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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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^See in Florida's ToT she could actually have vanished into the 5th dimension...if this had happened in California she would be lost somewhere in the random exit hallway!


Elissa "Shari made some excellent points!" Alvey

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I don't think it's eithers fault. Like you guys were saying, it probaly was the weather that day. You always have to drink water at a park. I think this was just an accident. It wasn't the intensity of the ride or the teenager. I hope she is okay and they keep TOT open.

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Elissa "Shari made some excellent points!" Alvey


Why thank you!!


Seriously, it is pretty bad the way the media always does this.... I, too, am really sick of this mentality in our country that even though we make a personal choice (what we eat, what we smoke, how we drive, what we do for recreation, etc, etc), when something bad happens it must ALWAYS be someone else's fault.


My friend and I were talking the other day about how all the height restrictions we raised at PKI this year. He's got a little girl, 2 1/2 and quite tall, and there are about 6-8 rides that she could have ridden last year that she can't go on now because of the changes. I wondered what prompted the changes and my friend made the suggestion that it was probably the insurance company. Good point. I can only imagine the increase in liability insurance these parks have seen in recent years.


Now I will be honest... if my little girl got hurt on a ride (or anywhere for that matter) and it was truly the fault of another, yeah... I would probably sue. But the issue with rides is that the parks are doing everything they can to explain to people up front what the ride does and who shouldn't ride. Like someone on the Orlando Sentinel site posted "They can't perform a medical screening on everyone!!". How true! Unless there is a mechanical or safety malfunction, the fact someone became ill/died on a ride shouldn't be an issue.


But then again "Girl collapses in MGM gift shop" wouldn't grab headlines, would it???


Shari "stepping down from my soapbox" Shoufler

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Yep I bet she was dehydrated. I got somewhat dehydrated while at Cypress Gardens (it was a very very hot day) and the Ferris Wheel made me kinda sick. I should know better since I live in Florida. Of course the ride will be blamed for the girl's sickness. I know the warnings on Mission Space says that riders need to make sure they are not overheated...and to drink plenty of fluids before you ride.



I have yet to ride DCA's ToT yet? Is it that bad?

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Shorter lines for TOT! 8)


I do agree with Shari on a lot of the points she made on the first page. People faint everywhere, and the media doesn't report it. But if a ride makes someone faint, it's all over the news.


Maybe that girl was overreacting. I went on Maliboomer one time and I was low on blood sugar. After the ride, I felt quesy and I felt that I was going to faint. After that, I got something to eat and I was fine.


But still, this is not good for Disney. Two incidents in two months, although the TOT incident wasn't too serious, hopefully.


John "Long live the ride in my avatar!" P.

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^ Agreed. You can't exactly fake cardiac arrest. But, there are two kinds of medical issues that you have to look at...


#1... Did she have a known, pre-existing medical condition that, despite the warnings, she chose to ride anyway and the forces- or even her own anxiety-of the ride set her condition off, or


#2... Did she have an unknown medical condition and between (just thinking about the typical Disney trip here) the overseas travel, high temperatures, humidity, being tired, excited, etc did that trigger her to become ill?


I think we all pretty much agree that when tens of thousands of people of all ages and sizes ride this ride (and others like it) without incident each year, the chances that "THE RIDE" caused her illness are not likely. Otherwise people would be keeling over every day. Her body's response to the ride could be at fault, but neither Disney nor the ride manufacturer can be held responsible for that.


Shari "I happen to like sphincter tightening rides" Shoufler

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  • 11 months later...

Just saw pop up on local news here in Orlando that a Child died while on RnR. I'm gonna call and see if anyone in Sunset knows what happened.... The local newshounds are already jumping on it as another "is Disney/Rollercoasters safe" story.

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Yeah I just saw it on the news a couple minutes ago. Its pretty sad to hear that. They showed MGM studios and I was shocked. It was my first looping roller coaster and I couldn't belive it. I feel very sorry for the parents.

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The boy was declared dead en route to an Celebration Hospital. The rescue call came in this morning about 11:30 a.m.

Minor mistake, but I don't think 'an' was needed, and was used incorrectly.


The coaster, known for its fast start and pulsating Aerosmith soundtrack, is the second-fastest ride at Disney, with a top speed of 57 mph. According to the Disney Web site, "This attraction pulls between 4 and 5 big, fat, monster Gs. Space shuttle astronauts, by comparison, experience 3 Gs at liftoff.''

Something is wrong there, I know something is, but I can't put my finger in it.


The fastest ride at Disney is Epcot's Test Track, which can reach a speed of 65 mph.

I don't think that has to do with anything here.


That's all I see


But that's awful news to hear, regardless.

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