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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

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  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
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    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
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I don't think I know anyone who's %100 gay, but about %80 of the kids in my age that I know are bi.


Hot bi Israeli chicks who know how to operate an assault rifle.


Heh heh... Tha'ts pretty much most of the girls in the ocuntry seeing as army service is Manadtory here.

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Heh heh... Tha'ts pretty much most of the girls in the ocuntry seeing as army service is Manadtory here.


Hehehe, my gay Isreali friend is in Tel Aviv right now. (Actually, he should be arriving about now.) The stories he tells me about the scene in Tel Aviv. Yowzers!


Side Question: Have you served in the army yet?

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Yeah, we're supposed to have a pretty magor gay scene here... I wouldn't know anything about it though. I just know that the annual pride parade is a huge fiasco and quite a sight. Tel Aviv is pretty much Israel's modern, open minded "sin city" so just about everything has a place in the spotlights here. Interesting palce to be living in.



I have served in the army for about two days before I got out on a medical condition.

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Sounds like bar friends issues rather than gay friends.


It's funny. I do work as a bartender, but in a straight bar so I rarely meet other gay guys. I try to avoid the gay bar/club scene. It's fun if you go with the intention of having fun with your friends, but going to meet a guy? No way! I don't know about the States, but in Germany, gay bars and clubs are just a pick up spot for guys. There are even disgusting backrooms where people go to... you know.


It's because you're young, and you seem to be hanging out with guys your own age. It gets much better as you get older, or just pick more mature friends. I sympathize for them, they get that way after being beat down all their young lives, and then overcompensate. They're very ugly, they just haven't realized it yet.


I find that so true. My boyfriend at the moment is 26 (6, almost 7 year difference because he will be 27 soon) and I connect with him so much more than guys that are, say, 20 - 23. I guess I never had a problem with getting picked on in school for my sexuality because it was never a big deal to my friends so I never felt like I needed to compensate for anything. But this kind of explanation sure explains a lot.

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It's strange how the gay community has really expanded lately. Just years ago, there were nowhere near as many as there are now.


My question is, were people not homosexual, or if they were, did they just keep it to themselves?


(I really hope I don't offend anyone reading this...)

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^DBru - no offense taken. People were definitely homosexual "back then" and have been for all of recorded history. In modern history - there was fear of being seen as gay (there still is the same fear somewhat - but homosexuality is more visual today.) People would live a lie, and pretend to be something that they weren't.


This is the reason that "Gay Pride" events go on. It is because of people working with Pride orginizations that the general public has "some" more knowledge of GBLT society than it did.



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I just recently finished reading REGENERATION by Pat Barker. It's a WWI novel, but no battles actually take part. Instead, it focuses on the struggles of the soldiers behind the lines, with authority, themselves, and the war. In particular, there are a couple characters (including the main guy) who are closet gays and struggling with self-identity because of that mixed with the strict "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the military, especially at that time. So yes, homosexuality definitely existed, it's just that society didn't accept it. Now as a straight guy I can't say I completely understand, but the book really helped clarify different things about it.


Again, that's REGENERATION by Pat Barker. Fantastic book on several levels.

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^America still has a "Don't ask don't tell policy". And yet, over here in Israel, a country which is often seen as typically middle eastern, conservative and whatnot, openly gay people in the army are a common thing and accepted.

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I don't have an official news release or whatever it's called about this, but I should on Thursday.


The token gay guy at my school, recently moved to a new school. I was texting him today and found out he will be on local news (channels 10, 12) this Thursday about a court case against his school (I believe) . He has lawyers, press meetings and all that stuff. So if I'm correct, there is some gay joke or rumor going around his school, and he got in big trouble for it. They said he started it because he is the only openly gay person there. But he told me he didn't do it anyway.


So I'll be watching the news to see where this goes

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It's strange how the gay community has really expanded lately.


Yea, didn't you hear, we're recruiting by brainwashing today's youth with purple Teletubbies and Spongebob Squarepants. Care to join us in our lives of discrimination, hate, and self-abuse but tastefully decorated homes and BMWs? (JUST KIDDING, no offense taken!)

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^I'm pretty sure almost every gay guy has had a girlfriend at some point in time.


Like, I'm gay and I've have two girlfriends, both of whom I liked alot. But something just wasnt right, like I didn't like doing "stuff" as much as I thought I should if I were straight or bi.


But also, I can still tell when a girl is hott or ugly, but I know I'm into guys.

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like i said earlier...


i'm shocked how many of you there are out there who are still 14.. 15 and even 16 and know their sexual identity. I mean, I know i'm still relatively young myself, but when i was you all's age, it was RARE to hear of a full on gay person in school. don't get me wrong, there were some.. quite a few actually, but they all figured it out in college. like myself.





the way I see sexuality... is that it's like two poles. you have straight on one end, and gay on the other... and people fall into place somewhere in between those two poles.. like i know a lot of gay guys who think it's so disgusting to even think about heterosexual sex... and the straight guys who think the same about gay sex.. then there are those straight guys who don't mind, gay guys who don't mind... and people just sorta fill in the spaces in between those two polls. I don't believe there is anybody in this world who is 100% gay and 100% straight.


I got into an argument about this once, and to clarify... i'm not talking anything about the nature vs. nurture theories. whether those be true or not, you can't deny the fact that people do tend to all have different views on their sexuality, and that's just the best way i've heard it explain and can explain it myself.


and back to you 15 year olds... bravo. be strong, but don't forget you're an individual... and represent yourself well, before you represent your identity... because that is the biggest downfall i see for young gay people now-a-days.

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the way I see sexuality... is that it's like two poles. you have straight on one end, and gay on the other... and people fall into place somewhere in between those two poles.. like i know a lot of gay guys who think it's so disgusting to even think about heterosexual sex... and the straight guys who think the same about gay sex.. then there are those straight guys who don't mind, gay guys who don't mind... and people just sorta fill in the spaces in between those two polls. I don't believe there is anybody in this world who is 100% gay and 100% straight.


You know, there is more to sexuality than just sex. The thought of having sex with a woman does not repulse me (as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. If it feels good, it feels good!) but I would never choose to have sex with a woman because I know that it would never delve deeper than just that, sex. I've tried explaining this to a friend of mine who used to have romantic feelings for me, and she kept insisting that I was bisexual and not 100% gay because I wasn't disgusting by the act of heterosexual sex. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for me, sexuality (both homosexual and heterosexual) is defined by who you fall in love with romantically so it is still possible to be fully gay and still have a desire to sleep with people of the opposite sex.

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the way I see sexuality... is that it's like two poles. you have straight on one end, and gay on the other... and people fall into place somewhere in between those two poles.. like i know a lot of gay guys who think it's so disgusting to even think about heterosexual sex... and the straight guys who think the same about gay sex.. then there are those straight guys who don't mind, gay guys who don't mind... and people just sorta fill in the spaces in between those two polls. I don't believe there is anybody in this world who is 100% gay and 100% straight.


You know, there is more to sexuality than just sex. The thought of having sex with a woman does not repulse me (as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. If it feels good, it feels good!) but I would never choose to have sex with a woman because I know that it would never delve deeper than just that, sex. I've tried explaining this to a friend of mine who used to have romantic feelings for me, and she kept insisting that I was bisexual and not 100% gay because I wasn't disgusting by heterosexual sex. I guess what I'm trying to say is that for me, sexuality (both homosexual and heterosexual) is defined by who you fall in love with romantically. Sorry, if this was confusing or difficult to understand...?




i was just using sex as an example... it was the most obvious... sexuality.. sex.. i know there's a lot more..


i was mostly replying to people who were saying "i'm a gay guy who acts like a straight guy..." and so forth...


personally. I'm the kind of guy who is into people. if i find you attractive.. i find you attractive. im not bisexual, im not straight... but i defiantly think that it's about connections with people.

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One question for all of you guys who are like 14,15 years old. How do you know?



I was always attracted to guys, just sort of realized what it was by maybe 8th or 9th grade. Even through middle school I was never attracted to girls, thought I might be gay but wouldn't admit it to myself, I thought it was a phase. Then I realized what no girl attraction + guy attraction meant.




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