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Waldameer Discussion Thread

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^Who are you and what is your problem?


If you have any further discussion about my opinion feel free to PM me, but keep the thread on topic please.


It's OK. The Voyage people are just anxious because they know T-Express is about to dethrone their precious on Mitch's Poll this year.


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Maybe Knoebels will build a Gravity Group woodie sometime soon.


I feel very confident that Knoebels will never build a Gravity Group woodie. If you look at their current coasters, all of them were internally developed. The exception of course is Phoenix, which was relocated from Texas. If anything, they would build a GCI woodie, as they are only 15 minutes apart. But if they wanted a GCI woodie, I would guess that one would already be operating in the park. They seem to like doing their own thing.


Sorry for crushing your dreams

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Looks like all you lucky folks had a great time out there during the filmshoot! It looks like a fantastic effort from everyone involved in making it happen.


And the ride looks like a lot of fun. It doesn't seem like a ridiculous quest for the most intense wooden coaster like the Gravity Groups other rides I've done, the park appear to have got pretty much what they wanted. Can't wait to try it myself!

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^Excuse me?!?!


I go into all coasters open minded! It's not my fault that certain people talk up a coaster to be gods gift then it turns out to be rough as hell!


Gosh Elissa, how many times do I have to tell you this!


The Voyage is not "rough", it's "intense"...

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Maybe Knoebels will build a Gravity Group woodie sometime soon.


I feel very confident that Knoebels will never build a Gravity Group woodie. If you look at their current coasters, all of them were internally developed. The exception of course is Phoenix, which was relocated from Texas. If anything, they would build a GCI woodie, as they are only 15 minutes apart. But if they wanted a GCI woodie, I would guess that one would already be operating in the park. They seem to like doing their own thing.


Sorry for crushing your dreams


It was my understanding that the main business philosophy differences between TGG and the other wood coaster designers is that TGG gives the park the flexibility to do their own contracting and control the project themselves. This saves the park a lot of money and a park that is used to developing their own products would already have a head start in setting up contractor bids etc. It would seem that TGG would cater more towards a park that is used to doing things themselves, they park would just be contracting out the design.




BTW, where is the video from the event, I thought I read there would be some put up a few days ago, and why no front page link on TPR?

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It was my understanding that the main business philosophy differences between TGG and the other wood coaster designers is that TGG gives the park the flexibility to do their own contracting and control the project themselves. This saves the park a lot of money and a park that is used to developing their own products would already have a head start in setting up contractor bids etc. It would seem that TGG would cater more towards a park that is used to doing things themselves, they park would just be contracting out the design.


Yeah, but Knoebels already has a very capable wooden coaster designer in house. It seems highly unlikely that they would hire TGG. Not to mention TGG seems to get involved with bleeding edge, marquee coasters that wouldn't really fit in at Knoebels.

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Hey this is Carsten I am not really new here just never really posted. I just want to thank Robb and Waldameer for letting me do this! I would love to do this again! That coaster is great and that was the first time I have ever been to that park and I plan on going back soon!


I am not good with names but is there anyone here that I chatted with or rode with? If so please PM me or reply to this And here is my picture. I am the one in the blue


I rode The Comet with you for a while. It sucks because I feel like we were all too busy having fun to really get to know names, we all just talked. Here's me up in the front right, unfortunately I didn't get anyone's name in the front car, let me know who you are!





Hey I remember you haha that was fun doing all that at least we had some room where we were sitting but it was still cramped lol. Yes we were having to much fun to even get to know one another and all. I hope to see you all around someday! Also does anyone know Steve the coaster guy that works at Knoebels???

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I feel very confident that Knoebels will never build a Gravity Group woodie.


I must dis-agree with what you quoted, Knoebels and any Theme Park can choose any type of wooden coaster builder (inc pre-fabricated track) if they want to, depends on what type of layout it will be, height and what age the ride will be aim'd at.


What has Knoebels got to do with the opening of Ravine Flyer 2

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^ That is true, but it is not Knoebel's style. Either they keep things inhouse, or Dick Knoebel goes out and personally hand pics rides. They buy different rides, and restore classics. They are about quality (not saying Gravity Group isn't quality) but I think they like to keep things to themselves. That is their choice, and their choice is to not go with big company designers.

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I just got back from riding it. It is just amazing, pleanty of airtime. It is easily one of the best wood coasters in the nation. It's a great coaster, but it is badly operated. The line was an hour long and they only had 1 train out. It would take them about 8 minutes from the time the train entered the station until it was dispached again, but I'm sure these bugs will be worked out by the middle of the summer. I'll say it again, it's a great ride.

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Just got back from the park again, took a small trip up to see the fireworks with my girl and even with an almost full queue at 8:30ish it was only about a 30-40 minute wait. The time between trains went down to about a minute.


The ride is still my favorite woodie... I really wish I would have been in town to participate in the video shoot, but I was in Myrtle this past week.


As for the 2 train operation, per Paul Nelson, the ride hasn't been programmed yet for two train operation, and the person who is in charge of handling this is sick at the moment. That is all that is known / let known by management about 2 train operation.

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Wow...that ride looks awesome, and the video was great!


I have one question though: Is it relatively smooth? I know GG woodies are awesome and intense and all that, but Voyage felt like it was tearing itself apart, and Hades has one turn that cracked my chest cavity; is that just Gravity Groups style? Or have those been (not really) bad apples in the GG Tree?


Eitherway, awesome video!


NINETY DEGREES!!!!!11!1!!11!1!1!!!

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While I admit the ride looks like a good time it is indeed just another woodie. And based on last year's efforts by GG and GCI I'm not looking to them to build anything all that exciting in the future. The comments about RFII being rough doesn't surprise me. Aggressive, kick ya down a flight coasters is their trademark. GCI is all about building fun, relatively mild and low maintenance coasters (thus the appeal to CF who simply can't maintain wood coaters).


But in the end I think the envelope has been pushed by both companies as far as we'll see it go. Hades and The Voyage may be beaten someday in regards to height, length and intensity, but I hope not. First season of Hades was missing some key airtime moments but by the second season it had broken-in riding the way you think it should but as someone already mentioned you trade that for a rib-cracking/neck-snapping experience at the end. Similarly while I love The Voyage the thing just utterly exhausts me. I once took four rides in a row (again first season) and sat down in front of the gift shop unable to move for an hour.


So for me traditional wood coasters are a been there and done that, there doesn't seem to be the hope of anything new or exciting. That's where Hades gets the #1 spot from a sheer innovation standpoint. Voyage gets an award for pushing the envelope as far as it should go.


It's funny but my #1 is still The Phoenix at PPP. front row. The closest I've come to wood airtime bliss were our front-row 2002 rides at Timbersfest (altho never again, I hear it is running awful again this year).


And then of course El Toro, but not even a boo about building a bigger/longer wood Intiman at a state-side park. They're really my only hope and many consider El Toro to be in a hybrid breed by itself. The final top one in recent memory is Rumbler, by far GCI's crowning achievement (altho again a strictly front seat ride).


Has the wood coaster renaissance reached it's peaked? I kind of hope so and we'll see a return to steel. And no gimmicks which require OSTRs, the only exception are B&M inverts (which if Patriot is any example they have the ear-banging problem solved). MY hope is for taller MFs (yes with more airtime), more hypers like SFRoS at SFNE, or Goliath at SFoG, coasters that push the envelope. deliver tons of thrills and airtime with comparitively minimal maintenance so they tend not to degrade and one day beat the heck out you. There's only so far you can go with wood imho, and that limit has been reached.


I know, it's sacrilege.

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I have one question though: Is it relatively smooth? I know GG woodies are awesome and intense and all that, but Voyage felt like it was tearing itself apart, and Hades has one turn that cracked my chest cavity; is that just Gravity Groups style? Or have those been (not really) bad apples in the GG Tree?


It wasn't rough in a bad way at all. Just "wooden coaster rough". At the bottom of the first drop the transition from banked to flat to cross the bridge, in the second car I kept noticing a sort of loud snap sound, not that it made for an uncomfortable feeling, I just didn't like what sounded like track snapping. The only "rough" spots would be after the first side of the bridge, the left turn followed by the right turn. Again not rough, just sort of throws you, but I also had my lapbar somewhat loose.


Hopefully it'll age well.

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The coaster is not rough at all, but does have points where it throws your laterally, none of which hurt at all. The point where it throws you most is coming off the bridge right after the first drop, it does a quick shuffle to the right before the turn.


Rode again today, the loading times were really quick and under a minute between cycles. Full queue was around 25 minutes or so.


The ride is intense, but not rough in the least, and now as it feels like it's starting to break in it feels even faster and smoother.

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I just wanted to say thanks to Robb, Cam and Waldameer for a great day and great rides. The pics and video are awesome! Also thanks to the other Rob (did you find that Coke under the seat?) for driving and to Josh for riding and putting up with me, (I can't wait to to to Boma!) as well as everyone else I met and rode with that day. And an extra special shout out to the BW3 crew


I thought the coaster was great and extremely rerideable. I rode approximately 42 times, my bruises are now gone. The other 3 coasters at the park are also enjoyable so make sure to ride those if you're there.


Finally, to odene497, love your avatar - I'm sitting beside you!

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I really didn't find Ravine Flyer II rough at all. It was certainly the smoothest of all the GG coasters I've been on. It had a couple of good lateral moments, kind of like what you'd find on Silver Comet, Cornball Express or New Mexico Rattler.


In fact I'd put the whole ride on par with the likes of those rides. It's a shorter ride, but VERY solid, very re-rerideable.



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