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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I finally got a chance to experience Magic Mountain and I have to admit that I'm very disappointed. Alot of the coasters are rough! Scream was the worst! I walked away from that ride with a pounding headache. Revolution didn't make it any better. The layout is awesome, but the restraints completely ruin the ride. There's absolutely no padding on the restraint and your head is constantly banged against it throughout the entire ride. Not to mention a few others. I was really looking forward to visiting this park because they have an amazing line up. What's the problem? Are they not keeping up with proper maintenance, etc? Or maybe the coasters experience more wear and tear because the park is year round?

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Twisted colossus sounds like what we should be getting. A wooden coaster with a heavy focus on inversions rather than airtime. Although it's RMC! Maybe they'll sneak in some airtime for us.


Also, twisted colossus doesn't have the same ring to it as Iron Colossus. It almost sounds insulting to the ride and people who loved it. It's "twisted" now


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Who knows how much validity there is to the Twisted Colossus thing, but holy smokes does that sound like a spur of the moment name that the kid from those in-park gel ads might have come up with!


Woah, dude, gnarly! So twisted. That's it, Twisted Colossus!

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  empires said:
I agree, I don't like the sound of Twisted colossus. Don't want to speculate too much, but that sounds like a bunch of inversions. Twisted first drop will be so disappointing!!


oh i so hope they don't twist the first drop. i thought SFGAM Goliath's drop was awesome, and would love one like that. or outlaw run with momentum. they can do whatever they want with the rest. oh, a zero g stall, or something like that please.

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  CPSFMMCW said:
Twisted colossus? Not a huge fan. But this name makes it sound like it will be dueling and not be just one track. And if it is dueling, I'm sure there will be a cool element or two where it interacts with the other side.


It won't, trust me -.-

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New rumor from same source: World's Longest Hybrid Coaster! Longest RMC ever built.


Supposedly they are completely getting rid of the dueling aspect and putting one single track in the middle of where the two were before. Other sources have also said that it will be called Twistesd Colossus.

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  SFMMGeek27 said:
New rumor from same source: World's Longest Hybrid Coaster! Longest RMC ever built.


Supposedly they are completely getting rid of the dueling aspect and putting one single track in the middle of where the two were before. Other sources have also said that it will be called Twistesd Colossus.

Honestly, that sounds like a really ugly-looking concept. I mean, the ride experience will be great no matter what. It's an RMC. I just think this is a way for the park to have an excuse for not spending the money to demolish one side.


Hopefully this isn't really what they're doing.


^I agree. I like the name "Twisted Colossus".

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I am suspect of these rumors. That's 2 different ones in less than 2 pages of discussion from the same poster, from the same "reliable" source. And I hate the name Twisted Colossus. I pray that is a cruel joke. I guess we'll just have to wait till Thursday.

Edited by Guy T. Koepp
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But all this is still, after all, just a rumor.


There has been no concrete confirmation of anything, has there?


Yeah I'm with you Guy, Twisted Colossus is not a name I would have picked, I don't know, just something about it I don't care for, but whatever.


And it is funny how all of a sudden these rumors from a 'reliable source or sources' suddenly appeared.

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I'm the poster of these rumors and I hate the name Twisted Colossus too. I'm afraid that's what it gonna be called though. I'm not 100% sure though.


As for the track, I'm hearing they are taking both out and are putting one track in the middle so that they have more structure to work with. We will see on Thursday!

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Marketing it as the longest RMC? I guess that means it probably won't be the tallest or fastest, right? Guess we'll find out Thursday. But a nice long ride will be nice. The New Texas Giant was really long, so this gives me hope for this ride. Hopefully they'll go with a different track color. Though I doubt they will.

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Just to throw this out there, not that is really means anything:





1. forced out of its natural or proper shape; crumpled.

"the crash left a trail of twisted metal across the highway"


2. (of a personality or a way of thinking) unpleasantly or unhealthily abnormal; warped.

"suffering a twisted ankle, he was carried from the field"


I'm also suspect of the rumors, but I don't really have an issue with Twisted Colossus. It's kind of cool name, actually. It'll be a hell of a ride either way.

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  CPSFMMCW said:
Marketing it as the longest RMC? I guess that means it probably won't be the tallest or fastest, right? Guess we'll find out Thursday. But a nice long ride will be nice. The New Texas Giant was really long, so this gives me hope for this ride. Hopefully they'll go with a different track color. Though I doubt they will.

Personally I think a crimson red I-Box track against the white super structure would look really great, but then again at a place like SoCal where the sun is so strong, the red would fade to pink in a year or two like Xcelerator. *Blech*


Twisted Colossus is ok at best. I still hope it's Mega Colossus, and the potential "world's longest hybrid coaster" by RMC gives me some HIGH hopes. Come on, Schilke! Blow us away!

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  KBrylczyk said:
  iloveblueberries said:


For exactly two weeks. Then the effects will begin to break and stay broken.


I just felt like quoting this because whatever the hell the ride ends up being...this will most definitely be true.

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1) I don't like the name "Twisted Colossus". Iron Colossus would have been preferable.


2) There better be a crap-ton of airtime. I will rage and hate SFMM for all eternity if this thing is all inversions but no airtime. Texas Giant was awesome. Give me that airtime for this.


3) I don't like the one-track only rumor, but let's face it. SFMM would never have the other side running anyway.


I've heard from someone that this is supposed to be a "cross of Goliath and NTG". We'll see how the video turns out. For now, this better be good.

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They better give us something dam good after losing colossus. Just call it Mega Colossus and I'll accept whatever it is.


Edit- in all honesty though my hopes are that ride is a gigantic bowl like structure with a mix of airtime hills and a variety of inversions. Like zero g rolls along the outside and maybe a vertical loop on the inside and have it all littered with hills twists and crazy elements. It would be an amazing spectacle from the parking lot.

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Twisted Colossus isn't a great name, but it's not a bad name either. Honestly, if they can build a top tier coaster I don't care what they call it. If the one-track rumor proves to be true, that will be somewhat disappointing, but if the park isn't going to run the ride as a racing coaster I'd rather they put the money into a better ride than one they don't use. As for the statistics, Colossus was 4,325 ft long, 125 ft tall, and had a top speed of 62 mph, so the new ride should definitely be the longest RMC (and I somewhat hope they don't try for tallest or fastest).


My personal hope: Keep the out and back layout, keep the statistics relatively unchanged (slightly taller and/or faster is okay, but not 200+ ft or 80+ mph), and build a ride with as much airtime as possible. Inversions are okay as well, but don't go overboard (a barrel roll would be okay, and maybe a zero-G stall, but no more than that). If this is done right, SFMM could have one of the top 5 coasters in the world, so I hope that beginning summer 2015 they do.

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  Someotherguyuser said:
1) I don't like the name "Twisted Colossus". Iron Colossus would have been preferable.


2) There better be a crap-ton of airtime. I will rage and hate SFMM for all eternity if this thing is all inversions but no airtime. Texas Giant was awesome. Give me that airtime for this.


3) I don't like the one-track only rumor, but let's face it. SFMM would never have the other side running anyway.


I've heard from someone that this is supposed to be a "cross of Goliath and NTAG". We'll see how the video turns out. For now, this better be good.


Wow, a little harsh?


"Rage and hate for all eternity"

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