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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I don't see them re-doing each track with a different technology. I'm sure if they did, both would get plenty of riders, but it seems like if people knew the difference at all, they might ignorantly dismiss the wooden side as, say, inferior. Plus, I'm not sure the distinction matters to SF, since NTAG was at least originally marketed as a wooden coaster.

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  rcdude said:
  6flagsbrad said:
This would be an awesome coaster for Rocky Mountain, I'm only hoping that it will stay open long enough for them to run the Psyclone trains backwards this year.


If I were to guess at a timeline, I'd guess that the park will keep Colossus open through the end of Fright Fest and promote "last time ever" for backwards Colossus like crazy. They would then either close the ride right after, or run it through winter break before closing it. Given the size of the attraction, I'm thinking it will take 12-16 months to rebuild, so I wouldn't expect the refurbishment to be complete until Spring/Summer 2015. With YOLOcoaster opening this year, I wouldn't be surprised if the park gets little to nothing for 2014. Perhaps Hurricane Harbor could finally get a major new attraction next year instead.



YES... SFHH seems LONG overdue for a non "play area" attraction, Like a new body slide...

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  SharkTums said:
I want to be happy and really be excited...but we all know, if there's one park in this country that could somehow screw this up...well...yeah.


They'll incorporate a high-five element in the design, but then never run trains on both sides at the same time after the first month or so.

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I for one think this is awesome news and I seriously hope and pray they can make this happen. I think RMC have proven themselves to 6F, and will be given the leniency to create a rocking fun ride. Also, based on the smirk that Allan Schilke gave when Colossus was mentioned at IAAPA back in Oh-11', I'm hoping he has something ultra cool and crazy in store. Time will tell.

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At first i couldn't see how this could possibly work and then the possibilities hit me... that first drop is going to be incredible and the amount of airtime this coaster could potentially have could be INCREDIBLE. Not to mention it could get a nice new coat of paint.


The only thing I'm worried about is Six Flags doing this to all of their Classic coasters. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE NTAG, and IRAT is 3 hours away, but I'd still like to see Six Flags either maintain some of their classics or build a new breed of wooden coasters to be considered classics 30 years from now (maybe el toro-ish or something with RMC topper track). Although this 'New Breed' could be the Iron Horse track cousins!


Just my 2 cents

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  PeoplemoverMatt said:
  SharkTums said:
I want to be happy and really be excited...but we all know, if there's one park in this country that could somehow screw this up...well...yeah.


They'll incorporate a high-five element in the design, but then never run trains on both sides at the same time after the first month or so.

You're giving the park too much credit to suggest they'd run both sides for an entire month.

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  robbalvey said:
  PeoplemoverMatt said:
  SharkTums said:
I want to be happy and really be excited...but we all know, if there's one park in this country that could somehow screw this up...well...yeah.


They'll incorporate a high-five element in the design, but then never run trains on both sides at the same time after the first month or so.

You're giving the park too much credit to suggest they'd run both sides for an entire month.


I'm sure they'll confer with the folks at Happy Valley Wuhan if they ever "High Five" the ride.

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If they build it so it can duel, they will do one of two things:

a) Never run both sides

b) Run both sides, but run only one train on each side most of the year


Also, the reason the mobius idea is not the best idea is because you would need at least 3-4 trains to get a descent capacity on that. And, we are talking about a park that can barely fund two train operations.

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  boardwalkbullet91507 said:
At first i couldn't see how this could possibly work and then the possibilities hit me... that first drop is going to be incredible and the amount of airtime this coaster could potentially have could be INCREDIBLE. Not to mention it could get a nice new coat of paint.


The only thing I'm worried about is Six Flags doing this to all of their Classic coasters. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE NTAG, and IRAT is 3 hours away, but I'd still like to see Six Flags either maintain some of their classics or build a new breed of wooden coasters to be considered classics 30 years from now (maybe el toro-ish or something with RMC topper track). Although this 'New Breed' could be the Iron Horse track cousins!


Just my 2 cents


Gravity Group. & GCI!

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I agree with the "I wish Six Flags would keep or maintain some of their classic woodies" thing to an extent.


The issue is, for the most part Six Flags as a whole hasn't done this. There are a few Six Flags classic woodies that are still great like GASM (SFOG), American Eagle (SFGAm) but for the most part, most of them are mediocre at best. I'd actually anticipate them doing this to some of the more modern woodies in the next few years such as Viper (SFGAm) and the Roar's (SFA/SFDK). I wouldn't anticipate anything like GASM, GA Cyclone or Rolling Thunder getting this treatment. Rolling Thunder mostly because El Toro is already there.


Still, I'd love to see their classics get solid rehabs and maybe topper track at the very least.

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If this thing turns out even near how incredible Texas Giant is, it'll be a needed upgrade to colossus. Of the two times I've ridden (one being backwards), I've just been unimpressed. The first drop is strange, and the turnarounds are painfully slow. Though the park will only have one woodie if this does happen, I think it's for the better.


As a side note, what if they took the high five and took it a step further, dueling zero-G rolls? It'll be interesting to see what Rocky Mountain does with a coaster that has a particularly simple layout!

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^I agree with you 100%! Rockey Mtn. loves to top what is already done so im sure it will be some sort of high-five inversion or simply a near miss type elemet. Im really hoping this happens. I mean come on....a dueling RMC inverting woodie?!?! It may not happen because it is SFMM we are talking about, but that would be totally insane!

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  rcdude said:
  6flagsbrad said:
This would be an awesome coaster for Rocky Mountain, I'm only hoping that it will stay open long enough for them to run the Psyclone trains backwards this year.


If I were to guess at a timeline, I'd guess that the park will keep Colossus open through the end of Fright Fest and promote "last time ever" for backwards Colossus like crazy. They would then either close the ride right after, or run it through winter break before closing it. Given the size of the attraction, I'm thinking it will take 12-16 months to rebuild, so I wouldn't expect the refurbishment to be complete until Spring/Summer 2015. With YOLOcoaster opening this year, I wouldn't be surprised if the park gets little to nothing for 2014. Perhaps Hurricane Harbor could finally get a major new attraction next year instead.


That's what I'm hoping they will do, I've been trying to get on backwards Colossus for years, and this would be my year to finally get on it now that I have a pass. And Hurricane Harbor does desperately need a new attraction.

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I can kinda see how they could make Colossus into one track, but hopefully they keep it as two. If they did make it one track, the structure in most places would be over engineered as it is built to hold two trains at the same time.


Hopefully the re-do would create enough new ridership where they would run both sides... at least for a while. Some people said make one side all metal and the other the partially wood track, I think that's kinda a neat idea but might not really make the experience different enough. As we have seen the capability of the partially wood track is essentially the same as the steel. The actual feel of the track might be significantly different, but nobody can really say fore sure quite yet as they only coaster fully built like that isn't open yet.


One thing they could do, to give themselves a reason (like they would) to run both sides as often as possible, is to make the layout of both sides a bit different. Colossus as it is now is a pretty mellow coaster, so maybe they could make one side less extreme and closer to it's classic self, and the other side the one with more airtime and the barrel roll. This would effectively make each track a different ride and experience and more of a reason to run both all the time.


Honestly they could actually keep one side mostly original. Actually that would be pretty awesome.

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Please don't tell me this thread is going to spiral back into the whole "Restore Revolution" thing again. The park isn't going to do it unless they get an ROI on it. Taking the restraints off isn't marketable, so there isn't much point until to do it unless the trains can't run anymore and they need to buy new ones... or they might just tear the coaster out.

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