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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

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  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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^ No, I get that.


But biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender identification are (at least) three different things. I, for instance, really love men, but certainly wouldn't describe myself as "a straight woman trapped in a man's body." I'm a gay man, and I believe that my desires are in some significant ways different from those of most of the straight women I know.


And I'd venture to say that only a teensy fraction of non-trans lesbians would describe themselves as straight men in women's bodies, or to claim straight guys as sisters under the skin.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much.


Well, my parents found out I was Bi, and it didn't go down too well. There was really bad tension for like a month, but now it has started to settle down.


It is too long to explain it all, but that's basically what all happened. It is way too long and complicated.

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Well hell I'm your typical masculine guy....who just happens to like other guys...(and very rarely girls) Don't really care if people know or not. Ima still continue doing my thing....I'm pretty sure there some more out there in hiding...

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Ok, some of you may have noticed that I haven't been around much.


Well, my parents found out I was Bi, and it didn't go down too well. There was really bad tension for like a month, but now it has started to settle down.


It is too long to explain it all, but that's basically what all happened. It is way too long and complicated.


YAY, you're back. I'm glad to hear that things are settling down, it sucks how your parents reacted that way in the first place though...



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You need all the support you can get for the 1st couple of years, after that your be going everywhere to enjoy yourself.


It's such a shock for parents to find out your gay/bi, Bi is just being greedy , they want you to give them a grandson / daughter.


When you tell Parents they are put back so much it takes them ages to figure out, just be strong and everything will work out.


I check out the guys at work and everywhere I go, some are stunning.

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Well I just came from reading the enitre thread...(took 3 1/2 hours total...wasnt nothing else to do at work) I'm extremely impressed with how mature people have been on here. I just wish the rest of the world could learn from our example...Just do "you" and accept other people for who they are,and not by WHAT they do. No matter how valid your point is, you cant change everyone minds that being gay is just as natural as being straight.


And its also a relief to find other masculine dudes into coasters, besides myself. Not saying that being efeminate is a crime,(have no issues with them at all) its just not for me. But I really think one of the main reasons why homosexualty is looked down upon is because is how we are protrayed on television. Every time you see a gay character, nine times out of ten they're the stereotypicial flamboyent type. If that's all people know and see of gays, then they concluded in their minds that ALL gay people are like that when in actuality there are so many different personalities a gay man can protray......Something people fail to acknowledge

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