Rusher could be YOLO's "GREAT Grandparent," but other than that I don't see a point in this comment at all.


Crazy helix in the pitch darkness.


This was one of my best memories of WCB! Goldrusher in the dark, over and over!

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