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Sexual Orientation

What's your orientation?  

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  1. 1. What's your orientation?

    • I'm a guy who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes guys
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I'm a guy who likes guys and girls
    • I'm a girl who likes girls
    • I haven't figured out what I like yet...
    • Hobosexual (I'm a person who likes hobos)
    • Hoosexual (I'm a person who likes owls)

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^The night before, she kept asking me if I was gay and sh*t like that. It's so disturbing. But she embarrasses me sometimes. We were driving past 'Club Rodeo' and the sign said 'Male Review tonite!' She's like, "We could both go to that!" OMG


Anyway, coming out was hard, but I feel so much happier now. I have a ton of more friends, and I'm not hiding anymore. I'm being me. Not the other guy. I love life. I love me. I'm not ashamed of being gay anymore.

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^ That's great!


Your Mom and Cold Stone Ice Cream, I mean!



Man, my mom threw me out of my home (when I came out to her at age 16) and it took my dad to calm everything down between us. The three of us actually, as I later found out, he wasn't too thrilled by my coming out, either.


The good old days - back in the 60's!



But Hearty Congrats on your momentous ocassion with your mom.

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^Thank you! Sorry to hear about what happened to you. I have a girl that rides my bus, and I was talking to her. She has a cousin her age who's gay, and he wanted to tell his mom. He was so nervous, that she had to hold his hand when he actually told her. Well, when he did, his mom kicked him out. And now he lives in Nebraska with his aunt. I thought parents were always going to be there for you. I guess not. But anyway Nrthwnd, did your parents ever calm down about it?

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^ Yes they did, thanks for asking.


Mom actually started up a very early form of "Parents & Gays" group which tried to meet weekly, or whenever it was needed, lol. It sort of slowed down on her, and eventually stopped happening, and I still don't know why to this day. Another group started up and went full steam into a now-still-exisiting operation I believe, a chapter of PFLAG?


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Wow I'm hearing all of these success stories about coming out to your parents!

I'm so nervous about coming out, and so far I have only been able to talk to a few members in my little group of friends a school. It's a slow trickle, but it is relieving(?) pressure.

Though as I may have stated before, my family (who are very gay tolerant, as far as I have seen) lives in a very anti-gay area. And no, I don't mean the whole state of Utah, but just my area. There's bashing abound, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Gay, just to name a few. While I'm positive my family would be fine with my difference, I'm worried about all the rumors that would circulate should the news ever reach beyond my house, and the many sorts of types of vandalism that would come to my home and family if my secrets got out.

I've already had a few issues when private conversations were "leaked" and one of them even led to a very defiant woman slapping me across the face while I was walking home from school. She said something like "You little faggot!" but I cant remember it that much.

So I guess I'm asking, should I come out to my family, or am I just being paranoid?

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I think someone mentioned this way back when in this thread, but it merits repeating. As a general rule if you're not over 18 yet, be very careful before deciding to come out to your parents if not pretty certain they'll be ok with it.


Unfortunately some conservative parents aren't able to accept and unconditionally love their very own flesh and blood for who they are. You really want to be old enough to be able to take care and support yourself incase they throw you out like a few poor guys in this thread. And even worse, you really want to be old enough to avoid having to be sent to some brainwashing religious camp to cure you of your "sickness". Breaks my heart to hear things like this still happening in 2007, but it unfortunately still happens.


Anyway, coming out was hard, but I feel so much happier now. I have a ton of more friends, and I'm not hiding anymore. I'm being me. Not the other guy. I love life. I love me. I'm not ashamed of being gay anymore.


That is SO great to hear, congrats!!! It really is such a HUGE weight off the shoulders and relief not having to live that lie anymore. Really sad that anyone should ever feel ashamed of themselves for just being who they are though, you can thank society for that. Reason behind why gay pride events were created in the first place, when you have an entire society telling you should be ashamed of who you are, it's SO important to do the exact opposite instead and stand tall and proud of who you are, just the way you are.

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I've already had a few issues when private conversations were "leaked" and one of them even led to a very defiant woman slapping me across the face while I was walking home from school. She said something like "You little faggot!" but I cant remember it that much.

Ummm, isn't that illegal? But anyway, if your family is gay-tolerant, then EFFING TELL THEM!!! Don't worry about the community. You have caring parents! And if you are vandalized or something like that, you can almost be certain of who it is.

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I've met this cool buddy at my dorm in grad school/college, but the other night, he has this hankering to go out innto the fraternity area and then to the bar and meet girls. I act cautious, more because I'm REALLY tired and not in the mood. He won't say so, but I've got this feeling he thinks I'm gay or something. I admit beer and girls aren't my priority right now, and yes, I'd like to socilaize with some girls over some beer, but does my "cold feet" mean something, uh, deeper?

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^Who cares what he thinks...unless he's the type to go running his mouth about things that he doesn't know.


As much as we shouldn't care about what people think, it is important especially for us "younger folk" that are starting careers and what not. That's not to say its not okay to disclose your orientation, but sometimes its better to not say anything. It just sucks when people take it upon themselves to say things to people when they don't know what they are talking about.


As for not wanting to go out with him, that seems a little off that he needs you by his side. Perhaps he wants to "prove" himself to you. Or maybe its nothing more than a mis-interpretation on both parts.

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Totally forgot!



Thanks for reminding.


Happy Out, all - whatever you're out...about!



(Edit: It's still an important day in a gay person's life, hmm? Any decade.)

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I agree that it's not always wise to tell someone that you're gay or whatever unless it's completely and utterly necessary. I'm straight, but once upon a time I thought I was gay. Oh my it was such a confusing time for me. Some things happened that convinced me that I was either Bi or Gay, but I soon discovered that I don't look at guys the way I do at girls. That was like 4 years ago I think that I figured out that I was straight and if it wasn't for my best friend helping me understand then I'd probably still be confused.

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I came out to another friend! I didn't want to waste the day, so I told a guy that I've been good friends with, and he was cool with it, and we talked for a long time about it. That's four people that know now (besides people on here). So yeah that was kind of fun.

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