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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^They'll most likely have to add a middle upright for every bent as Colossus uses the weaker IAD/NAD double bents with no middle support (could that have added to the "no racing" unwritten semi-rule?)... so unless they paint that middle upright, it will be natural wood color. A mix of old and new could be cool. Kudos to Lagoon for doing the sensible and cool thing by actually explaining it:




- Leave it white mixed with new brown

- sandblast all the paint off, like Carowinds did with Thunder Road

- paint the new wood white - a drain on resources.

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^They'll most likely have to add a middle upright for every bent as Colossus uses the weaker IAD/NAD double bents with no middle support (could that have added to the "no racing" unwritten semi-rule?)... so unless they paint that middle upright, it will be natural wood color. A mix of old and new could be cool. Kudos to Lagoon for doing the sensible and cool thing by actually explaining it:




- Leave it white mixed with new brown

- sandblast all the paint off, like Carowinds did with Thunder Road

- paint the new wood white - a drain on resources.


I heard about that. Isn't the structure like one double-wide version of a normal woodie's support structure? That's why I'm skeptical about adding new structure atop the existing one to heighten the ride. Could the old one support it?

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I heard about that. Isn't the structure like one double-wide version of a normal woodie's support structure? That's why I'm skeptical about adding new structure atop the existing one to heighten the ride. Could the old one support it?

Please, I beg you, stop making dumb posts. Do you *honestly believe* the engineers on the project haven't figured out a way to add or modify the structure in a way that it won't collapse???


Saying "I'm skeptical about adding new structure...can the old one support it" is like all those people who were worried that the wheels on Texas Giant were gonna hit the bolts.


Let the engineers do their thing, and let us do our thing...ride and have fun!

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Robb, how confident are you, that this will be some sort of project from RMC??

Not confident at all. I'm like 99% sure it's all gonna be knocked down and they are going to re-locate Bugs Bunny Land into Colossus' old spot.

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I heard about that. Isn't the structure like one double-wide version of a normal woodie's support structure? That's why I'm skeptical about adding new structure atop the existing one to heighten the ride. Could the old one support it?

Please, I beg you, stop making dumb posts. Do you *honestly believe* the engineers on the project haven't figured out a way to add or modify the structure in a way that it won't collapse???


Saying "I'm skeptical about adding new structure...can the old one support it" is like all those people who were worried that the wheels on Texas Giant were gonna hit the bolts.


Let the engineers do their thing, and let us do our thing...ride and have fun!


Sorry. I'm just saying that a huge extension might be a bit more challenging. Any way, it'll be epic!

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Not confident at all. I'm like 99% sure it's all gonna be knocked down and they are going to re-locate Bugs Bunny Land into Colossus' old spot.


With Kiddie Colossus as the centerpiece! New coaster, new land! Go Magic Mountain!


^What if it is a record like: World's Worst Capacity!


I thought that was already held about 17 times over by Magic Mountain...

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I know at some point where was a walkback of Colossus, right *Robb posted a pic from it earlier in this thread*? I couldn't find it, but I'm really curious to see fairly up close pictures of the old hills (that are still visible in the structure) ... I assume the removed the track there, right? And it's just the old supports that help highlight what used to be?


While I'm busy making requests for pictures, does anyone have a 1992 or 1993 aerial picture of the Colossus corner of the park? Specifically, I'm curious to see what that area looked like prior to Hurricane Harbor going in. It's been so long, now, that all I recall was the lake/pond that used to be there - and even that memory is faint at this point. I've found plenty of old aerials from the 70's and even 80's, but I'm curious to see what the "more filled in park" of the '90's looked like without Hurricane Harbor. (Crazy to think that there are now adults that ONLY know the park with Hurricane Harbor there!)


I have no aerial pictures from that time, but I remember the Grand Prix, the animals (always felt horrible for the coyotes they kept) etc where Goliath is now, and horrible Flashback being over there.


There's some decent images from video and pictures of old Magic Mountain.




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Didn't RMC state a year or so ago that going forward they would be doing one redo of an existing coaster and one custom design. With cyclone at SFNE confirmed as a refurb doesn't this leave the custom one for SFMM.... Just saying

Things change in this industry faster than you whistle zip a dee doo dah out of your asshole!


Come to think about it...that might take some time...

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Don't know if this has been posted here, but once I caught in the wormhole of searching for old Magic Mountain videos -- I found this: it's 39 minutes of raw footage from the cast of The Real Live Brady Bunch stage show visiting Magic Mountain back in '91-'92. I've never come across this before, but it's (at least) interesting!


Here's the YT video description:


Circa 1991-92, I was fortunate enough to help out the cast of The Real Live Brady Bunch stage show when they were performing in Los Angeles. They were re-creating the episode "The Cincinnati Kids" where Mike brings the family to Kings Island amusement park to deliver architecture plans. At the park, Mike's plans get switched with a Yogi Bear poster that Jan won and they race through the park looking for them before Mike's meeting.


For the stage show of this episode, all the dialogue was performed live on stage, and peppered throughout the episode they cut to pre-taped footage of the cast having fun and running through Magic Mountain in Los Angeles (doppelganger for Kings Island). It was hilarious.


Well, I was the friend with the video camera and I recently found this VHS tape of raw footage from the Magic Mountain "shoot" (if you can call it that). Look for Glee's Jane Lynch as Carol and Conan's Andy Richter as Mike. Melanie Hutsell (Jan) also went on to reprise that role many times on SNL a few years later. Remember, this is just raw footage, so you'll see several takes of scenes that are in no particular order. Enjoy!


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- Leave it white mixed with new brown

- sandblast all the paint off, like Carowinds did with Thunder Road

- paint the new wood white - a drain on resources.


I see them painting the new wood white, and giving the track some nice accent colors. I would like to see some different colors. Blue and Red are cool, but I'd love to see how something standout, like Green or Yellow would fit! I really like the Blue and Green of Carowinds, one track blue and one green would look great!

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Wow, this is kind of cool. The Public Relations Manager at the time Colossus opened, Jack Ryan contacted me and sent me a copy of the original press release from the ride! Check it out:


And the "Roller Coaster Almanac" that Jack wrote can also be found at Shane's Amusement Attic here: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=499185#p499185


It's been great how so many of the people involved at the project in the beginning have been in touch with us! Thank you Jack for that piece of history!



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I've never come across this before, but it's (at least) interesting!


EDIT: In response to the Brady Bunch Video:


You know, it is almost 40 minutes of my life I will never get back....However, 3 redeeming things...


1. Marcia saying...my breasts are bouncing freely right now (or something like that)


2. Any scene with Marcia running


And last but not least.......


3. Cindy deep throating a corn dog......classic!!!


Thanks for sharing.

Edited by scottiemon
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