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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Went to the park yesterday. I got in 10 min early with a gold pass but it was worthless. X2 was closed because of winds. It stayed close all day. So I went to Tatsu. They didn't even have a train warming up. Again they said it was because on winds. So I went to superman... It was now past 10:30 the opening time and They were still testing the ride and not open. I walked past Ninja and they were still testing. Then I got down to apocalypse and It was running..Surprise. But only one train. The park didn't seem they were ready to open.


Viper was running two trains but everything else had One train. Lex Luther was not open because of winds. It didn't seem they had enough employees to run the park either. I read that they are being sued because of various employment violations. No breaks and not paying for overtime among them. So this may be why they seemed under staffed.

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I haven't been to MM since 2005. From what I read on here the park seems to have went down. Thats unfortunate. Especially to be revered as the best park in the chain. Do they still have the Mooseburger Lodge buffet?

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^^Sounds about right. This is the 3rd or 4th time they've been sued for break/lunch violations.


Several years ago I got a nice check in the mail because of those violations.


Same. I hope this lawsuit leads to another one!

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I haven't been to MM since 2005. From what I read on here the park seems to have went down. Thats unfortunate. Especially to be revered as the best park in the chain. Do they still have the Mooseburger Lodge buffet?


Magic Mountain is far from being the best park in the chain. It has the most coasters, yes, but as for an overall day, not even close. Id say the best is probably Great Adventure.


And yes, they still have the Lodge, though I'm not sure what they serve there now.

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I haven't been to MM since 2005. From what I read on here the park seems to have went down. Thats unfortunate. Especially to be revered as the best park in the chain. Do they still have the Mooseburger Lodge buffet?


Magic Mountain is far from being the best park in the chain. It has the most coasters, yes, but as for an overall day, not even close. Id say the best is probably Great Adventure.



and the sad thing is Great Adventure isn't that great!

Though these are some real horror stories I'm hearing from SFMM...better up their game for WCB (yeah I can dream right?)

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Honest opinion please. I come on here a lot and read a lot of negative comments on this park. I hear the coasters are great but everything else sucks. I plan on making a trip to California soon. I do have a Six Flags season pass so I would get in free. But I'm not gonna buy a plane ticket, hotel, and rental car and waste tons of money if this park is really as bad as I read. What should I do? Help needed!


Magic Mountain is my favorite theme park in the world. I'm not kidding. I love it for the amount, variety and quality of roller coasters. It has record breaking roller coasters like Riddler's Revenge, the largest standing coaster in the world. Tatsu, the worlds tallest flying coaster which is built on top of the "mountain" and offers you an unparalleled view and flying coaster experience. X2 and Green Lantern, X2 is one of the best roller coasters in the entire world. The first drop alone is worth a trip to MM. Green Lantern is the only zacspin in the United States currently, and it is freaking AMAZING. Honestly, I think most of the people who complain about it being uncomfortable are overweight. It is a really, really fun and another unique coaster which makes MM worth a visit.


For Coaster historians, Revolution is the worlds first looping coaster and has an amazing layout in the beautiful terrain of the mountain. The coaster is enjoyable even with the OTSR, it is a thrilling classic coaster which takes you through the natural surroundings which puts you in a good mood no matter if you enjoy the ride or not.


For wooden coaster lovers, Apocalypse is a fantastic thrilling coaster that a unique whip like first drop and I believe it is the fastest wooden coasters in California. It is a must ride for any coaster lover visiting California!!


Their other wooden coaster is Colossus which is a CLASSIC. It has seen much better days but it is still a very very fun ride with a few moments of airtime.


Honestly I could go on and on about their coaster selection and the GORGEOUS "mountainous" land that the park is built on and around. Not to mention the 3 quality water rides they have, including a roaring rapids that you will get soaked, also built into the beautiful wooded area. It is more than worth a trip to California, especially if you have season passes. Get your butt out there and stop listening to whiners who have nothing better to complain about than a lack of food selection and flat rides that make you want to puke. You will love it

Edited by sursumd
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So even if the bathrooms are totally disgusting, the employees rude, the food is terrible, and the park is full of trash the only thing that matters is the coasters? Sure they have a great collection of coasters but many people find GL painful and to say that if you find that ride painful you must be overweight could be viewed as offensive and many, many will say the otsr on Revolution are awful, because they are. Have you noticed they don't even fit you properly? Having said that I do love Revolution. But coasters and rides aside, how can this be an awesome park if its messy, the food sucks, and the employees have issues? Doesn't any of that matter? I love a nice collection of coasters as much as the next person but clean restrooms are more important.... imo


Robb, I like full train shots too. I like to see the looks on their faces, some of them are hilarious... such as "hair explosion girl"..... I'm still laughing about that one!

Edited by Tmcdllr
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^I agree for the most part, though sometimes I do really like pictures of just the track/supportwork. I do usually try to take my pictures with a train as the focal point, it makes the photo feel much more dynamic, but I appreciate those "stale" coaster shots that just show the ride and nothing else. Maybe it's the engineer in me, but it's like a picture of a building - just another kind of structure to admire. Much less atmosphere coming across but nonetheless cool!

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Speaking of photos - I've heard there is a USB stick you can buy and then add as many on-ride photos as you want for 99c each? Are these valid at all Six Flags parks or just the one you buy it from? I don't usually buy on-ride pics but this would be a fun souvenir from my upcoming trip, if I can use it at the other SF parks I'm visiting as well.

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Just did SFMM today and ended the visit with an almost nonexistent line/walk on for X2. Crowds were light all day and the YOLOop is quite huge! Was completely different than my visit in Sunday!


I went with my cousin and friends, having SFMM as part of the larger SoCal trip, which I have my SoCal trip report up over the course of the following week. I filled up a 32, 16, and 2 8 gb cards...lots of pics to sort through!

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So even if the bathrooms are totally disgusting, the employees rude, the food is terrible, and the park is full of trash the only thing that matters is the coasters? Sure they have a great collection of coasters but many people find GL painful and to say that if you find that ride painful you must be overweight could be viewed as offensive and many, many will say the otsr on Revolution are awful, because they are. Have you noticed they don't even fit you properly? Having said that I do love Revolution. But coasters and rides aside, how can this be an awesome park if its messy, the food sucks, and the employees have issues? Doesn't any of that matter? I love a nice collection of coasters as much as the next person but clean restrooms are more important.... imo


Robb, I like full train shots too. I like to see the looks on their faces, some of them are hilarious... such as "hair explosion girl"..... I'm still laughing about that one!




Its a mixed bag with the bathrooms at MM. Some of them are really pretty bad (near the front entrance) and some of them are rather nice (near Superman). I won't disagree that there are certain bathrooms which should be better tended to. Thankfully I'm not at the park to poop all day, but if I had to do the deed I would choose one of the nicer bathrooms which are available.


The employees have always been very friendly to me and have treated me with respect and kindness, especially when I've shown it first. That is just speaking from my own experience of course.


I'm not sure why you brought up Revolution because we agreed on that coaster. The OTSR restraints suck bad but its still an incredible coaster....


The food is actually pretty good I think. I particularly love the turkey leg basket and frozen lemonades which are really refreshing on a hot day. This is all a matter of opinion of course. I haven't seen trash all over the park...


To each his own but I think some people just go into the park looking for problems and things to complain about. If you're going to be grumpy and complain about how dirty the bathroom was when you have an amazing park full of world class roller coasters sitting outside that bathroom, that's your choice. I stop thinking about the bathroom after I leave it. 5 minutes in a bathroom Is not something that's going to ruin my day.

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For Coaster historians, Revolution is the worlds first looping coaster and has an amazing layout in the beautiful terrain of the mountain. The coaster is enjoyable even with the OTSR, it is a thrilling classic coaster which takes you through the natural surrounds which puts you in a good mood no matter if you enjoy the ride or not.

Ugh...I got my Revolution credit and I'm leaving it at that. I loved the layout and the forces but the OTSR's really ruined the experience for me. I rode in the very last row and my head was being smashed at the bottoms of the drops. I was going to give it a second try today but in the end decided not to...I'll wait for the day when pigs fly and Rev gets new Gerstlauer trains that are lapbar only. Until then I have the credit and leaving it at that.


Now Green Lantern, you're going to think I'm crazy but I actually liked it. Our car was not quite balanced (was looking/tilted downward going up the lift, had 1 rider on 1 side and 2 on the other) and had a pretty forceful ride. We dove head first several times and got a fast flip nearly doing a second flip arriving in the station. Riding tip: face south so when you hit the mcbr, you come at it backwards...no stomach punches from the restraint.

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