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Waldameer Discussion Thread

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I so wish I could have gone to this shoot, it looks like it was a blast. Waldameer is one of the parks I need to get to before I move down to Florida... I'm thinking a weekday in August when they are open until 10 would be best. RFII probably gives crazy night rides.


Thanks for the update, Robb!

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It really does look like a great ride. Certainly a finalist for best new coaster of 2008. I think everyone just going on the East Coast trip and not the mini trip is really going to be missing out. Ravine Flyer II and Behemoth are probably better than any new coaster on the EC trip.

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That was such an awesome day, thanks for the update!


I have no idea what was going through my mind in the second to last picture on the last page, I look like I'm about to burst into tears!


That was such a cool experience, I'm so glad I got to be a part of it.





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On Saturday they finally pulled out the Blue Train and they were doing 2 train operation. But they were Stacking every time. The Anti Rollbacks on every hill except the lift have been removed so it is going alot faster. It's a big plus for Waldameer and see them doing very well this summer.

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On Saturday they finally pulled out the Blue Train and they were doing 2 train operation. But they were Stacking every time. The Anti Rollbacks on every hill except the lift have been removed so it is going alot faster. It's a big plus for Waldameer and see them doing very well this summer.


That is great news about the two-train ops! One week exactly until my first visit to Waldameer!!

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Hopefully the weather holds out for tomorrow.


Is Waldameer the type of park that will close down entirely for bad weather? Do the rides run in a light rain? Im not all for getting soaked but Ive had tomorrow planned for awhile. Bout 3 hour drive for me.

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Real, the park stays open for rain, unless its too heavy to safety, or if there is lightning. The opening day of Ravine Flyer II it poured most of the time during the first runs, including mine! Haha.


About the anti-rollbacks, they were only for precaution, but once you are in person and you see how the trains fly over the areas that used to have them, you'll realize that they really were pointless... The only time I could see them become useful is in first testing of the season situations, when train runs are extremely slow.

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once you are in person and you see how the trains fly over the areas that used to have them, you'll realize that they really were pointless...


That's really good to hear... when I first saw the POV, I figured they were either anit-rollbacks, or trims...and either one of those did not bode well for the pacing of the ride. I'm happy to hear the ride flies through that portion of the ride

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Thanks coasterline. I called the park as well just to double check. Good to hear because I know some of the smaller parks are more...critical about rain than others.


Im really holding out for a nice day tomorrow. Cant wait to ride. Infact, it can rain in the morning, make it faster - then stop when I get there. ha. Ill wish.

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The park doesn't fully close down in rainy weather, or even normal thunderstorms.


The nice thing is there are a couple of rides that you can do even when it is raining. I really like a couple of the dark attractions there: Pirate's Cove and Whacky Shack are both very cool traditional dark attractions. The dodgems, and carousel are both open during rain too.


As for the Ravine Flyer II goes, GET ON IT!! It is an awesome ride, especially in the front seat!!

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  • 3 months later...

Waldameer has released it's plans for their 2009 expansion:






The expansion includes a Zamperla Disk'O, which will be located near the turn around of the SkyRide.


The other new ride will be a Zamperla Flying Carousel for 2010, which will be located right next to the final bunny hops of Ravine Flyer II, in the empty lot inside the turn around for the train.


Other expansions will be a "further extension" of the midway more South (which will lead towards the new Disk'O), along with improvements in landscaping and also some new/revamped games, and improvements to the main food stands across from the Ali Baba and Karaoke stage.


Looks like Waldameer is continuing to grow with around a 20% growth in revenue due to Ravine Flyer II alone, biggest 1-year gain in the park's history. They are keeping up with their expansion plans... really exciting news for Erie and the surrounding area. Next year should bring on more expansion if growth continues.

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