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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc land replacing Animation Courtyard! Muppets replacing Aerosmith!

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^ that one says the exact same thing.



What a shame. On such a great ride too. it said this is the seventh person to die on a disney ride since December of 2004, doesnt seem like there doing to good.


But what i want to know is HOW he died, thats the nonly thing it didnt say.

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http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/06/29/coaste ... index.html


Boy, 12, dies after Disney coaster ride

Thursday, June 29, 2006; Posted: 5:07 p.m. EDT (21:07 GMT)

A boy was pronounced dead Thursday after a roller coaster ride at Disney-MGM in Orlando, Florida.


MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- A 12-year-old boy was pronounced dead after he rode a roller coaster at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.


Michael Russell, of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was riding the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster ride with his mom, dad and 7-year-old brother, Sgt. Carlos Torres said. After the ride stopped, Russell and his family were stepping out of the roller coaster car when he collapsed, Torres said.


Russell's father began administering CPR and was later aided by a Disney assistant, but the boy was not responsive. Russell was then transported by ambulance to Celebration Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.


Officials will perform an autopsy, and results could be released as early as Friday. (Watch the details of what happened after the roller coaster stopped -- 2:39)


The incident happened at about 11:30 a.m.


A Disney representative was with the family Thursday afternoon and Disney officials were offering the boy's family their "deepest sympathies," according to a statement.


Disney shut down the ride and a state inspector arrived to observe the Disney investigation. The Orange County Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation as well.


Disney boasts of the ride on its Web site, "Zoom from 0 to 60 mph with the force of a supersonic F-14, take in high-speed loops and turns synchronized to a specially recorded Aerosmith soundtrack and zip through Tinseltown in the biggest, loudest limo you've ever seen."


It adds: "The 3,400-foot-long track is more than a half mile of sudden accelerations, dips, loops and twists and turns."


Children shorter than 4 feet are not permitted on the ride, according to the Web site.


The last death at a Disney resort was April 12, when 49-year-old Hiltrud Bluemel of Germany suffered a stroke linked to her high blood pressure after riding "Mission: Space" at the Epcot Center in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.


Five months before that, a 4-year-old boy died from an unknown heart condition on the same ride.

Edited by larrygator
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If there was a ride accident with the trains or restraints, that would have been published as well like it was with Big Thunder in Disneyland. I think it is safe to say it was most likely a health-related issue like a heart attack or the likes


Also, is it definite that he was 12? I have seen 7 as an age in a few locations as well. That's a pretty big difference in age and rider size there

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Between 4 and 5 g's on this ride? Is this right? Seems a bit high for a Disney ride. I've never been on RnR, can anyone confirm the G forces.


That could be right. But along with every other launched coaster in existence, it's only a brief period of force...not sustained.

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WTF is up with Disney and their streak of horrible luck (for lack of a better word)? I'm sure the safety alarmists will climb out of the woodworks and the government will want to limit future coasters and other rides.


No one knows yet if this kid had some type of pre-existing condition like heart problems? Isn't that what a few of the others had when they were on Mission: Space?


What are they going to do now? Is there going to be a RnR-lite version now? This is ridiculous. Perhaps a physician at each queue line is needed.

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The ride climbs to 85 feet and goes by Hollywood landmarks on its way through five inversions


Five inversions?


It's a vekoma. When it valleys, and it will, you have the chance to pick up to two more inversions going backwards.


Otherwise, a sad incident and no doubt will not bode well for Disney.



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Yeah, aside from Mission:Space's problems, it's truely unfortunate that Disney has had such bad luck (for lack of a better term) over the past few years. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a young girl (12-13ish?) die, or suffer a heart attack on ToT a while back? M:S is it's own separate situation, but man, there's really no explanation why so many have suffered on Disney rides that are no more intense than anything else out there.


My prayers go out to all the families.

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Sounds like yet another freak accident exacerbated by an unknown pre-existing condition.


No one's fault, really; just tragic.


And yes, the family will probably sue, but Disney's been sued for decades.




I did a bit of googling, and apparently, the shuttle does indeed never exceed 3G's (at least during its second stage). However, I'm pretty sure the shuttle gets 3 sustained G's, while coaster's only hit their 4 adn 5 G's for split seconds.

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Maybe part of the reason so many of these accidents have been happening at Disney is because people under estimate the rides. I remember when I went to Disney World on vacation with my family the phrase "it's a Disney ride, how bad could it be?" was used quite a bit. Since it's a family park I'm sure many people wouldn't expect even the thrill rides to be very intense and many people ignore signs, so that doesn't help. The same people might be more careful going on roller coasters and thrill rides at a park that caters more to 'thrill seekers'. It's sad that all these accidents have been happening, especially when it's because of an unknown pre-existing condition, but people really need to be more careful about what they ride and what they let their kids ride.

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Yeah, aside from Mission:Space's problems, it's truely unfortunate that Disney has had such bad luck (for lack of a better term) over the past few years. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a young girl (12-13ish?) die, or suffer a heart attack on ToT a while back? M:S is it's own separate situation, but man, there's really no explanation why so many have suffered on Disney rides that are no more intense than anything else out there.


My prayers go out to all the families.


The reason is BECAUSE it is Disney.


People get a false sense of security when are at Disney parks and do things they may not normally do. Also the sheer number of visitors adds into that equasion, hence why you could say that WDW is more dangerous than DLR.... Its not, but since it gets exponetially more visitors, then you have more opportunity for things to go wrong. Add into that that people with kids a certain age and or with pre-existing conditions... including terminally ill children and the elderly are more likely to go to Disney than another park, and it is a given that bad things will happen.


On a side note... considering the news of the parents of the kid who died on M:S suing Disney.... My lack of faith in humanity wouldn't put it past some a**hole parents to purposely take a kid with a bad heart or something on a ride so as to get some money from Disney... kinda like the guy who died at ROTM at USF....

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Statement from Walt Disney World

A 12-year-old male Guest was transported by ambulance to Celebration Hospital today at approximately 11:30 after riding Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster. We subsequently learned that he passed away.


We offer the family our deepest sympathies. A company representative is with them providing assistance.


We have closed the attraction pending an investigation. An initial review of the attraction shows the ride was operating normally. We have notified Orange County law enforcement. The state Bureau of Fair Rides Inspection has also been notified and will observe the inspection and review of the attraction.



its also in the "dramatic Headline" position on Local6.com

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Disney has by far the most attendance of any theme park chain in the country. 7 people died on Disney attractions in the last year - but that's out of 60-70 million people who went to Disney parks. On top of that, figure in the shock value that the media is going to get from mentioning a death on a Disney ride.


If the ride itself was at fault - like the BTMRR accident in Disneyland or the recent Screamin' collision - that's different. But when one or two people out of the hundreds of thousands or millions that have ridden a particular attraction dies due to a medical condition they shouldn't be trying to slam Disney for it.


First post from a long time lurker, btw.


EDIT: I see robgraves already covered this.... stupid people wanting me to work

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. . .since it gets exponetially more visitors, then you have more opportunity for things to go wrong.


I was thinking the exact same thing . . .they probably have a higher number of ride injuries compared to other parks, but as a percentage of overall park visitors, I'd bet they are on par with their competition.

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