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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Wow...this looks like Knoebels and Hershey-style flooding. Hope that this doesn't do too much damage to the park!


Noooooooooo, this is nothing but large puddles. Hershey has had the lower half of the park (Comet Hollow) completely submerged before. Knoebels also had extensive structural damage. I ran into this kind of "flood" at Phantasialand back in 2012. We just went into the pizza joint and waited for the rain to stop. I took this from the porch of the pizza place -



Ah yeah, I forgot floods were something to joke around and be sarcastic about. Sorry!


What did the flood say to Japan? Nothing, it just waved.


Seriously, man, lighten up.

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I've been in the park when it's been kind of like this. What caused (causes) a majority of flooding in Craftsmans Valley is when the pond at the Grist Mill fills up (in this case very quickly) then spills over the wall causing it to wash down hill leading, well into Showstreet. Now the Jukebox Junction area from what I can see looks to be coming from the LR construction site up on the hill. I mean where else would you get muddy water from behind LR's que house to come from. The only draining system I can off my head think of them having is the creek. I heard that this wasn't only rain though, it was rain, large hail, and strong winds. Blazing Fury even closed around 4:30pm.

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So is there any way that this can be blamed on LR's launch system....kinda like the Intamin cable?


Dollywood actually caused all of this. . . They were trying out a new splash down on Lightning Rod to try to slow LR down. . . and the splash down got a little out of hand.

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Ah yeah, I forgot floods were something to joke around and be sarcastic about. Sorry!

I bet your a blast to hang out with.


He would not last long in the criminal justice field...

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I was at the park Wednesday and Thursday of this week for a little trip up to the park. We left the park on Thursday right before it started storming!! I live in Atlanta, so the drive is not that bad, only 4 hours give or take. We stayed at the DreamMore Resort, and it was fantastic and well worth it for all of the benefits. So I went in like I was not going to ride Lightning Rod, and if we did it would be an awesome perk to the trip..... We ended up riding it four times, twice on Wednesday and twice Thursday (with two trains running). All I have to say is WOW. I have never experienced air time like this before. The whole ride was just trying to sling me out of the train. It was my first RMC, so I have nothing to compare it to, but it was absolutely out of control. The launch was awesome, nothing outrageous, but it got us up the lift very freaking fast. The first dip was ok, a little pop, but the real drop was crazy, I was out of my seat the whole way down. The wave turn was something I have never felt my body do. It was just like an airtime hill turned 90 degrees. I do feel it kind of give you a break, but it slings you down into the ridge at full force. The rest of the ride it doesn't let up at all. This thing is crazy fast. The "twist and shout" was crazy as said before, but the quad -down was insane; there was no time to catch up with it. It just keeps going. There was a ride where my shirt came up on the hill before the quad down, and there was no break; it came over my head at the end, and it stayed there CRAZY. There were cheers after every single train coming back into the station. It is that good. The four times I rode I was in rows 5, 6, 8, and 10. I do have to say it is better in the back, but the airtime is insane anywhere you are on the train. All I have to say is wow, it is just plain fast and out of control

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quick run down of today, LR was closed as someone has pointed out already, i talked to the guy working the merch store and he said it was because of the rain and hail yesterday. sounds reasonable enough. said it should open (possibly officially, not likely, but possible) tomorrow.


other very notable thing is i noticed what appeared to be water slide pieces up on that big mound by timber canyon, where they normal keep pieces for new things. its a bit early, but they were forest green, neon green, and blue and stacked like waterslide pieces. there werent many, but if anyone is there, look for em. very easy to see from WE and dunno about TH, wasnt payin much attention on it to see them. only really noticed on WE.


now i must keep reading schlock....

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Crews have been working on/at the base of the launch. And cutting limbs near the non-inverting half loop. I wouldn't think the flood would have affected anything, but anything is possible at this point I suppose.


In any of these days have they said it won't be rehearsing only for it to open later in the day? I know I'm grasping at straws here. Seeing it person hurts! But it's still a nice day at the park.

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A guy I know heard it wouldn't be open yesterday or at all this weekend. When asking one of the employees online they just responded with a zipped mouth emoji. So is it something that's a setback? I have no clue. Is it something such as filming and prepping for a grand opening, possibly.

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I know a lot of people want a drop tower at Timber Tower's old spot, but today I thought about an alternative: an observation tower. There's really no way to get a view of the mountains unless you're on Wild Eagle (or Lightning Rod). Just a thought.


Why not both? There's an independently built drop tower/observation platform going up in Branson as we speak.


As for LR, perhaps they made a break through with the 2 train testing, and now they are working on the final fix that will solve all of this. That's what I'm going to assume anyway. It can't be much longer!


Those slide pieces could be for next year, or they could be from that water park next to Stone Mountain that HFEC pulled out of at the last minute after buying all the slides and equipment for it. I know DSC already got a racing mat slide from that project, but I don't know if they ever used the rest of the slides yet.

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